It can be made more precise by just calculating when two balls hit. I think the above moves the balls as normal and once any of them overlap all the balls are moved back a bit at a time till they are just not overlapping, and then doing the bounce calculation.
I searched the forum so much for pool related keywords but for some reason that did not pop up. I got a elastic collision thread that helped a lot with the math of velocity after impact, and other pool stuff related where just bleah.
Thank you
R0J0hound il try it out, i have made so far, the balls bounce of walls, that was pretty easy, now i was actually stuck at individual collisions of instances of the same object type, this should help me, as it sounds it is very similar to the way i was trying to make my physics, i actually already have a on collision loop but i was stuck at angle/power(finding the normal and tangent and applying the proper recoil power) after collision, il definitely try both files shared in that forum area.
Thank you once again.
I think if this works good, il try make it into a plugin+behavior cause the pool physics im trying to do are not the same as with the default Construct physics no matter how much elasticity you give them they just don't go there by default and a few variable adjustments.
Especially when a ball using the Construct physics touches a "wall" at small speed, instead of bouncing off it by a small energy factor it just slides along the wall... and that is a pain to fix ...
I seen your capx with events made physics that is awesome, exactly what i was saying.
I thought im going crazy for a while now.
BadMario i did actually made my own raycast lol ... from events. I needed one for the guideline of the pool game, now i have all the pieces i need to make a pool game, and not a hockey sliding game lol. Il share a capx and demo once i finish (even though the link r0j0 sent is pretty straight forward).
R0J0houndI tweaked a few variables added friction and impulses based on cue hits and it's amazing, now that feels like an actual pool physics. +Infinity Likes and Love man. Il study this in depth, this is amazing, didn't knew we can use the While loop like that.