tarek2's Forum Posts

  • and if the 'front' is set to solid ---> the event doesn't trigger. Seriously?

    How do I fix this, this was supposed to be a vital mechanic (to be able to see walls, which are solids)

    (or am I just doing it wrong?)

    is not very clear what you trying to do

    1-if you set the Line of sight settings (obstacles) to "solid" and you made the (Front object "solid") too then nothing will happen because you blocking the line of sight

    2- Even if you remove the solid behavior from the (front object) and it works then the "Roof object" unless you have in a container you will destroy all the Roof objects

  • Artpunk

    Indeed that was really interesting and informative read Thank you so much for taking the time and sharing your experience and for all the awesome tips it will definitely be really helpful for all of us that are new to mobile development, and also was very inspiring to keep me working and pushing to that direction as most of the post you find related to Mobile are or had bad experiences so is very refreshing to hear positive experiences like yours to keep the motivation is like you game an Extra boost battery haha

    [quote:1elsurro]Sorry for the wall of text. I got on a roll.

    No man Keep Rolling don't be sorry post like this is like a Golden Mine and you don't find them very often well you don't find them at all, indeed will be nice to have a dedicated section just for the mobile development where you can find awesome Tips like this and people sharing their experiences will be great to hear from people that already have experience in that area

  • Looking awesome!! Congrats nice job

    Nice memories from Ghost & Goblins

    Wish you a lot success with your game

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  • jobel

    I see, thanks a lot for the info I guess I will have to try it by myself because everyone has different results probably.

    [quote:uzfs0tk1]but honestly after hearing Artpunk talk about it, maybe I should keep at it. My game is mostly complete, so I'm leaning towards giving it another shot. I will update the thread on my progress.

    +1 will be awesome to see updates about this

  • jobel

    Thanks for sharing your experience really interesting I think post like this it should be sticky so all of you that have experience with developing to Apps can share the experiences and tips and all of that, I been trying to get into the mobile development and I been making for some time a game for mobile to try it and see how it looks like the adds IAP and all of that, after reading this and many more post I'm really thinking if is the right way to go as it sounds very depressing.


    So do you think is still a viable method to make money, how is been your experiences with your Apps revenue etc... I don't ask the amount you make just a general it is good worth it, you know all that to have a general view.

    Also congrats for your game I have it on my iPhone and is really fun to play

    Also, this question is for everyone:

    I'm curious as I have the C3 license but waiting that they fix the adds, So all these problems that you guys have had happened only when you export with C2 exporters or will happen the same with C3 exporters swell?? basically is the c3 exporters any better and what are the differences between (c2 & c3) exporters or they are both the same

    I'm very curious on this

  • darkrealos

    You know what forget about my capx will not work either sorry for that, I just noticed that if you place three different groups of one Demon Vs one Human then this will happen:

    Two of that group of three will be waiting until that random pick>> it picks one from that group, meaning that Two of the groups it can be (Human overlapping Demon) and both of them not getting hit for several seconds because the pick random didn't pick them yet so they can be there fighting each other but not getting Damage.

    so basically this is a bigger problem than it looks jeje so now the question is how exactly you wanna to happen and how your game will be working, example:

    will it be different groups of Demons vs Humans fighting far from each other example first group here and another group at a farther distance if so how you wanna resolve the hittings Damages pick every 2 secs Random from each group independently or just pick one (demon and one human) from all the objects and apply the damage, you need to be more concrete here because there are many scenarios that can happen that can break the logic that you wanted in the first place

  • tarek2 ahh sorry i should of mention it is on for each family. so that it selects each unit and the code does work in a sense because ive done it where it overlaps with 1 or 2 units and it takes the correct amount of hits to kill them the problem is that they hit all the objects at the same time instead of hitting them 1 at a time

    I see what you mean now, and also I see that dop2000 gave you a really good solution

    one thing I I will add to the dop2000 example I hope you don't mind is that you don't need the "For each" in this case other ways it will happen the same thing that you trying to avoid


    Health 80

    Every Hit = Takes 5 from health

    So if three Humans overlap one Demon the Human will take damage 5 x3 =15 each hit you will fix this by removing the "for each" unless you wanna that to happen

    capx >> all credits goes to dop2000


    Drag the Humans and vice-versa and place them between the enemies to see them taking damage

  • darkrealos

    There are two things it may help to fix your problem:

    1- The overlap it may not be suitable for this task because when (object1) is overlapping (object2) it will subtract from health that quick that you wouldn't even notice as the overlap is true every thick that's why the health goes that quick, you can replace with on collision maybe

    2-If you need to apply some actions to objects of the same instance individually remember to use the (For Each) to that object so it will apply to all of the instances individually

    You can find the "For Each" in System>>>For Each>>> Then choose the object

  • fens

    The way you wanna do it without Families and with one object will hurt performances a lot plus much more complicated but

    Will this be good enough performance?

    They don't shoot between the same teams, the teams are made of group of two

    Capx: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5n9i79fey96pjmm/Team%20Pick%20No%20Famlies.capx?dl=0

  • Yw mate Glad to help

  • It may (Line of sight) will work better for you situation, will help you avoid the (every thick)

    I forgot to destroy the bullets when are outside of layout I leave up to you, I hope it helps

    Capx: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tnvdk4rbqvi1zlc/Drones%20Follow%20%26%20Shoot.capx?dl=0

  • Hi,

    When create new event sheet 2 write all coding but its not working

    It may you forgot to include the new Event shet in the main event shet, you have to link them


    When you create a new project you have one event sheet by default lets call it "Event sheet1" then when you create a new event sheet then you do:

    Go to (event sheet 1) and Right click with the mouse then the options will come up then choose "Include event sheet" then choose the new event sheet to include that's it

    Manual : https://www.scirra.com/manual/82/includes

  • Gordo1958

    If I understand correctly you need to:

    1-When clicking any ball the icon linked to that ball has to hide

    2-Same for the buttons, when clicked button the shadow linked to that button, has to hide

    All of this Linking without using "Variables" or "Pin Behavior" not many options left

    Will be easier if you share the capx and all the steps and linking that you want and you don't wanna is hard to guess everything how has to link

    See if this can help you:

    Linking no pin, no Variables:

    Capx: the icons are flashing instead of hiding but you can change it to however you like
