skymen's Forum Posts

  • Yeah, I know. Just to try, I recorded like 5mn of Limbo, and it does the same thing. Framerate drops a lot. I just verified, and it happens that I didn't have the Asus Power4Gear technology installed (I formatted a while ago, and forgot to reinstall it). Now it runs more at 30 FPS, which is a lot more acceptable as I can always speed up the footage a little to simulate my 60 FPS. But yeah, it happens that if I have a 2D Game AND a recording software running, my CPU will have a really bad time:

    I'll see if I find any method to use less of my CPU when doing both.

  • Problem Description

    Well, since a crash Construct 2 had yesterday, I have this problem with my game:

    Those big black squares are particle systems which failed to be particles. Indeed, this is what's supposed to happen:

    What's even weirder is that this bug occurs only on that specific layout. It does not occur anywhere else.

    Attach a Capx

    Here is the CAPX from my game:!ZxtyjYTQ!3UdE9Fj3PO_J ... _Uv_DY0teM

    Description of Capx

    This Capx is basically my game at this point in time. As I couldn't reproduce the bug on another capx.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    Before you begin anything, I should tell you how my game works or you won't know how to actually reproduce what I'm showing you. You use the arrow keys to move left and right and jump. You use the down key tho transform quickly or press shift to have a mini menu of what you're actually selecting. Like this:

    Also, why you should select the shuriken is because these particle system indicate when you can attack. They appear when the shuriken has reached a certain angular speed that gives him the power to attack the ennemies. And to reach that speed, you have to maintain the up arrow key while in the air.

    There are two ways of having this bug: Loading this layout directly or loading via another layout.


    • Open CAPX
    • Open the concerned layout located in Layouts\Test\Game Test
    • Hit Play

    This method should show an error message like this one:

    Then , it will stay black for a few seconds and show this one:

    Then start the layout with some of my particle system bugging (like my life system at the top left of the screen) until they get updated, or even some not appearing at all (like the concerned particle system which do not appear at all).

    All of this is demonstrated in this gif:

    Now the second method:

    • Open CAPX
    • Open the "new game" layout located at Layout\Global Layouts\New Game
    • Hit Play

    This should load for a very short while, not show any kind of error, and most of my particle systems will work just fine. However, if you go forward until you reach the leap. Before that, the particle system wont show. Like this:

    Observed Result

    It's quite weird because on this layout and only this layout, my particle systems are glitchy.

    Expected Result

    This is what's supposed to happen:

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Window 10

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Construct 2 r230. The latest version to this day.

  • Well, I do have a laptop, yes, but it's really powerful. I was able to record a 30mn Overwatch gameplay at 1080P60FPS with no problem at all.

    I'll see if it has anything to do with my processor being lazy.

    I tried capturing the game with lower resolutions, and it does not help a lot. I guess it has to do with the fact that the game and the recording software may be using the same thread.

  • Hey,

    A few days ago, I discovered that amazing effect by chrisbrobs (I love you dude) : effect-direction-motion-blur_t166595

    This amazed me and bugged me at the same time. Indeed, this effect was published on January 7th 2016, and it happens that just before that, I spent like all my christmas holidays making this effect using the Paster plugin. My version was very hard to use, CPU consuming, a bit ugly, quite buggy, and only applied to the character. The new effect is way better, a lot smoother, super easy to use, and can be applied to objects AND layers. Which is amazing. However, here comes the problem.

    In my happiness, I decided to record that and share it on my Youtube channel ( a very small channel where I upload things with no particular rule or order), and here is the video:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    As you can see, when I'm recording, the game runs at 12 to 18 FPS. When I'm not recording however, it runs at 55 to 60 FPS. And that's a HUGE problem. I need to have smooth footage of my game if I want to show it, make a trailer and stuff.

    Is there any way I can fix this?

  • First of all, thanks to all of you.

    Then, to answer Zed2100, I may add some things, if some people are interested, however I don't really want to put this on the store, as I want to let anyone access these files for free, and as to put things on the store, I would have to pay 20$ (that I don't have atm). That would not be worth if I keep letting this for free.

