Taz's Forum Posts

  • 15 posts
  • If you don't mind it instantly moving to where your mouse is. I think destroying the object, and then re-creating it at Mouse.X and Mouse.Y works well. That's what I use for my physics-based game with checkpoints.

  • Taz The gamepad works to request full screen here.

    What Construct 2 build are you on? Could you write what your event looks like to request full screen with a gamepad?

  • guys fullscreen wont work until interaction happens. I do this by adding event touch like on any touch> go fullscreen. It works 100%

    No that isn't the problem. I can set it to go fullscreen just fine with a keyboard button or a mouse click, but it won't work with a gamepad button to turn on fullscreen, but works fine if it's turning off fullscreen. I wanted my game to have full-controller support on Steam when I eventually publish it there, so this would be a problem since the player would have to use the mouse or keyboard to turn on fullscreen.

  • Bump. Any help would be appreciated for my comment above.

  • Why can we leave fullscreen with a gamepad button but not enter the fullscreen mode?

    Why is there a difference between a keyboard key and a Gamepad Button on doing this?

    Any news about this problem? Is this issue fixed on construct 3?

    I'm having this same issue. I've recently added an option in my game to toggle fullscreen on or off. It works perfectly fine using a keyboard button to toggle, and gamepad works when I'm turning off fullscreen, but I can't turn fullscreen on with the controller button. Help would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • Here's my game made with Construct 2 called "Don't Bomb Me Bro!" on Kongregate: http://www.kongregate.com/games/Tatemartin/dont-bomb-me-bro

    I would appreciate ratings and feedback on the game. I'm trying to place in the weekly contest and it would help me. Thanks for your time.

  • Hi everyone. I've recently published the game and would appreciate ratings and feedback on it. I'm trying to place in the weekly contest and you playing and rating the game would help. Thanks for your time. http://www.kongregate.com/games/Tatemartin/dont-bomb-me-bro

    Guys i desperately need 1$ FOR humble bundle sale it's gonna end in 13 hours so please do whatever you can i need 1 buck only please here is my paypal email: -

    If you're talking about the "Game Maker" bundle; then you still have 13 days to come up with a dollar.

  • So far it has worked as expected

    That's good to know.

  • >

    > > I think Windows sometimes shows that message for downloaded executables that it deems are "not commonly downloaded". Obviously when we first release a download, it's not commonly downloaded yet, so I think it needs some time to recognise that the file is OK. I'm a bit surprised it shows a message, the installer is digitally signed to prove it comes from us.

    > >


    > That makes sense, but I do wonder what "xifhf" stands for in the .exe name since I noticed the other versions don't have that. Thanks for informing me.


    That is very worrying. My file looked like this construct2-r221-setup_klfgf.exe and had same message, which I bypassed. Ashley

    Why is it very worrying; what do you think is wrong? I wonder why they have different names.

  • I think Windows sometimes shows that message for downloaded executables that it deems are "not commonly downloaded". Obviously when we first release a download, it's not commonly downloaded yet, so I think it needs some time to recognise that the file is OK. I'm a bit surprised it shows a message, the installer is digitally signed to prove it comes from us.

    That makes sense, but I do wonder what "xifhf" stands for in the .exe name since I noticed the other versions don't have that. Thanks for informing me.

  • I had it, im running windows 10, the message said that windows had protected my pc and stopped the app from running, so i ran it manually, and works just fine.

    Thanks for responding. I wonder if anyone else has had any problems.

  • Today I saw Stable r221 was available, so I downloaded it with no problem, but when I went to run the .exe; Smartscreen popped up saying it could be unsafe and that it was an unrecognized app. I don't think it would be unsafe, but has anyone else seen this? Did you run it without problems. I'm using Win. 8.1 if that matters. Thanks.

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  • I wouldn't think it would need an adult rating, but I'm not sure.

  • I think it's a fun game from what I've played; I kept dying on level 2, but I plan on playing again and getting past it. If you have the time; you should check out my Underground game called "Clumsy Chris and The Cryptic Cave" and leave a comment telling me what you think of it. Thanks.

  • 15 posts