spy84's Forum Posts

  • Fimbul

    "If you guys want to pressure Ashley to focus on mobile exporters, then I am within my rights as a buyer to pressure Ashley to NOT focus on mobile and keep his current strategy of a pure-HTML5 product".

    • I understand that youve got a lot experience. im shocking that these thoughts are from an experienced developer like you.Because experience means years and you are not a child to speak this way. What it means we pressure for mobile and you with your rights will pressure Ashley to NOT focus on mobile. Ashley is not a dog or a cat...He has his plan for what he will do. And for the moment he gave us many alternatives desktop,mobile,consoles and we are talking about our problems/our worries to find out where things will go.

    In the end you bought c2 for a specific thing, others (like me) also bought it for html but mainly for mobiles. All have opinion there is no need to push someone.

    Also you wrote:

    "When this product started (and when I purchased my license) it was all about the desktop, so when business decisions start impacting the quality for me (and make no mistake, if Ashley were to focus on native exporters, the desktop side would suffer), I have to speak)."

    -"when the program started"...Now you remind me WIN XP..Then the engine got a specific target now it has multiple targets.things changing like Windows...it is called progress 3.1-95-98-me-xp-7-8

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  • teacherpeter "a new computer with better OS"?

    Arima teacherpeter probably talks about Ubuntu.

  • spy84 I wasn't talking about anyone or any game in particular, sorry if it came across like that! There just seems to be a lot of talk about monetising, advertising etc on the boards, but sometimes when I click through to play the game in question it's either in need of a *lot* of polishing, or it's a very simple clone game that already exists 1000 times over. It sometimes feels like people are putting the cart before the horse a little bit.

    Anyway, I've just realised this isn't really relevant to the main topic which was about exporting, so I'll shut up

    no you are right but this is not only for games its for everything that costs money.from clothes to cars from food to services the most of them are overpriced.

    Maybe the talk about ads and monetising lasts so much because we have not cleared yet that is fully funcional in c2 and works like charm. And we have to face the truth that because of the economical situation the unemployment, and that things always get harder and not better, people (me too) have the hope that "maybe" can sell a game and get some money doing something that we like the best. If we failed making a bad game(s) maybe we reconsider what were doing wrong.And start to work and think different.if not maybe we quit what were doing and do something else.if we succeed we will continue to evolving our selfs and set the target higher.

  • lolpaca

    how you come to this conclusion?that some people bought c2 to get rich by flooding the app stores with clones?what is the definition of clone?if you mean games like flappy bird you are right its a bad idea.i build for example a horizontal space shooter like rtype and for months i make blender 3d my best friend.too much work and a lot of learning process via tutorials.But if someone clones something and make it decent why not?there are good clones and bad copies. Oddplanet is veeeery inspired by limbo we can say that is a clone of it, LAD game also is a clone.its not a bad thing.If they are decent why not?

  • they released fusion 2.5.but its expensive for my economical status...

    szymek +1

  • Arima c2 is light years ahead of mmf but native exporters is really a veeeery big thing and shorts the time of these light years.

    I see many games in here:

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    wich are great (for me) and some not. actually i dont realise the light years away really but i dont used mmf so i have no opinion but anyway.. all these games have at least better chances for multiplatform. i know your opinion and im agree mostly.

    and something to all of you that maybe you misunderstand what many of us say.

    the thing is that its not necesserary to tell eachother if c2 is great to do this or that.We know what it can do. the thing is to tell where c2 has limitations and problems.If someone use it for html5 only someone bought it for ios and android too.So the answer i want it for this and its great and idont care for the other options is acceptable yes but it doesnt sound really well to me cause i want it for android and ios.we are not enemies to scirra..we are supporters and buyers.

  • im going where i want mate.even if i am real chef even i am not.When i pay for something which says i export in android almost like native, i with no programming skills and no knowledge count on it. thanks to c2 i saw things i learned alot but i feel not very comfortable.sometimes i love it sometimes im wondering...

  • yesterday you wrote "In summary, my opinion is that for smaller games, CocoonJS is actually fantastic for Android and iOS, but bigger games is where it falls flat on its face due to poor memory management, but its something Crosswalk can do (for Android only). Know the limitations and work within and around them."

    today you wrote : "Both CocoonJS and XDK exporters work great now and XDK is improving so quickly (its already better for Android, minus the Google Store support)."

    sorry but im a bit confused..improving is far away from stable.and i have to agree with Juryiel that if people wouldn't complain about them every month (or every day?) things might be worst than today...

    i dont say c2 is crap im saying that it have major issues and other game engines work better in mobile gaming.

  • What exactly is the fault with C2 that limits its ability to make successful mobile games?

    "where's ouya?android?layout by layout?"

    Ouya I don't know, but Android?

    Small game: CocoonJS works excellent. Look at Magnetized, Street Kungfu (new, but gameplay works flawless!). If someone can do that, why can't you? What's your excuse?

