Tokinsom's Forum Posts

  • There's vague plans for a plugin that can do tile-based 'painting' of levels directly in the layout editor, but I don't know if it'll make 1.0.

    This was about 2 years ago. -cries-

    I wonder if David even comes around here anymore. Guess it couldn't hurt to ask him. Simply being able to 'paint' some form of tile in Construct's level editor by holding left click works for me.. provided they have some properties of their own.

  • But as Clud_GL mentioned it, i don't think ist is necessary to assign values and properties to the tiles. Saving and loading as a graphic is enough i think.

    What would you use for this other than a sprite object? Also, if you want to interact with the tiles in any way they're going to need some kind of value. Think about things like terrain types - Your player's footstep sounds will change depending on what type of terrain you're walking on, or certain particles will be made when shooting a certain tile. Maybe some tiles will break when you stand on or shoot them. Some could be tiles that affect the player's movement like ice or treadmills. All of this would have to be added in the level editor too.

    Also, the editor would have to load all of your objects. Enemy spawners, doors, player start position, triggers, you name it. I figured using objects for everything would just be easier, but again, not the most practical approach I guess..

  • I've been working on my 'dream game' for the past few months now, and it's been going great - even better than I had expected. Gotta love Construct. However, I realized I'm going to have to make a tile-based level editor if I ever want to see it finished, and for a number of reasons. I'm sure most of you know what they are.

    So I started building one using Mort's example that uses arrays and the text manipulator object. I've made some progress and now have a working level editor with a snap-to grid. You can choose your tiles, flip/rotate them, give them private variables, change collision type, save to/load from files, and the like.

    Problem is, I don't know how practical it's going to be in the long run. For starters, the tiles you can select are actually sprite objects with multiple animation frames as the tiles. I chose to use sprite objects because I have no idea how I'd go about uploading an image and cutting it out into usable tiles, nor do I know how I'd manipulate and give said tiles the properties I mentioned earlier. Using sprite objects seems to be the only way to go.

    That brings up more problems. Because the level editor is a separate application from my game, there's no way to load these 'sprite object tiles' into the game because they only exist in the level editor. I can get around this problem by building the level editor inside my game's .cap, but because you can't transfer objects or layouts from .cap to .cap I'd have to rebuild it for every game I make. Not only that, but like I said earlier - each tile is a sprite object, so if you have too many of them in your level you're gonna get some major slowdown.

    Aside from all that, I'm not sure how I'd go about doing a few things like making a fill tool or selecting/modifying multiple tiles at a time.

    Finally, from what I've gathered there are a lot of people here who are begging for Construct to get a tile-based level editor, or atleast add the option. What's a 2D game maker without one? With all of that said, I propose we put our minds together and make our own. We can start with the one I made, or build a new one from the ground up (I hear using INIs or the S plugin would be better anyway. I'm not sure using mine would be the best way to go either, with everything I've mentioned about it.)

    Not having a tile-based level editor has been the only thing preventing me, and I'm sure a few others, from making all kinds of games. It has in MMF, It is in Construct, and I'm sure as hell not switching to GM or something else with one after spending so much time with the two.

    So what do you think?

  • Quite some time ago, I was working on an effect for color palettes, called C-DEX. It works quite similar to what you present, but without the need for any events. However, there was no feedback or overall interest in it, so I cancelled the development.

    Say WHAT? I've been looking forward to it for months ;.;

  • Oh, cool. Thanks man!

  • How would I go about externally loading sounds that are in a folder separate from the .cap or .exe? As in...


    Game>SFX>(numerous folders full of sounds)>sounds

    I tried

    +Start of layout

    -(Xaudio2) cache directory AppPath

    +Something happens

    -(Xaudio2) Autoplay file AppPath&"Sound.wav"

    Well that only plays the sound if it's in the folder the .cap or .exe is in. So I appended &"SFX" (Folder name is SFX) to the action in the first event, but that didn't work. I tried a few other combinations of AppPath and folders, but nothing worked.

  • It's not a bug; it's your keyboard. Most keyboards can only register a few keys at a time.

  • After like 3months of using Construct i am stuned and saden by how small progress ive made and how huge my own limitations are. That being said, i find myself unable to develope any game of my design using Construct.

