spy84's Forum Posts

  • Aphrodite i dont know if its less functional than ludei.space blaster was way better with game closure but anyway the cg plugin is not in the plans of the team so... we take the looooooong way back to home.

  • One solution is to make an ocean simulation with programs like blender maya 3dsmax etc etc. render the animating scene to png's or jpeg's and use those images like an animating sprite in your game.the other thing is to draw it frame to frame in programs like gimp and photoshop but the more realistic i think is the first idea.

  • +1 i have a question ejecta is for ios only right?Right.What if we make an html5 and through ejecta convert it to an ios file, and then with stella2 sdk a conversion to an apk.Is this possible?Or its too messy and wont work?Have you tried it?Stella SDK 2 is Enhanced Objective-C for Android solution.

  • Joannesalfa show us the way my friend.that will be very helpfull

    all of us if u want to write down your thoughts for c2 and game closure we can sent it here https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/game-closure-devkit.But i have a "feeling" that if Ashley wants really to start a gameclosure exporter the guys from the gc team will be positive.But only Ashley can make the start.

  • already voted,best of luck <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • szymek +1

    But if its true that scirra targets for education licenses than one-time dev licences i have to say one thing.through dev who use it for real $work$ you ll get more credits and more people who dont know how to coding will buy c2 if they see decent robust games.if you have more than one game (and not the ONLY game) like ubie land to stand proud in the markets that will be the real thing.show me what you made with this tool and if i like it ill buy it.its simple.i saw a game called TIAMAT X i ran it in my old phone.theres no chance to achieve a smooth game like this with c2 at the moment in android or ios.

  • jayderyu

    wii u is nintendo=exclusive games.So without exclusive titles the future is dark for every console.Its a different story nintendo and ouya we cant compare ferrari with zastava sorry.an outdated ferrari still beats an outdated(or a new) zastava.But with the exclusives wiiu can save the day and hope for "resurrection".Even for steam console there's too much talk about exclusives as half life 3 to take people's attention to another(?) ouya-like (i hope not) console.

    My biggest concern is that we give so much attention to ouya with the 479 games (and how many buyers?lol)until now, and not for a major update for a better-solid wrapper for android and ios where Millions of people everyday use their stores.

    ok multiplatform exports is a great thing but first try to make it work fine and add more features.its not the quantity its the quality of exporters.1 year has passed and even spaceblaster crawls in cocoonjs..

    Ok im happy for ouya support many of you guys want it and its good.But for me ouya support is only a tree in a big problematic forest of apple trees and kit-kat-jellybean trees.i think they taste good but i cant taste it for now...12-18 (4 of them animated) sprites, 4 sounds 1 backround and 27 events 16-32 fps its not a very good performance if you take in mind that ive got only one layer (the first stage)and i want another 8 layers at least...

  • i dont know for ouya unfortunately i dont have it.i dont see layout by layout loading in the update, so the only(?) major(?) update is for ouya i think.Anyway the sounds loading ok for me but the same was happened in 1.4.3.

    its a step forward for sure but why are you waiting ouya to see your game in tv?you can do it also with a hdmi cable or with an android tv device -its like a usb stick- (china rules) priced about 50$ and it has maybe better hardware than ouya.

    Ouya for me failed to bring evolution in consolesIts an overpriced device with outdated hardware(from the moment it came out)and lack of games (and why not exclusive games for ouya too) i hope if they release an ouya 2 device things get better but until then steam OS console will be out and the possibilities maybe are better.

  • thanks alot mate.

  • i am in the developing of my game and i export it via cocoonjs(for android).when i run it in my phone in the warnings section gives me 6 warnings

    1)Not implement document addEventListener:Tizenhwkey

    2)Not implement document addEventListener:searchbutton

    3)Not implement document addEventListener:menubutton

    4)Not implement document addEventListener:appMobi.device.update.available

    5)Not implement window addEventListener: offline (this showed me twice)

    6)Not found getElementById:c2canvasdiv.

    i have plugins like time,pause_dt,canvas,clock,text shadow if this helps and my game is created for 1280*720 scale inner webgl off,point sampling (and linear in different version).

    i did something wrong and get these warnings?are they drop the performance and how can i "fix" it?

    if anyone knows please give an advice.i google the warnings but i didnt found a helpfull and understandable (for me at least) solution

  • now that im thinking it again i hope that we are not victims of a very succesfull trolling...

  • Good luck guys but the controller...come on

    its like a 7 years old kid saw his dad using maya/max and then his dad download sketchup and tells him "come on make something"

    and then the boy models something like your controller..its not that is only really really ugly its that im pretty sure its not ergonomic at all.try to change the shape of it and the buttons position.

  • Sebastian hi my friend thanks for your help.i want to make something similar like blazing star's backround image.no rotation only movement on x axis.pseydo3d effect.i dont want this image to reacts in my input controls (keyboard,touch) i want it to move like a huge .gif behind.

    the bad thing is that it takes alot of memory to achieve something decent at least.the backround in the video is at least 680*480 i think..if i render lets say 10-15 frames (cause less will be seem very laggy) such a resolution is a real killer.ive made it but its not worth it.cocoonjs sometimes dont even start it.

    and then the next disappointment...

    ah cocoonjs...ive put an ambient theme to start from the begining of the layout.it starts i was happy it lasts 2 seconds i get mad.and then the rest of sound effects (bullets etc) dont play in time they should.i delete the ambient sound and after that all was ok (and the sound effects play just fine).size of ambient sound 1mb .ogg

    But who cares i will finish the game and it will be the best in the world, aahh in the country,,nahh in the town?,no? in the village?in the neighborhood?...ok sorry i over react <img src="smileys/smiley13.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • if this helps just plug your phone in your pc via usb or connect it with bluetooth and copy paste the zip file in the sd folder of your phone/tablet.if you run cocoonjs then automatically will see the zip files in the sd. under the url and the button ulr history it says zips in sd card and there are your converted games.sorry for my broken english.

  • yes i dont remember if its only after the 146 version.it happens to me too.c2 crashes sometimes.before last 1 month it has never happened

    bolosaur save the project often.like fallout 2.many saves less headaches