    Big game: Intel XDK works fine for me with its layout by layout memory management, others have used Leadbolt Ads on it too while waiting for AdMob.

    Layout by Layout?

    It already does that by default. It's only CocoonJS that does NOT. Intel XDK/Crosswalk does. It's already covered on the previous pages.

    So tell me again what's holding YOU back from making a successful game with C2??

    Making a game that runs well is not an issue, others have done it, I have done it. Making a SUCCESSFUL game is entirely another issue, because $$ success is entirely dependent on YOU.

    yes it depends on me but if you got the skills and youve got not the right tools its somewhat difficult.if you had it both theres is great chance to success i agree.and please why the upper case?Im not deaf and im not a child. im 30 years old. sorry but im laughing with uppercasing only the YOU. it reminds me uncle sam

  • come on my friend are you serious?im having a license over one and a half year.crosswalk came before 2-3 months?and it has it problems but guys from there trying at least harder than ludei i have to admit it..are you disagree for the quality of exporters?Ludei?No its not my problem is scirra problem and vice versa?Are you saying that c2 is better than fusion 2.5 (even mmf2), game maker studio and gamesalad in mobile gaming?

    What holding ME back? NOTHING i choose unity which not holding me back.i'm using construct 2 only for exe and linux.for mobile i choose unity free with some plugins and got no problem.

    There are many of us who have complain about this issue but for you WE have the problem..its okay everyone has different opinion.But tell me something before crosswalk are you exported any game in android stable and polished?can you send me a link?cause back in october of 2012 i dont see any crosswalk exporter...i saw android exporter with an asterisk.after few monts i was tired of waiting..

  • i think im very clear with what im saying. Insinuation?No im talking very clear yes for me c2 game engine has problems.And the fact is that in mobile gaming c2 is years behind than his competitors.

    I saw great ideas here in the forum with games from developers with skills but i dont think that many of them could have a decent presence in the mobile markets.And its not their fault.Its c2 fault.Remember that im talking for mobile gaming.

    Go check what other engines achieve in mobile gaming and compare it with c2.Gamesalad Fusion and GMS are miles away.

    So between developers fault and c2 fault i choose the second one.

    ps Cause if from the beginning you face problems and bugs and the one side sends you to the other side (cjs) you understand that in this situation you waste your time and search for other solutions...its simple.

  • After tons of comments id like to share mine. Sorry for my english are very bad i hope u understand what im writing...

    C2's power is the low price.you pay once youve got it forever.updates and updates lets tweak this, lets fix that.Ok thats something.

    Maybe gms, gamesalad, stencyl3, mmfusion 2.5 have better exporters and too many games in the stores right now some of them are succesfull and some other are not so.

    BUt stencyl3 costs at least 99$/YEAR with no mobile exportes.only win,mac,linux,flash

    GAmesalad costs 299usd/YEAR for exporting paid apps. The free version exports to ios,mac,html

    Game maker studio costs everytime you breathing..highly overpriced (my opinion)

    ClickTeam fusion 2.5 cost minimum 79 euros only with windows exporter and html.the other stuff? PAY MORE...

    They can do the job better than c2? Of course they can.

    But...they are too expensive limited update support and every new major update costs you money.

    Some people say that "what you pay that is what you get".

    I dont say that c2 is crap, not at all. Its excellent for its price and maybe something beyond that.

    But Ashley you are very happy for 1 million downloads and thats the right thing, you should be happy!! you run a "company" and it goes super. But are you really happy for the number of games are published with c2?

    where are your engine's success games? I see only 3.

    3 years of develompent and you show us 3 games...but even if the games were 30 its also a really small number and discourages some people or many people here (me too) for keep developing games with c2. And if you guys keep closing your ears to us i dont see how scirra will publish a "demo reel" video with succesfull creations of this game engine.i hope to, but i dont see it happening in the near future. You are staying back with your 3rd parties (even your major 3rd party exporter cjs turned his back to you)...where's ouya?android?layout by layout?

    C2 has many exporters for its price. but lacks of exporters quality.

    and lets close with something funny...

    scirra: -ask ludei

    ludei: -ask scirra

    the whole situation: -ask the pope...

    Pope: -child you have sinned...

    C2 user: - yes youre damn right ive sinned but i already know this!!!what i asked in the first place?oh yeah stable games in mobiles.lets ask scirra...

  • Ashley is it too much asking a dynamic light/shadows system?ofcourse after multiplayer.or is it to much?i think that it will be a huge boost for c2

  • Slice geia sou re patrida..kala xristougenna

    All merry christmass

  • Astro i dont know for sure.first of all maybe you were already loged in, in xdk and it didnt need you to type again your email.after the build process it doenst give you a link to download the apk?it happens to me too in the start i think it was a bug that the devs fix it cause yesterday i got the option to download the apk via xdk or via my email acount.are you sure that you build via crosswalk android?and not android?sorry but i dont know what is the problem.Maybe to ask someone from the intelxdk team or ashley.