    This topic is preety much my last hope.

    After like 3 years of using Klik n' Play, Click n' Create, TGF, Jamagic, MMF, MMF2, GM, Construct, and attempting python & C++, I'm stunned and saddened by how small progress I've made and how huge my own limitations are, HOWEVER I've come a long way, worked with a lot of people, and made close to 50 games (cough..'engines' and unfinished games at least) and am pretty happy to have gotten this far.

    Davioware is right; 3 months IS absolutely nothing when it comes to this stuff. I've been working with Construct since last june, and even though I've made a number of projects with it I've still barely grazed the surface.

    INI is pretty simple, and Construct pretty much handles it for you. If you don't like INI try arrays, if you don't like those try hashtables, if you don't like those either then hell I dunno, make a game that doesn't require saving or use Construct's save thing lol.

    If you still feel like throwing in the towel then good luck finding someone to program your game for you.

  • Ahhh I didn't really think about that.. Well thanks man this works great! I'll try to look over my events a bit more carefully next time.

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  • Blah. Tried a family but I'm not really sure how to use it in this situation. I recreated the bumping in this cap. Maybe someone can have a look?

    (Player 1 uses arrow keys, Player 2 uses A,D)

  • That would take forever. Maybe people could just look at the date before posting? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /> Not to be like that about it, but cmon now.

    (How do you end up on page 700 or whatever anyway, geez)

  • Say you've got an enemy with a value of 0 who collides with another instance of itself with a value of 1. In turn, the actions to that event apply only to the enemy with a value of 0.

    How would you turn that into an event? (I'm using a family "PlatformEnemies" by the way)

    To be a bit more clear, what I'm trying to do is get my platform enemies to turn around when colliding with eachother, but change which one turns depending on how they collide and which enemy is doing what at the time.


    Two enemies facing eachother collide - turn both around. That's an easy one.

    One enemy collides with an enemy who's currently turning around - Only turn around the enemy that wasn't turning.

    One enemy falls on top of another enemy who's facing the same direction - have the enemy that fell turn around, leave the other one as it was.

    One enemy somehow ended up overlapping the other enemy, and they're both walking in the same direction - Have one of those enemies stop until they're no longer overlapping.

    As far as I know there's really no way to write events like this.. I've been messing around with the advanced collision condition, but I still haven't gotten anywhere. Any ideas?

  • In my 2-player game, a player can run into the other player to knock him back a little bit. Both players get knocked back, but the one who wasn't moving, or was moving slower upon impact, gets knocked back farther.

    Problem is, player 1's "bumping" events are above player 2's, so player 1 always knocks player 2 farther back. If I put player 2's "bumping" events above player 1's, then he will knock player 1 farther back.

    I need both players to get knocked back the exact same distance when running towards eachother, or one of them will have an advantage. The problem is clearly with the order of events, but I have no idea what to do about it. Any ideas?

  • He does this thing where he locks you over his head and then waits, it's cheating.

    Hahaha I do that all the time! Atleast you can button mash your way out of it. No worse than constantly hitting the block underneath them.

    Anyway. Hmm..Well that helps a bit. I'll see what I can do.

  • Sorry to ask such a BROAD question...but what's the best way to do multiplayer?

    I'm trying to make a game similar to Mario Battle or whatever it's called. This:

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    Basically you have 2 players that are EXACTLY THE SAME except for their sprites and their controls. I've thought up a number of ways I can do this, but none of them seem..right.

    1. Make duplicates of player 1's collision and sprite masks, put everything in 1 family, then use the family in events instead of the actual objects and let Construct's object selection do the rest. That sounded easy enough until I found out if I change one collision mask to player 2, it changes the other one as well, and there's no way to change the platform behavior's player in events. So that's not gonna work.

    2. Make player 1 and player 2 completely different objects, but with the same values and events. That would be pretty easy except I would have to program everything TWICE, and AGAIN for each additional character. So much for 4 player That's not gonna work.

    3. A confusing combination of 1 and 2 that hasn't worked out too well so far.

    So. I haven't found any examples and this is my first time making a multiplayer game. I would greatly appreciate some help as I'm trying to finish this for a new years party! Thanks!