softblow's Forum Posts

  • I think Debugger will be very helpful,

    But Money-making relative features are most important for me.

    like easy - native app packager, easy-AD add for mobile games.

    And I know I'm expecting too much, color-filter is needed for me.

  • I'm writting instruction of particles object for my community (in korean).

    But now I saw Angle randomiser works, and tried to understand how this movement works. I read the explain at bottom of properties bar, and It says "RandomAngle/s"..

    And I can't explain it exactly. I know It means changing angle of motion of particles. but, how It changes? What is based to change that angle?

    Is that per every tick? (Is it sets random angle change each tick?)... what is base of rotation angle change? how can it be per second?? I'm confused...

  • This shows me error message. (win7 x64, ko-KR)

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • TimeWasting game , not funny but during make I've learned construct more.

    Download from Mediafire

    <img src="" border="0">

  • Ah... thank you

    I exported in folder that previously exported to html5

  • Is it "offline.appcache"?

    I uploaded the file

  • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <name>Random Platformer 2 - Patternformer</name>
              <plugin id="Audio" version="1">Audio</plugin>
              <plugin id="Keyboard" version="1">Keyboard</plugin>
              <plugin id="Mouse" version="1">Mouse</plugin>
              <plugin id="Sprite" version="1">Sprite</plugin>
              <plugin id="Text" version="1">Text</plugin>
              <plugin id="TextBox" version="1">Text box</plugin>
              <plugin id="TiledBg" version="1">Tiled Background</plugin>
              <behavior id="Bullet" version="1">Bullet</behavior>
              <behavior id="Fade" version="1">Fade</behavior>
              <behavior id="Flash" version="1">Flash</behavior>
              <behavior id="Platform" version="1">Platform</behavior>
              <behavior id="custom" version="1">Custom Movement</behavior>
              <behavior id="scrollto" version="1">Scroll To</behavior>
              <behavior id="solid" version="1">Solid</behavior>

    It's arcade.xml of my game and it seems like there are no behaviors or plugins that is not in the whitelist.

    But Arcade rejects mine. why?

    ( : 125KB)

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • woooo, It looks everyone can understand english here!

    unfortunately, I'm not native to english and my english is not fast...

    If I have chance to meet the sentense that hard to understand, I stare that sentense and try to understand that...

    no many cases but accidently if I meet vocabulary that I don't know, I just uses browser addon or search it.

    In writting, simple sentences are just easy stuff, but in hard cases to express complecated sentences, first uses google languague tools and trims it because that makes some un-understandable sentences at most times.(the word orders are different between korean and english. kor : SOV, eng:SVO and It looks like machine can't understand structure well...)

  • Does not support General.txt fully in 2byte language (jp,kr,etc..)

    word "System" breaks


    name and result translation also breaks

    object-information dialog

    Parameters and Description also breaks



    Expression of Unbounded scrolling is not displayd and alternatively It displays the name of it (displays Unbounded scrolling one more time)

  • Sorry :)

    That bug is really accidently happened (my hands are bothered from my brother..)

    and I thought Just reporting with that information will be fine..

    then I can't know exact situation.

    draged some files(image) from explorer

    accidently clicked around properties bar (I don't know what button it is, and exact point of clicked)

    I can't repeat causing that bug and don't have that .capx file

    r68 (x64)

    Win7 ultimate k (korean (2byte-one letter language) )

    NVIDIA Geforce GTX 460 (Driver 285.62)

    AMD Phenom II X6 1055T Processor

    I saw some programs do not exactly work If programs are located somewhere which's path has korean lettered word,



    but my c2 is located on

    E:\Programs\Construct 2

  • ---------------------------

    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Refreshing properties bar when in a property changed handler. This is unstable

    Condition: !in_propchanged_handler

    File: Bars\PropertiesBar.cpp

    Line: 814

    Function: void __cdecl CPropertiesBar::Refresh(void)

    Build: release 68 (64-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.


    ??(A)   ?? ??(R)   ??(I)   


    I got this message and C2 crashed.

  • I bought C2 Standard EA License and got an access to files (sprites, musics, etc).

    and I wondered ... where is title of musics?

    Ambient FX & Sound FX, also Sprites has name, but...

    musics have some strange word(that all same) + number only!

    also they do not have tags.

    1. What are titles of musics? (I have 16 files ogg & m4a)

    2. Can I use them for free games?

    (If I upload some games, It might be downloadable.(not intended) Is that fine?)

    sorry for strange(or broken) english :)

  • I have seen this article too late :(

  • wow!

    FlashGen might be useful on creating bomb effects!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • wooow.. it might be sira is right. thanks

    I've read too lightly

    english is not easy :(