tinyBigGAMES's Forum Posts

  • ah i see, thanks for the feedback!

    yes i was refering to the second issue, the .exe im creating of my game being checked by the scanner.

    and no, its never come back with a false positive, it just takes up to 15 minutes to double check it and that would definitely be a problem if it was happening to people who bought the game

    is this a problem with all game development tools? that the developer themselves need to organise their own digital certificate? or is it more due to the fact construct itself doesnt export .exe files on its own?

    thanks again for your help!

    Now days, its a problem for all us developers. Overall its best to have a digcert and start to build a good reputation for your executables. It cost me $100US/year for my cert, which was the least expensive one, oh they get more expensive too. You can register either as a individual or a business entity such as an LLC for example. I used LegalZoom to register my LLC, that's gonna set you back at least $500+ depending on which features and services you have them do. But before you can get your cert, you must be "known" by Dun & Bradstreet and have a valid D-U-N-S Number. They will use D&B to verify you actually exist. All in all, it took a few months from the LLC to D&B to getting cert (took longer way longer to save up for it however, sigh). But once you go through all of that, you can fly then.

    Before you release any EXE, make sure your own virus scanner verify it as "clean", submit it to them as most company will allow you to submit for false positives. Submit to VirusTotal and to a new one I just found, Jotti. This way, you can minimize false positives and start to build a good reputation for them.

  • hey just wanted to say how incredibly useful i found this software to be!

    i used it on my construct 2 project and seems to work really well in just bundling things up in a clean .exe

    my only concern was once i generate a .exe file, my virus checker gets a bit freaked out and needs to check the file. is my version not generating the proper digital certificate you mentioned before?

    thanks again!

    Hi, thanks very much, I'm happy that you find it useful. If you right click on ExportBundle.exe, click properties you should see a digcert tab with valid info. That is for my released software, which help to mitigate virus issues and you can know that it's authentic. However, the exported exe would not have a digcert added, that would be something you have to do as it's associated with you as a legal entity. The runner exe is "clean" and hopefully you do not get a false positive, just being scanning to check it's validity? If the name is the same, it should stop after a while. You want to submit your bundle to virustotal to help eliminate any false positives. Better still, if you can add your own digcert to all your released EXEs. It's a process to get one however, took me a while and $$$ to get everything setup to pass their qualifications.

    I will continue to submit the runner exe to VirusTotal to help minimize any false positives also. Please do let me know if you continue to have virus related issues, any questions and/or concerns. I now have issue tracking setup on my website, feel free to submit bugs/suggestions. Thanks again.

  • Hi, you get two types of file output: a) your NWjs export as a single exe (you can use this as is), and b) a zip file that contains that bundled exe along with a readme, license file. If you have any features you want just let me know and I will try and get them added. Thanks again for your interest.

  • Hi there, tinyBigGAMES. I just tested your program and it works nicely. I do have some minor suggestions...

    • Allow user to resize the window so they don't have to scroll when filling out the version info.
    • Allow user to choose a location for the repackaged file.
    • Allow user to disable splash screen if they choose. I saw that you added a small "loading" graphic if one wasn't selected.
    • Allow user to choose how many seconds the splash screen displays.

    Otherwise, very nice job. Much easier to use than other solutions and doesn't add the bloat. (only 4mb was added to my 85mb test file) Do you plan to make this a paid product?

    Oh, and for the cautious (paranoid) like me, it's safe. Here's the VirusTotal.

    Oh, many thanks for the feedback. Those are great features and I will get them added. Yes you will be able to purchase direct from my website. It will remain free while in development so I can continue to get feedback. Hey thanks again. If you create an account on my website and leave me a PM, I can add you on the beta list. You will be able interact and post bug reports over there. For those that test and give feedback I will give you a free copy of the released products as a thank you for your support. And nice on the virus reporting. I was finally able to get my LLC setup and get a digital certificate that is now added to all our public executables.

