skymen's Forum Posts

  • Yeah, at first, I intended to have only one of these 3D cubes showing. This was not made to be optimized. Plus it got out of hand as I finished with a whole city of these cubes .

  • Yeah, that may do the trick, but is indeed a lot more complicated. But, having placeholders for big objects and replace them in my custom loading screen is a good idea. However, that may make the level design a bit more complicated, as big object tend to have more animations, or bigger resolutions. And if they do have a lot of animations, you may want to have multiple instances of this object and each one running a different animation on start. It would take a bit of coding to have this done along with the placeholder. But that's very complicated.

  • Well, in my case, I have a layout that can take up to 10 seconds to load entirely. Which is quite problematic. Plus, my loading screen features an animated "loading...", which appears frozen as soon as the next layout begins loading. I understand that that may be used in bad ways, but that's not an excuse for not having this feature. If someone can't use Construct properly, that's not your fault, but theirs.

    Anyway. That would really help to have that kind of feature. It would bring a lot of new possibilities for loading layout creation. So please, really consider the idea. (Even if it's not perfect at first, as long as you can have this done with minimum freeze. FPS drops in loader layouts are not a problem. Constant freeze is one)

  • Hey, I'm asking the community's scripters, or even Ashley to try and make this.

    What I'm asking is a plugin (or directly in the System tab, if Ashley does it), that would have this:


    Preload layout

    Preload layout (by name)

    Preload Object


    On layout loaded

    On layout loaded (by name)

    On Object loaded


    LayoutPreloadProgress that would take an argument Layout Name. Or leave blank if referencing the last Preload launched.

    ObjectPreloadProgress that would take an argument Object Name. Or leave blank if referencing the last Preload launched.

    LayoutLoaded would return the name of the last loaded layout.

    ObjectLoaded would return the name of the last loaded layout.

    What would that be useful for? Well, loading screens of course! This has been a common problem with big Construct projects. As soon as a layout or an object is a bit heavy (if it features a lot of animations for exemple) it takes forever to load, and makes the FPS drop a lot or even makes the layout freeze completely. Being able to preload the next layout in background before going to it, or preload an object in background before creating it would solve those problems.

    Plus I'm pretty sure this is possible, because Construct already does it to preload the game's musics and sounds at the start of the game, and a lot of games do feature this to make mini games and/or animations as loading screens.

  • Well, imagine this:

    I have a loading screen that has an animation in it or even a minigame, or anything to keep the player focused.

    Right now, I can't have this, because you cannot preload another layout in background. So to have this you have to "simulate" a loading screen, make it do what you want, and then go to another layout. However, this is problematic, because, if you have a layout that needs a lot of memory, the current layout completely freezes while the other layout loads, and when it finally shows, you have a quite big FPS drop.

    Having a way to preload another layout before going to it would fix those problems.

    In my case, sometimes, a layout can take up to 10 seconds to load properly.

  • Well thanks. I'll try to make something like this. However, it's still quite problematic. Can't we have a feature like "preload layout" and when the layout is fully loaded, have an event "On layout loaded". I may ask this as a plugin request.

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  • Hey, at the moment, to load the heaviest layouts, I use another layout that displays a text and an animation while the next layout is loading. However, my problem is that everything stops as soon as the next layout starts loading, including the animation. That gives the layout a froze effect, and that's quite problematic. So is there a way to have the layout continue to run as long as the next layout is not fully loaded yet?

  • Yeah, I saw it. However, the effect is a bit hard to use (At least, I couldn't get it to work ^^)

  • O_O. Oh my god.

    That made not only my day but my whole life!

    Thank you . Much love.

  • Hey, I'm saying this as a suggestion, but I think that being able to choose a sprite's default animation depending on its UID would be nice.

    What I mean is that, let's say I have a monster. I copy/paste it and create a new animation for the second monster to be slightly different. (Because, I already coded the first one, and don't wanna bother creating an other object, or a whole family.

    I could create an instance variable named "DefaultAnimation" and make it using events (I already do that), but in the editor, I have no way to tell what copy will launch with what animation visually without having to click on it.

    Let's take an exemple: ... -20-18.png

    Here is a level in my game. Here I have 3 screens, each is displaying a different animation, but I have no way to tell which one unless I click on it, look what it's default animation in the instance variables is, and then open the sprite animation editor and look for the named animation.

    It would be nice if there was a way to change a sprite's default animation (and thus how it looks in the editor) without having all of the other ones changed as well.

  • tgeorgemihai Oh, yeah, that's pretty close to what I wanted to do in the first place. Actually, my first goal was to make a puzzle game where you would control a cube, and would have to go through levels, with the ability to jump, push, move and activate buttons. But really early in dev I remembered a GTA exemple for Clickteam Fusion 2.5 I saw a while ago, and it pushed me in that direction.

  • Well, it was not made using Q3D ^^

    Rexu Well, I find it pretty smooth.

    Here is a screenshot with CPU utilisation ... -titre.png

    For The perspective, I already know it's kinda wrong, but I haven't figured out how to fix it

  • Okay, I understand, I'll try to solve it on my own then.

  • Ashley Did you even read? I said I'm linking the capx of my game because I couldn't reproduce the bug elsewhere. And it only occurs on one layout. You could have *at least* checked the several gifs and screenshots and see that the problem is coming from Construct and its particle system, and not from any third party plugin.

    What kind of support is that?

  • Yeah, I know. Actually, the top and the base are the exact same size. You can actually have the top a different size than the bottom(which you can choose via instance variables), but that would require that the walls have a different texture (which you can also choose via instance variables) to mathc with the different size (meaning, no longer have square/rectangle textures, but ones having the shape of a trapeze. I tried it, it works just fine, but I'm too lazy to replace it.