Sumyjkl's Forum Posts

  • Hey peeps!

    I just finished a new project! Take a look!

    Light up the ghosts like it's Christmas!

    Play it HERE

    A game about taking souls to the other side.

    Link to game page!

    The first version was made in 2 days (cause I had work that week) as part of the Games Made Quick 2.0 Jam on

    I then updated it yesterday with more levels (to be restructured maybe) and upgrades.

    Hope you enjoy!

  • Better than "Tili"??? Just kidding. But seriously that's a fun game. You should have it as an un-lockable mini-game in Tili.

    Hahaha, pretty much! I'll think about it :p This was an old project sitting in my folder, so I spent about an hour or two fixing it up because why not!

    BTW... the initial score is always half of your last score????

    When you die it only halves your score, but when you start the game it is reset to 0. So if you get a good run, you have a better chance of getting to that previous score.

  • I played a little here, the game is very good.

    Remove the reset checkpoint, this discourages the player.


    Do you mean how the game resets until you get to the first checkpoint or how it resets after you've lost all your lives?

    I've considered making it so that you can still finish the level but the level shows how many times you've died in the score. The game is meant to be hard, but yes, not discourage the player.

  • guimaraf

    Thanks for the report. Took me a while to figure it out, but it should work now!

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  • ankas Yes. floor(x) rounds down to the nearest whole number.

    floor(1.7) = 1

    floor(1.7 * 10) = 17

    floor(70 / 64) = 1

    floor(70 / 64) * 64 = 64

    floor(137 / 64) * 64 = 128

    Divide first so that it is rounding based on that number, then round. Then multiply to get back to the original scale.

    You can also use mod(x, y) which returns the remainder of a division.

    scrollx = player.x - mod(player.X, 64)

    This will round down to multiples of 64. The mod() function returns what's left after dividing (the remainder), which is what we want to get rid of.

    If you are using rooms or what have you, and need to have the camera be in a set position instead of at intervals, you can place objects which on collision move the camera to its center.

  • Updated to a031! Updated with redone character animations!


    · level 4 added, level 5 replaced with a new level

    · completely redid character animations (yay red hair and movement!)

    · restructured level select layout

    · new main icon

    · pickup text

    · game remembers where you were when you left the level selection level

    · new badge for not using any checkpoints

    · new 100% completion badge sprite, updated finished badge

    · new tutorial!

    · new button and some GUI sprites


    ·debug teleport now disables score

    · fixed some wrong tiles

    · fixed loader layout not displaying correctly

    · I'm sure there's something else that used to be broken...

  • Tili level 4

  • Is this for a browser game or desktop?

    If it's for a browser, it's probably best to allow the user to click off the game (this is a convention for browser objects), so making the cursor invisible is a better idea.

    For desktop, fullscreen should make the mouse bound to the window.

    Is there any reason you need the mouse to not be able to move at all?

  • I'd use an array; sort the array however and then pop a cell when a notification disappears.

    Since the notifications' UIDs are based on their position in the array, they'll automatically move up.


    for 0 to array.Width

      pick notification with UID array.At(loopindex)

      set notification.Y to (0 + loopindex * notification.Height)

    You can also use lerp or some other method to move them more gradually, but that means you have to set their position correctly when they are first created.

    The fade behavior is for the visual effect, and the array takes care of the rest. ... 2ZRQ2tTRVE

  • I'm trying to make a filter that adds corners and slopes to a generated tilemap.

    Like this:

    Anyone know how to do this without this?

    Or this?

    I'm guessing the solution is super simple, I just can't seem to figure it out.

    Edit: currently looking into using a dictionary to fill out the list of rules and then apply them automatically



    Dictionary stores strings of four numbers, (can be more complex, but for the sake of not sitting here for 5 hours making the rules) one for each direction, up down left right. Then it checks which sides have different tiles, and loads them into a string. That string determines the tile sprite to display.

    Then I have a quick mechanic for dynamically setting/erasing tiles.

  • Update a025

    Mega Update ahoy!


    · all new level detail popup for doors; shows score and achievement (e.g. done without deaths, 100 score or just finished)

    · level scores can be cleared individually (hover over score number at the door to the level)

    · now layout data capable, meaning colormaps and many other things (even starting lives, etc.) can be changed in each level

    · waterfalls! (they're a bit laggy, so will be somewhat rare)

    · level3 added

    · showcase level with night mode

    · now has alternate controls for those who don't wish to use the mouse (but they will be inherently ridiculously hard)


    · fixed traps firing incorrectly when paused

    · tidying up some code stuff

    · several map edits, making many easier

    · fixed noise still visible after fighting gameEndDemon

    · fixed [level]_scoreMax not saving to webStorage

    Question is, can you finish level 1 with 0 score? >:)

  • Use floor(x / y) * y to round (down) to a number.

    E.g. scroll to floor(player.X / 128) * 128 will scroll every 128 pixels.

    You can also set up areas manually to set scroll position. On collision scroll to the object.

  • I love your game but i have a few note.

    1. you own domena is better than someone host

    2. sometimes check point don`t save my progress game

    Thanks! The checkpoints are only used if you have lives left, otherwise it resets the level. I'll be making this a lot more clear soon.

    1. It's not in beta quite yet, so it's low priority. I'll put it on its own domain eventually, or release it on a proper platform.

  • Work in progress for a level selection popup for my current project, Tili.

    And suddenly a rocketeer guy which doesn't have a purpose yet.