TabloidA's Forum Posts

  • What kind of a game is it? It's harder to name a game if we don't know what the concept of the game is.

    The game looks great btw!

  • Here's ConstructMonokai v1.0:

    First one is non-selected. Second one is selected. Will post an XML file soon.

    EDIT: Works/looks best with View Style "Visual Studio 2012 Dark"

  • That works wonderfully! Thanks for sticking through with me on this

    Very much appreciated

  • There are actually quite a few threads dedicated to showing off dev's work:

  • You can make potentially anything in Construct 2. It gives you the tools, the only thing you need is the time, patience, and skills to pull a polished game off. Games like The Next Penelope are perfect examples of this.

    So yes, you can do something like that. But it's going to take a lot of work. Best of luck!

  • I appreciate the effort Unfortunately my screen is 1920x1080 (As I use a TV monitor, which works quite well as a PC monitor.)

    Photo of it here:

    Here's a photo of how much you can see whether or not it's fullscreened:

    I really don't want you to do any more work than you have to, but just letting you know about these sort of issues; although they may happen to not many

  • The only issue I've been having is that the program doesn't fit my screen perfectly. It could just be the resolution of my monitor, but the top and bottom of the program is cut off.

  • Actually later tonight I'm going to try making a Monokai(a classic code editor theme) theme for Construct 2 when I get the time. I'll post my progress here when I've done a reasonable amount of it.

  • My very first game, i'm very new in pixel art world, and i know, this is ugly, it's a prototype, i will put more things, and the point of my game will be the story

    (Sorry for any typing errors, i'm brazilian.)

    It seems like you're doing good so far though!

  • Looks great!

  • I honestly adore this program. And I think the fact that it's built in C2 doubles it's charm!

  • The way I do random levels is have a variable set to (for example) "LevelNum". Then when you need a new random layout, you assign a random number to the variable with a "floor(random())" function. Then you have a check that basically checks what number is in the variable, and sets the layout accordingly.


    After player docks => Set var "LevelNum" to floor(random(3))
        If "LevelNum" is 0 => goto Layout 1
        If "LevelNum" is 1 => goto Layout 2
    There might be a simpler way, but that's the way I do it. It allows for more customization with which levels you want to be randomized.
    As for the speed indicator, could you possibly put a pixel indicator on the ship itself along with the angle speed text? It will stay Blue if you're fine to dock, and flash or stay solid red when you're going too fast.
  • It has the potential to be a rage-inducing game, that's for sure

    That could just be that I'm bad at it though.


    The overall controls are nice, I see now that you added a left and right propulsion (Q&E) since I last played. This is hard to explain, but at times it can get disorienting and hard to tell whether you're travelling right or left, up or down.


    The graphics are really cute. The simple art really fits the gameplay. It lets you focus more on the objective than being bombarded by flashy art.


    The gameplay is nice and calming, although it can be a bit aggravating if you mess up one little bit, since it's hard to recover. And expanding on what I said above, losing track of what buttons you're pushing can sometimes cause you to lose track of which direction you're travelling. (Which I guess in a way is part of the challenge of the game) The collisions of the ship can make things a bit annoying too. You think you're about to dock when wham, you explode. Especially on the levels with moving parts to dock onto. EDIT: I realize now after playing a bit more that this could have to do with how fast you're travelling, etc.

    As for level progression, it can be annoying to go from a straight shot to dock (Level 1) to a moving platform that requires you to travel at more of an angle (Level 2). I'd say make each level introduce a new added challenge, don't just throw the player in. (Especially on starting levels. These are the first the player will play. You don't want them to get super frustrated without really getting far into the game.)

    Conclusion of this cheap little review

    Different parts of what I said above could apply towards helping improve your game or not, depending on the type of game you're going for. All-in-all though, I really enjoy this little game Great job so far.

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  • Looks good so far! One thing you should try to avoid is punishing the player for making a mistake. For instance, on the first level if you fall off of the platforms there's no way to get back up except restarting. You should try to avoid things like this because it can really turn people off your game. Good work so far though!

  • Looks good so far! Can't wait to see what you do with this