When i was creating admob account and had some issues i scrolled though admob forum alot. There was constant posts with reports that showed Indians are farming, recruiting for clicking, using bots, cheating etc with ads and making money. There are countless youtube videos and thous forums issue reports had some images claiming they earn alot with that(with cheating).
None of thous posts had any google admin replay, and some mods claiming that only way to report them is to click report inside thous apps.(If they somehow get banned your ads for promotion could be refunded)
So what could be happening: Indians get/make app, use bots to click ads(generating money). To make it real they might click add -> download the app that was shown... click something there -> uninstall -> repeat
From google perspective it's good, because someone has to click tough all thous bought ads so google can get their % cut and someone somewhere their %. Even if that is Indian ads bot farm.
From thous posts it seems Google has made reporting hard. And chance you get refund is low.
So your case could confirm it. Also there was topic on this forum that some apps that looks very cheap and bad quality are sold with high price, and somehow thous apps have 1 month earning super high. So thous bot farms earn their cut and sell app before they get banned.
Could be possible scenario.