stuatk's Forum Posts

  • OH BLIMEY!!!!!

    Thank you. That catches me out all the time!!!!!!!!!

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  • It was just me!!! I get caught out by this often - setting booleans have a different action to number and strings - bloody confusing - wish there was just "TRUE" and "FALSE" option in the compare value...

    I've filed a bug but was wondering if anyone else has found this glaring oversight...

    1. create a variable of type boolean.

    2. create a new style function.

    3. now in the function add an action: "System - Set Value"

    You should be able to find your boolean - but you can't.

    If you edit your variable and change it to a number, the function can now find it! (as expected)

    So basically I think bools have not been added to function... jeez.. more thorough in house testing required!! Rather than adding new features!

    To me it also illustrates how people don't really us booleans.. You'd of thought it would have been reported by now... hey, maybe it has...


  • Thanks for that!

    Yeah, the C2 local preview was MUCH better... so many things are worse because of choosing to make the editor run in the browser only..

    I only have ios devices so can't say if its as flakey with Android and windows..

  • before I start trying to track the problem down, I was wondering if anyone else is having remote preview problems..

    it seems to get stuck during "Connecting" ... says 1 client connected .. total uploaded 0 bytes.


  • not the variable name itself but the initial value can be in quotes:

    Add Local Variable Dialog

    Name: myVariable

    Type: String

    Initial value: "something in quotes" <<< this can be put in quotes..


  • thanks for posting.

    I think the confusion is because everywhere else you enter a string value (function params, comparing variables, setting variables) you put the string in quotes.

    So if you've been doing a lot of this - then jump and create a new string variable - you automatically stick the value in quotes... because everywhere else you do this...

    I just creates a difficult to track down bug... just got to be super careful I suppose...

  • I understand why quotes are allowed around string variables - incase you need this: "Bert" as the variable itself.

    But I think a warning "Did you mean to put quotes around your string variable?" pop up would save lots of bug tracking... because one hardly ever needs a string variable containing quotes!

    Just wanting a bit of feed back before I bother filling out a suggestion form.

    Thanks :)

  • Just played it, brilliant work! Plays really nice and looks top notch.


  • Actually, the z order list isnt very good at selecting instances its too contextual... basically if you cant SEE the instance you want to select on the layout, then you almost can't get at it!

    Which in my humble opinion is UTTER RUBBISH.

    Come on!... I've never come across an editor that doesn't present its instances (objects in the scene) in a list... pretty fundamental stuff...

  • HA!!!!!!

    Z Ordering Bar ! .. Where've you been all my live. I love you.***

    So, incase anyone doesn't know apart from me -

    Use the Z Order list

    *** hmmmm I don't love it, its nice, but it does some strange context filter thing depending on what you have selected... and it does'nt list things on hidden layers.

    I think it would be less confusing just to have it list every thing on the layout all the time...

  • For very good reasons other game engines allow you to select an instance on the layout via a list view.

    This is very handy if the thing you're after is invisible. And its usually quicker in general anyway..

    (think Hierarchy view in Unity, think "layer Property" window in Game Maker, Godot... blah blah - I think just about every game engine has one)


    Don't know about you but I keep expecting the Layers window to be like a hierarchy view, little side arrows next to the layout name, you click on it and it expands a list of all the instances on that layout. Then you can click on it, drag it to another layer, copy it, edit its props... etc.

    Am I missing something or does C3 not have a list of instances anywhere? (the debugger has a glorious one!)

  • Ah ok, thanks. It’s done on Facebook dev portal.


  • any one worked out how to set these up?

    I've tried using a "use loader layout" and setting loader style to "none". But still get a blue screen.

    Anyone had success with this?


  • in the facebook dashboard, where you set up the adds, it seems to only allow one or the other.. you can only have either Interstitial or Reward in your game... I think this is was the case.

    Otherwise I thought the same - it would show the last ad loaded.

    • by the way - had any luck with loading screens? - I've tried "Use Loader Layout" but as I suspected, it happens at the end of facebook loading the game.

    I was in the API docs something about setting up your pre-load stuff.. should be done in the index.html.

    I've got a feeling Construct might not deal with it .. yet. Might be able to edit the index.html to get it working

  • yeah scaling seems to be ignored.. so I'm not scaling stuff now..

    Going ok today, got leaderboard working now, but really need to clear old scores while testing - but no option to do so in the Facebook dashboard and no way from construct.. could just keep creating new leaderboards when clearing them is needed.. its a work around for now.

    So I'm also looking into sending messages using "Execute javascript" > put that may end the universe.