Sofa_King's Forum Posts

  • I'm asking because, while I could take a guess at how to do this, the way in my head seems very convoluted, so I wanted to see if you smart people have a quick and easy trick for this.

    To give a little more incite, if I were to start building this, I would go about it this way:

    1. Snapshot of canvas

    2. Load into sprite

    3. Resize and display this newly loaded sprite over a preset layer w/ text

    4. Snapshot this new canvas

    5. Load again into a sprite

    6. Share this final sprite

    Is there a better way then this?

  • Hi friends,

    I just put a little share button into my game. It's pretty cool! But, it's a direct screenshot, which looks a little odd as shared content. Which leads me to my question:

    How can I build in an overlay to the screenshot/share function?

    I would like to screenshot > shrink the screenshot size a little bit > add a containing box around the edge > add some text over that containing box

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  • .PNG definitely works in C3, but its hard to help you without any extra info. Here are some things that you might want to check:

    - Does your sprite have multiple frames? Is it on loop? etc

    - Is the image set to initially visible?

    - Is the layer that it sits on set to visible?

  • This is a very entertaining thread.

  • Perhaps try opening the file in the Construct 3 Beta version. If your friend has it, then you need it too.

  • Work on fonts. And again, focus now on promotion part.

    Hiya CascadeGames! The fonts have been tricky. I needed something that was cross-platform compatible while also being able to display as many foreign scripts as possible (Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc).

    Arial seemed to be the safest bet, but I agree with you that its not really as nice as I would like. Googles Noto script has potential, but i'd have to somehow package that with the game(?). Any suggestions?

    It took me about 6 months to put it all together. I recycled many of the sprites from my previous app to save time and effort.

  • Feedback and constructive criticism is welcomed!

  • Welcome C3 family!

    I am very happy and proud to present to all you fine people, my new app:

    Thank you everyone, for helping me so much and making it possible for me to learn something new!

  • I ran into this a couple of years ago. I decided to just create my own keyboard in construct and use that instead of relying on iPhone's keyboard. Apple doesn't care how well anything works if it's not their own app, they constantly break things with updates. like they have chimps testing these things.

    So whenever possible do everything yourself. It is not that hard to design your own keyboard and once you do you can use it in every game. Less that 2 hours of work for everything, including graphics.

    You may find a solution for it today, but pretty guaranteed that they will break it tomorrow

    Does your custom keyboard have cut/copy/paste, cursor navigation, and/or text highlighting capabilities?

    Edit: It would be super cool if the Scirra team added a 'virtual keyboard' object! Hint hint nudge nudge winkey winkey

    (or fixed this iOS issue)

  • I think last time the issue got closed.

    We didn't have time to wait for the issue to get solved. So our workaround that time was this:

    > To minimize this problem, we placed the actual Input Text field at the top of the layout (at position 0,0). When we placed it at this position the black portion at the bottom didn't appear anymore.


    > To make the UX comfortable, we kept the input-field Sprites (the two rectangular sprites that are placed behind the name and email input fields) in the same position as they are in the image. And instead of the input field boxes that were placed over these sprites, we put Textboxes.


    > Then we used the following logic-


    • When the user clicks on this sprite, focus on the Input field at the top
    • >
    • Every tick set text of the TextBox as the text that is being inputed on in the Input Field
    • >

    And as this issue is happening again you can report a new issue.

    Hi Sparsha! Thanks for the quick response.

    I did see your fix and tested it in my game. It sort of works to fix the iOS issue, but then I run into far larger issues like when the player needs to highlight portions of the text or choose a specific part of the text that they want to edit.

  • I'm still having this issue. Has anyone found a fix?

  • It also seems to be this same issue that these gents are having:

    Link 1

    Link 2

  • I still cant figure this one out, but I now know a little bit more!

    Please see THIS VIDEO for an example. (iOS 14.6)

    Has anyone else had this issue?

  • chrome://apps/

    Put that into the URL bar, and then right click the C3 app.

  • I do it like this:

    have a global var. strikes

    Create a sprite with 4 animation frames, set frame rate to 0 call it xxx

    first frame is empty square, second frame ( frame 1 ) is a single X, then 2 xs, and last frame 3 xs

    Then all you need to do is one line xxx.Set Animation Frame to strikes

    OoOooo I like that much more than my caveman approach.