the_Shit_hawk's Forum Posts

  • could it be because its a subevent linked to on start of layout? it could be checking to see if P is being pressed on the start, as opposed to after the layer has started. something worth checking into, but yeah, whenever i switch a layout ill generally stop all music and restart it. you can create a seamless loop with an extra line or 2 of code, where as, every 1 second add 1 to MusicTimer, and on start of layout, play menuMusic from start point MusicTimer. if MusicTimer = MusicLength, Set MusicTimer to 0 (so when it loops it restarts the timer)

  • i assume youve figured this out, but for just a few items you could use global variables, after all, an array just stores variables on an axis. a numerical global variable is a 2 axis array. so you can say, { Player - on collision - item - { Destroy item, add 1 to itemVariable}}

    for this, i suggest you call your item variables '0','1','2','3', etc. you can create a note in your code to remind you what is what

    to show what item is currently selected, create a numerical global variable called 'Selected". create a sprite with all item possibilities. then, you would want your code to read along the lines of {every tick - sprite.uid# - set animation frame - Selected} . to cycle back and forth, you would only have to say, {On left press - -1 from selected} {On right press - +1 to selected}

    from here, you would want a safeguard in place, that would say, if selected < max, set selected to 0. this would create a loop, so once you got to the end you could continue cycling.

    how do i know whether i want to cycle left or right?

    you can make 2 copies of your item sprite, one on the left, one on the right.

    {every tick - sprite.uid# (sprite on left) - set animation frame - selected -1}

    and {every tick - sprite.uid#(on right) - set animation frame - selected +1}

    again, you have that bit of safeguard, to keep from max+1 or 0-1.

    Max +1 is an easy fix, as you just add a copy of your sprite in the 0 slot of your animation into your last frame, and set your max(return to 0) to 1 number less than your actual max frame count(or animation count).

    the 0 is a bit trickier, however, still simple. {If Selected =0,Sprite.uid#(onleft) -Set animation frame - Max

    this shouldnt be too hard to implement, and should only take up 2 or 3 events.

    i almost forgot,

    as far as knowing how many of each item you have

    If Selected = x, set text.uid to x. what this would do, is if Item displayed in middle box is item "1" , the text becomes the value of variable "1" which would be the amount of that item you have, while setting the animation frame in the middle box to match (assuming your frames match your item number variables)

    because you named your items '0','1','2','3, etc, you can use the same variable to call on all instances of the item, from your inventory count, to the frame displayed in your selection sprites. if you were to name your items "hammer" etc in your variables, you would have to code out each one instead of using math, such as selected+1. if you dont like having raw numbers as variable names, id suggest item0 item1 item2, and then call on them as "item"&selected

    its 230 am, so im not my sharpest, i may have overlooked a thing or two, but that should assemble most of a working basic inventory.

  • youre simulating down but only while its pressed. if youre trying for a fade away effect, i suggest just using another variable. when enter pressed set variable to 1, if variable 1 simulate control down

  • i remember in c2 there was a stipulation where unlicensed users had to use the stock scirra construct 2 loading screen splash' i was curious if that is the same with c3? granted, i do enjoy the c3 splash much more, and plan to purchase a license within a month or so, so the answer is kind of irrelevant to me, but im sure theres someone else out there wondering the same.

  • CONDITION: using SYSTEM >>> BOSS_dashing = 1

    ACTION: BOSS super dash attack badaboom badabang

    CONDITION: on end of animation of big BOSS badaboom

    ACTION #1: set BOSS_moving = 1

    ACTION #2: set BOSS_dashing = 0

    And that's all there is to it

    personally id prefer to put it as :

    CONDITION: on end of animation of big BOSS badaboom

    ACTION #1: set BOSS_dashing = 0

    ACTION #2: set BOSS_moving = 1

    , its not much of a difference, but can create animation bugs if 2 are on at once. something to think about also, is whether damage is done pre animation, during animation, or post animation. by doing post animation you could implement a block feature, where is if dashing = 1, and on collision, -sub event - x pressed damage = 0, x not pressed damage =20. sorry, thats nowhere near as nice as the prior badabooms, but i tried.

  • when using multiple enemies you can also use instance variables to give each instance of an object its own unique health value, sort of like in mariokart how you have battle mode w the 3 balloons, each player doesnt die until hit 3 times.

  • free version has a few limitations, but the two big ones are layers and event limits. you can only have 2 layouts, and 50 events, so you may have gone over 50 events with your project. if not you may have implemented a behavior onto a sprite or used too many sprite fonts; just some ideas of things to check.

  • this is what i have at the moment, ... n.c3p?dl=0 , theres 5 variables to even out the left/right spawning, but if i could narrow that down to 1 or 2 events itd be nice. events in question are 14-18

  • another angle question; im trying to set bullet angle of motion between the angle of 315, 45 if A, 135,225 if B. B is easy as its random(135,225) , but upon typing in random(315,45) i realize theres no way for the engine to know what the max number is, even though it IS angles. so i guess my question now, is how would i set it to pick a random angle between 315,360 - OR - 0-45 ? to work around it ive made 3 variables, but i was curious if there was a way to range angles like that

  • thank you much

  • awesome. so it seems what i was doing wrong, was that i had the image point at the top of a vertical rectangle instead of a horizontal one. i dont know why i didnt think of invisible instead of constantly creating/destroying, i think its because i started out with bullet behavior. you can use a combination of emitters with the sine behavior and platforms with solid and bullet behaviors to make 'randomly' generated platforms/sprites

  • it would be the same as you selling your game on google, and somebody charging money for people to watch them play. i would suggest you get yourself a sort of contract, get yourself some sort of royalty off of it if its something theyre going to be openly showing for money. granted, marketings there, you can tell people "i did that thing in the museum", but if 40-50 years down the line theyre still showing it for $12 a person, you'll appreciate the royalty checks.

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  • i do believe the way it works is that the license allows you to sell exported games. it seems in your case, your plan is to make a game or interactive video into an end product, and then export that, and sell them the finished file. that would be allowed. you could even include the construct file, though ill advised. however, they would need a liscense if they wanted to alter anything, even fix a typo, and then re export it and use it in a commercial manner (for monetary gain). I don't think the museum would need a liscense to display the end product; just as random game hosting website wouldnt need a scirra liscense to host your finished game. the liscense is for use of the engine, not for use of product made on the engine; selling bits of code may be a gray area without a license, however, as you say youve purchased one, you should be fine. ive currently been researching this, and this is what i've gathered. i am in no way employed or endorsed by scirra, so please dont take what i've said as law. also, to my understanding theres a TOS file with the license, it may be addressed in there, however if not, im sure you could email support for a proper response.

  • i understand this is a 2 year old post, but if youre still interested in learning and sharing ideas lmk

  • also could use variables, so that every time the enemy moves it adds 1 to distance traveled variable, when distance traveled variable = target, add 1 to scale variable. that should effectively scale their distance to their relative closeness. you can also use this to add x to speed, so that as they get closer they move faster.