spy84's Forum Posts

  • Oh and another thing.this type of game dont need left and right animation.if you press left arrow the animated(?) backround will continue to move from the right to the left.i think that is a 3d animated scene in x axis from the right to the left.

    jojoe epic job in the 3d fighting game mate..very very good

  • last night i tried it again resolution 1280*720 rendered in blender3d 9 frames.i resize it to 960*540 and import it to c2.In my phone cocoonjs crash down in the tablet was almost smooth.it uses 64mb of ram.the problem is that i think the more frames the more smooth is the animation.so with only 9 frames i rendered and used the backround runs terrible..but the thing is that if i use more frames the memory will increase dramatically decreasing the fps.

    ill try what Sebastian said.

    everyone thanks a lot for your help.

  • i saw a 2d game in youtube.from neo geo the game called blazing star.at 4.38 of the video the backround is something like pseudo-3d which gives amazing depth in the game moving at the x axis.

    Anyone have an idea how they made it?i make a scene in blender i animate it on x axis to give it motion.it takes around 30 frames.i create a sprite, import the frames of blender rendering, and try it out.but no way to make it work it uses too much memory in c2.have anyone try something at least similar


    any help or idea will help.

  • i opened a similar topic a week before.but i dont care more voices better results.history proves that..dont have the chance to take an answer from ashley either..

    Joannesalfa have you try it with your own game?if yes please can you make an tutorial for absolute newbies like me? i dont have a mac.i try it via windows and gitbash i opened the gameclosure sdk in the browser but then...it cames the silence...how to import the html5 how to export it.its difficult i think (for me sure it is for sure)

  • so why not to have both of them?is there a reason to compare them?i see phonegap like an alternative for exports to mobiles but in the forum it seems that noone talks about it.but its there along with cocoonjs.so why not to have a third player in the game like gameclosure. im sure that both of them (cjs and gc)have their highs and their lows.but what an excellent option will be to have both of them and in time we decide which is better for exporting our games?

    Arima over 1-2 weeks?i dont care if it takes 6 months or a year i just want to be able to export a decent game to android.i dont ask much.i just need to see a plan!

  • Arima you said 4 days before "I don't have any opinion of it yet, as I haven't researched it enough to formulate one".

    So what do you think?Do you research it?

    Developers : Do you have gameclosure in mind for the next releases of C2?Or HAXE or both of them (why not?).Please write a comment i feel like im talking to myself..i think the tread has a very specific object to discuss and i dont see someone from the team to make any comment.

  • the problem is that ios seems to have alternatives like ejecta...for me who im interesting for android cause i dont have the $$$ to buy an iphone and test the game in it properly?


    -nothing!!!yes i know...

    <img src="smileys/smiley31.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • onzerphyr wrote:"or contacting them directly as others have mentioned. if you are still having problems try to break them down into specific questions"

    onzephyr like szymek said the 90% of their answers are the same.. its more possible to find life in mars than to break them down into specific questions..But i'm just kidding(Am I?)

    statham oh brother... welcome to the circle of the lost android/ios developers.i feel you, just make patient someday we will be victorious.

  • Ashley what do you think about it?Do you find it a good alternative?Or for the moment we will stay as we are?

  • Arima sorry to say that but ok i agree that is not proper to call ludei the worst company but as a moderator would you like to share your thoughts about game clossure?

    Ive noticed that Ashley comment in a lot of posts today but didnt post something here.

    This is maybe not so good for the idea of game clossure in c2 or like some said silence is gold (fingers crossed!!)

  • i dont know really.if you say "how easy is to set it up compared to c2" meaning that you want to make a game inside gameclosure and not to c2 i think its way harder.im just saying to make an gameclosure exporter in c2 so we can from there export the html5 file (made with c2)to an apk file.

  • jayderyu no i try to follow the steps but i lost the road somewhere in Git gui.Maybe a video tutorial would be very helpfull.

    the think is as you said that if one man convert html5 spaceblaster to an apk why not to scirra and gameclosure work together and make an exporter for us.is open source and i see a lot professionalism which ludei and im sorry about that didnt show...the bitter truth sorry.

    even as you said mario took his time to convert the game ludei about a year ago dont bother to do this and still now the game is unplayable.

    i think that gc has potential.so lets see what Ashley thinks about it.Android and Ios are the black sheeps of c2 till now.Hope that this will change

  • i paste here the tests i made yesterday.come on guys many of you read the article but noones support the idea of gameclosure export in c2.

    so i made my test and here are the results:

    first of all my phone is vodafone smart 2. 800+ mhz armv6 processor.512 ram and 480*320 display. i have a tablet also but its not worth it to test it there cause its too powerfull even for cocoonjs and gameclossure.maybe i cant see any difference at all.

    so i open in c2 the space blaster capx and i export it twice. one with webgl on and the other with webgl off.both of them with scale inner.cause the layout of the game is higher than my screen display.

    both of cocoonjs exports load the main menu decently and the sound was ok.but when the game began the backround music theme goes off suddenly.the frames were between 2-10 when sprites in the screen were more than 4.the webgl off version was a little better but about 3-5 frames and not more.unplayable for me.

    now lets see gameclossure i download the game from the link Joannesalfa posted before.i run it and at the first time it made me worried cause the main layout dont appear correctly.no letters no tap here for game to begin blah blah blah..but i touch the screen and after 5 seconds i saw the main layout this time almost correct (with bars at the top and at the bottom) and the game begins...

    framerate i cant tell cause i was not able to see like cocoonjs (debug mode) but the game runs almost smoothly.so i imagine that the game runs about 18-25 fps even with many spites in the layout.the mines and all these stuff with massive explosions.the game runs decent and the audio was perfect.the backround music now plays behind the sound effects (not like cocoonjs)

    ps: before i run the games i run clean master and advance task killer just to be sure that no application runs with the games.

    and i noticed that after both cocoonjs games the memory my phone used was between 51-57mb.the gameclossure apk used 39mb.sorry for the huge post..

    RESULT GAMECLOSSURE WINS BY FAR...(at least based at my tests)

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  • if i tell it right for what i understand is a way to export our html5 games to .apk

    make the comparison to see for yourself.for me is way better than cocoonjs.

    for technical stuff guys im not the best in the forum to tell you details.im only an artist.i just yesterday made the comparisson in my armv6 phone (yes very old) and gameclosure was almost smooth. With cocoonjs was (almost..) unplayable. please visit the homepage of gameclosure.

    Joannesalfa gave the idea i just open a thread for users of c2 to post their thoughts and why not to support the idea.

    here is the example of space blaster with gameclosure.


    and the apk after gameclosure's export github.com/bubbleboy14/scblaster

    download it, inside the folder is the apk.try it and make a test between it and cocoonjs.

    all the credits goes to Joannesalfa cause i dint even knew about gameclosure but it seems like an excellent alternative.

  • I think its time to have an alternative solution like game closure for exporting to android.Yesterday i made my tests in my phone and the difference between it and cocoon js (running space blaster) was big.

    I fisrt ask you to make your own tests between the 2 methods as i (i post my results at joannesalfa's post (http://www.scirra.com/forum/ive-seen-the-comments-about-c2-and-cocoonjs_topic76530_page8.html)

    so if anyone has results please confirm them here and lets hope Aslhley and the rest of the team think about it and add gameclosure in c2