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Thanks guys, should be fixed now!
Post your works in progress/ideas/screenshots etc in here!
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Welcome! Nice blog and thanks for the Construct 2 plug :)
deebee, have you seen our latest competition on the blog? Some good inspiration there!
Welcome to the site everyone as well!
I think there could be some really cool games made based around rotation :) The car demo you showed me before was very cool, so it's not limited to platform games either (thanks for the previous suggestions Kyatric!)
We've launched a new competition, details can be read about in our latest blog post here:
This is the official discussion thread! Questions or comments all welcome here.
Official Work In Progress Thread
Show us your screenshots!
It should never hide the tag input, I'm having trouble reproducing can you give exact steps?
It stops doing this now (been on my todo list far too long!) Should work a lot better now, any suggestions welcome.
By yellow arrow do you mean the yellow star?
Sorry I did miss this, will look into it.