Sofa_King's Forum Posts

  • I've been struggling with this for a couple days now. I know there are posts and tutorials on this, but I cant seem to wrap my head around them.

    Like this one

    Anyway, this is what i'm trying to do:

    I have a game set up where it is pulling multiple choice answers from an array. It's pulling the answers from a semi-permanent array (which has 20 options) and pasting the chosen four multiple choice answers into a temporary array. I need to then shuffle these answers and then set those values into text boxes.

    You can see the bulk of this operation in the screen shot below:

    And this is where i'm trying to quickly shuffle the temporary array (based on what I saw in the tutorial posted above), but my brain is dying at this point. I'm plan to finally pull the text in the x column and use that for the 'answer_text'.

  • graham-s Super smart! Thank you.

  • WackyToaster Thank you so much foe that! It solved the array pulling problem. And I will test out the randomization idea very soon, but I think that it might be prudent to ask the following question first, because it will probably effect the way in which I randomize the answer selection:

    How can I make sure that one of the answers matches the variable/name/slide of the presented card?

    Right now I have one sprite that contains all of the cards, organized into three animations (one for each type), with five frames (one for each card). This matches the array that you can see in the picture.

    Thank you for your help so far!

  • Boring title, I know.

    Really I have two issues here that I can't wrap my head around:

    1. Pulling text data from an array and pasting it into textboxes.

    This is my eventsheet and the array, but it is just giving me "0"s:

    2. Randomizing this data in a non-repeating fashion.

    This eventsheet works in my head, but not in reality (I know it's not pulling from the array yet, but since I was struggling with the array, I was just trying to get non-random numbers first):

    Thanks for your time! Please let me know if this message is not clear.

  • Ashley> Can't reproduce in r124. Assuming you're testing with r120, closing as already fixed.

    You're right. I just checked am i'm running 'r120 stable'. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I'll be looking forward to seeing the update then! :D

    It's probably a bug that is specific to my hardware/software set up or something. Either way, Ashley has apparently already caught the bug that I was running into. Thank you for checking though!

    Have a great day you two! Happy gaming.

  • Ashley Hi Ashley, I posted my problem on the github page. I dont know if this is just a result of me being a super n00b or if its a hidden issue in C3 (probably the former not the latter).


  • Kyatric This is all super helpful information. Thanks for taking the time to write it all out.

    I've been tackling most of the game development on a case by case basic, as a need arises or if I feel its time to start on a new game element. This has caused me to have to backtrack several times. Though, if I sit down and plan it all out, it seems to never go according to plan.

    Anyways, what you've said her was really helpful.

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  • Hi crew,

    I've been working on a game that is somewhat similar to the GameBoy Pokemons. It's time for me to start working on the battle system.

    1. Should the battle screen be held within a new layer or a new layout? - I currently have only two layouts; one for the large continuous "outside" world and the other for the self contained "inside" spaces. - I have two global layers; GUI for the buttons and Menu for the "home" menu.
    2. How should I deal with the AI? - The games will be several different types of simple card battles, in which the player will have to match the card with its name before the opponent. So I was thinking maybe, to deal with the enemy AI, set it up as a random countdown timer chosen from within a set range, the range being linked to the opponents 'difficulty' level?
    3. How should I deal with changing text? - I'm also having this issue within the menu screen. I'm not exactly sure how to target one specific onscreen text-box and then have it change according to the in game actions. I'll probably have to have an array, and then have it pull from there, but this is all getting very confusing for me. My brain is about to implode.
    4. How should I deal with player/enemy stats (health, difficulty, 'moves'/cards)- I understand this is a pretty vague question. I'd like to have a very simple level up system that increases the players stats. Probably also should be connected to an array?

    I'm not sure if those questions make any sense, but i'd like to hear your two cents. If any tutorials or examples that come mind, please be kind and help me find. I'm really having fun playing with construct! Help me so I don't self-destruct.

  • I wasnt sure how else to show you this, but... I think I have it set to transparent.

  • Yes, I am running the current version. Just wiped my browser data and retried to make sure, but still got the darkened preview.


  • Hi Team,

    I'll attach two screenshots of my game in preview mode.

    Construct 2 Runtime:

    Construct 3 Runtime:

    Erm... i'm new to Construct, so I could be missing some simple way to fix this. Any ideas?

  • insanesnake

    By that, I meant that the data in the array would be used for multiple purposes.

    I am hoping to create a 'pokedex' of items, in which the player can scroll through the items they have previously found. The Pokedex should include some information like: item name, item description, and it should be able to call up a sprite depiction.

    I hope to keep all this information in one place (probably a large array called 'pokedex').

    I plan to then make some minigames, accessable via trigger events in the main game world. Things like multiple choice questions, memory games, etc.

    Right now, I have set up the Pokedex as an initially invisible layer in my layout. The player triggers the Pokedex layer to become visible by 'using' a computer sprite.

    - Should the Pokedex events all be held with a function? I've never really played with the construct function options before.

    - Does anyone have a picture that I might be able to look at as an example of the array and the code that brings it up onto the screen?

    I found this thread, which gave me a lot of incite into how to make this work:

  • I've just realized that some people might not be aware of what a pokedex is, so i've attached a picture:

  • Hi friends,

    I would like to create a pokedex type dictionary/array, from which the player can keep track of 'monsters' (in my game it will be keeping track of discovered objects, like cat/dog/cow/etc). I plan to access this pokedex and retrieve the data/sprites/words held within, and then use this data to play minigames of different sorts.

    Anyways, my questions is, how should I go about doing this? Should I use an array or dictionary or something else? What can I do now to make my life easier in the future?

    I found this page:

    Does anyone have any advice for me?


  • Thank you for all the suggestions guys! I tried everything you recommended.

    Sanchopi's examples ended up working best for my game! It is now working without any problems. I will attach screenshots in order to help future peeps: