TELLES0808's Forum Posts

  • For sure

    Just make your own physic system, using variables and conditions.

    You'll also need to simulate a gravity system, if you want make it look like a real jet pack game, or, if it's on space, acceleration and deceleration, because space don't have gravity and if you get an impulse, (an acceleration for a limited time), you'll keep the final speed after the impulse depleting.

  • I'm having serious issues with sound sync because of fps and it's variation.

    Well, I'll handle the sound sync later, but to start the solution, C2 can handle the limit of FPS?

    Why of it? I'm running the project on a laptop, where it show average 60fps, but on my gaming computer, it's near of 200fps, the animation finished 3 times before the music..

    Yes, I'm using .dt for everything, and maybe time scaling it would work, but I don't want go this way at this time.

    Do you know any magic to keep the frame rate at 60fps or less?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • You can, also, use a mix of Sine and random variables to make your own particle system.

    Watch this code (it's not mine, but I don't remember where it from...)

  • I can give you the tip: Download the sandBOX and study the code, there have a lot of poses and polished animations.

  • This is trick to do...

    Well, you can follow the links and on the last one you have the sollution.

    Main issue:

  • Well, I don't know in English, but in my main language we call it by hand artwork with a mix of pastel colors.

    not sure if hand artwork means what we call in portuguese, but is this way.

    The artist did the artwork on a paper, scanning it to photoshop, I mean, drawing the outlines and coloring later.

  • it says "unable to open x/xxx/x/game for unzipping"

    and when i try to rename it to .zip to unzip, it says no file. but the file size is correct. What is wrong?

    That's why I'm using folder version for everything.. When C2 crash (and it's crashing every time I exit my project) randomly break the project, so, I go inside the .caproj and investigate what's wrong. 9 of 10 times is the texture folder missing a texture file...

    But some days the texture problem never occur, it's a total randomly event..

    So, I give you the tip, use the folder save style and copy the directory every day, or you're in risk of lose all your job..

  • I like this idea ;] The animation editor is not so intuitive as the rest of the interface right now. I?m missing badly a preview animation button.

    Double click to insert new frame in the frame stripe would be a welcome addition too.

    You can preview at this time, right click on the animation name (right menu inside the editor) and click on preview. =]

  • A right click-> set to all would work

    No, it don't.. if you wound't apply to all frames, only for 10 of 100 frames in a big animation...

  • I re-installed, still happening. I don't know why it don't keep the changes on the editor for this texture =(

  • Construct R99.

    * Issue:

    • Particle anchor point crash.

    * How to reproduce:

    • Open a new project;
    • Import a object, place it on the Canvas;
    • Create a particle object;
    • Setup the first object with the particle as you desire;
    • Edit the animation of the particle, select the point button and right click over the Origin, select any option inside it and C2 will crash.

  • Construct R99.

    * Issue:

    • Particle color won't change.

    * How to reproduce:

    • Open a new project;
    • Import a object, place it on the Canvas;
    • Create a particle object;
    • Setup the first object with the particle as you desire;
    • Configure it and edit its animation to be 1 pixel;
    • Paint the pixel white;
    • Exit the animation editor;
    • Play the game;
    • Watch the spray color white;
    • Back, edit the color on the particle proprieties or animation editor;
    • Exit the frame editor;
    • Go back to the editor, confirm, it still white..

  • Hello,

    Here's Telles again with his little idiotic suggestions <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    How about multi select frames on the editor to edit some proprieties?

    For example, if you have an animation and want edit the frame speed of the first 2 sprites and the last 20 sprites, actually you'll need make it one by one.

    If you could select them using CTRL and SHIFT (like the selecting system to import multi files), it will speed up you job.

    Another example, I have a boss, he died, his animation for the dying have about 50 frames, 25 of them will need to be 2 times slower than the others.

    Or you export the project in folder and edit the source file (and may broke something) or make it one by one. The same if you want change the origin point, the collision polygon, etc.


  • IIDs and UIDs in the editor don't change depending on the Z order, but they do change if you delete and insert instances. Because of this you should not rely on knowing UIDs or IIDs in advance at all - the instance with UID 3, for example, could change to a different object if you add or delete some things in the layout view. This could easily break your game or make it work differently "randomly" (it will seem random to many users because they won't realise certain things they did changed the UIDs and IIDs). For this reason I don't think UIDs or IIDs should ever be displayed in the editor, in order to discourage this bad practice.


    Using IGM and Stencyl, we can handle the specific object on the canvas after placing it, because the software will return to you a name for that object, so, if you have 10 Ogres using the same "gadget" (a gadget is where they put the behavior and animations, just like an object for C2), but you can handle each gadget on the canvas just calling his name.

    Something like this:

    You placed 10 Gadget "Ogre" on the layer 2.

    The software will return to you a specific name, ogre_01, ogre_02, etc.

    Editing the source code, you wanna do different AI for each one, because one of them will pick an axe on the ground, the other will pick a spear, etc.

    It's just how these softwares works for me.

    Now, think how a beginner will feel bad if he need to make an advanced code to search the UID/IID and after all this, he will destroy that gadget and will lose all his code (or will make random weird things on the screen after lacking the right UID).

    The best to make here, in my lowly opinion, C2 should use a unique automatic indexing system to help beginner don't get lost, and speed up their learning curve.

    I'm really worried about the UIDs, because my main game use modular characters, with dozens of sprites (pants, weapons, etc) and they have the possibility to pick things on the screen, like a sword on the ground (just like little fighter) and after learning about the issues around IID, I should never destroy an enemy, or anything on the screen, because it can break the game.

    So, now, the workaround used was recycling the enemies in different places of the stage (one good thing) but it will be a bad practice when talking about memory usage, etc.

    Don't get mad with me, I'm just an curious about game, I do it for hobby, and I hope the better for C2, true it.

  • I was in need of it, and figured out how to obtain with your suggestions folks!

    Thanks a lot all the help.

    The final result is that little smoke on the little spaceship at the end.. ^^