  • Take your win32/win64 exports (*.nwjs.zip) and build a single-file exe/zip bundle.

    This project is currently work-in-progress, but function at this point. If it's something that would be beneficial to your project, give it a try and let me know how it works for you, what features you would like to see etc. will be much appreciated.




    • Create a single-file exe/zip from a win32/win64 c3 export
    • Add custom splash screen
    • Add version info/icon to exe
    • Send anonymous feedback and/or contact us directly from with in the app
    • Dark theme support


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  • Is it possible to use Node FFI with nwjs? I tried adding this in a script file but it will error:

    var ffi = require("ffi");
  • Been waiting for so long for the ability to use code in construct, so finally new beta today. Cool, I say, so go try to download, boom, server down. Try, try and try again, server down. Seems like issues with https, so I was able to grab it using HTTP link. Go figure. <rubbing hands together>, run it, try to log in, boom, can't. It's telling me something or another about the server down. Ok, so, I try, try and try again, finally get logged in. Enthusiasm starting to drop a little, slowly being replaced with frustration.

    Ok, so testing out things, do the alert("hello world"), nothing. No popup. WTF I'm thinking now. Close c3, reload, boom can't log in. OMG... now frustration is turning to anger. Finally, I'm able to see the script stuff working. So now let me export to NW.js and make sure that works. Try to export and boom, unable to load nw.js version, check your internet connection. OMG... talk about getting hyped up just to get kicked in the balls. And that is where I'm at at the moment if I close and restart interment problems logging back in. Can't seem to export because it's not able to connect to the server to download nw.js.


  • Hmm.. trying to download the latest build and I get this:

    Error 522 Ray ID: 45f6d46f4af2b8b3 • 2018-09-24 17:04:38 UTC

    Connection timed out

    Update: After a few hours, I was finally able to get it.

  • So I put together a little utility that can help automate using different versions of Construct3 desktop. Hopefully its useful to other people. Enjoy!

    1. Put in same folder as construct3.exe

    2. Enter version (87, 88, 89) or blank for latest stable

    3. Click [Run C3] button to load that version directly from the utility to test.

    Download (~1.5mb)

  • Try this:

    1. Edit package.json (backup just in case)

    2. Modify these sections "main" and "node-remote" URLs, adding /r87/ or whatever the latest at the end

    3. Save

    4. Remove the c3 cache folder in: \Users\<user-name\AppData\Loca\construct3\User Data\Default\Cache (backup just in case)

    5. Start C3, it will update to specified beta version

    Can someone please verify (devs, is this ok or will it cause problems?). I just got it working, have not done extensive tests to see if there are any side effects.

  • How do we get the beta releases in the desktop version now?

  • Cool, thanks, how's the performance on mobile??

    Good? Average?? Below Average??? Amazing??

    NP! Maybe someone using the mobile exports can chime in, I would be interested in knowing as well. As of right now, I'm aiming for desktop and HTML5 will be for demos, preview, coming-soon type of things. Desktop performance is amazing. I am totally surprised how well c2/3 + NW.js work. At 1st I was very skeptical... like "this ain't gonna work"... but it actually does.

  • Do the export options really work on C3? Has anyone tried???

    I only use HTML5 and NW.js and they work. Small issues ATM with NW.js but the exported output works fine, just it will crash the editor every so often for me. Bug reports have been submitted and should be sorted out soon enough.

  • Is anyone having issues with exporting to NW.js? I've posted 2 bug reports. A new update will be posted, it will work initially but after a while (maybe an 1 hour or so) it just begin to fail about 30% through the export. I get pissed an put it down, come back the next day and it will export, then as I'm working it starts to fail again. Very frustrating.

    Update: So right as I was posting this I was having the problem so I decided to reboot my computer then now it works. So its looking like run c3 desktop, closing it and starting it up again somewhere in there I start to having export issues????

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  • > You need to report them to https://github.com/Scirra/Construct-3-bugs/issues


    Ok, cool. Done it.