I uploaded my game, called Crazy Aquarium, but it wasn't published. Did you receive it? How many days to publish it?
Hi Ulisses,
We did not receive the game as far as I can tell, can you please upload it again and let me know when you have so I can check it again?
I uploaded right now. Did you receive?
No it's not there! I've had other users report the same problem. Could you do me a big favour and send the arcade zip file to tomrdt@scirra.com please? Thanks for your time!
I click on "Submit Game" button, but nothing happens! :(
I'll send my game now.
Thanks for your help,
Please, check your mailbox. I sent name, instructions, description, logo...
Thanks, I received it. Will look at this over the coming days and will post back when I've worked out what's going on.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
This should now be resolved. Try uploading it again!
Yeah! It's working now! :)