    I'll let you know if I fix the BotHeight glitch, and if I add a pedestrian AI, and/or a way to go out of the car and stuff. Actually, I'll see if I can play GTA1 and/or 2 and I may add things.

    However, I think this can not only be useful for a GTA fangame. I'll make a few layouts and repost this.

  • Well, I never played any old GTA. The only knowledge I have of them is that perspective look. So I can't really tell what mechanics I can add.

    Plus I have a ton of other projects on the run, so I don't think I'll ever touch this again. If I ever do something like this in the future, I most likely may do it using another language/engine.

    But if anyone is interested in doing it, feel free to make it yours.


  • Okay so, last night I asked myself "What if I created a dynamic 3D Cube on contruct using no 3D plugin/effect/behavior? That might be cool.".

    So I spent the next 7 hours (from 11pm to 5am <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">) making this. I made it so everyting is modulable via instance and global variables, but most of all having a code that would be as simple as possible.

    I ran into a problem quite fast: I can't render 3D looking sprites with no effect on. So I just used the skend effect by somebody (i think. Can't remember his name). Even though I realised a few hours later that I should have used the 3D manipulation effect, but:

    1-The effect is buggy, and hard to manipulate

    2-It would have broken my first wish to use no 3D effect

    3-It was 3am and I really didn't want to remake all of my code for possibly nothing

    Anyways, I finally succeeded in making the 3D effect. So the next step was to make everything dependent on instance and global vars, which was pretty easy.

    And then, I realised that my effect looked not only awesome when you controled the cube, but also absolutely amazing when you controled the vanishing point.

    So I spent the next 2h making a GTA-like kind of looking game, and yesterday, at 5am, I succeded in making this:

    Then I got pretty hyped honestly, I tried adding more to this. The engine managed a var named "TopHeight" that defined how "tall" the cube should look. So I added a var named "Bot Height" that defines the "distance between the cube and the floor".

    The result is neat HOWEVER I ran into a problem.

    When I drew my cubes, I made it so it drew the furthest from the vanishing point first. But, this is no longer valid, as, if I have "Height" there are some cubes that should be drawn after but are drawn before. Which creates some weird perspective glitches.

    So I tried my best to make it so it works fine, but I got bored pretty fast. So I'm leaving this here in case anyone is interested in using this. (In case the 2.5D platformer effect or Q3D or 3D whatever effects are too hard to use)!FgMxjQYB!DNMpGEld-L9y ... sUEDKfi6fE

    If anyone fixes the glitches, makes the engine better or even make a game using this, I WANT to see it. Just know that everything works just fine if you just let that "BotHeight" to 0.

    EDIT: Here is a live demo so you can see the thing happening

    Basically, the car is controled using arrow keys

    In Cubejump, the three cubes are controled using ZQSD, arrow keys, and 8426(numpad)

  • Well, you can make them spawn at random, and make them contain another sprite which acts like a lighting. Then mke them move at random using two sine behaviors with a lot of random.

    For the lightning effect, you can also just add the glow effect to the fly if it's just a really small sprite/dot.

  • Well, I've been trying until yesterday on the same sprite. It didn't work. Then I began editing another one and it worked just fine. When I came back to this one, it worked too.


    Anyway, thank you

  • Hey.

    When I try to edit a sprite, if I zoom a lot to be close enough to edit pixel perfectly, the editor just goes way too much at the top of the window.

    Is there any way to avoid this?

  • mikehive That's exactly what I was thinking while making the 3rd level and the boss. So I added a "anti timescale" mob that moves toward you and kills you only if you scale time.

    If you want to try them, do the konami kode, it will open a level selector

  • Hey everybody.

    Lately I've been participating to the LowRezJam2016 Jam, and I ended making a try'n'die, where I did absolutely everything from sprites to music and coding.

    You can play the game here:

    If you submitted a game in the jam too, it would be nice if you could rate my game. Post what you did too, I'll take a look <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    Also, I precise that the music I used are totally free and you can use them in whatever projects you want. I used 5 of them in my game, but I made 8 bits of music in total:

    In a similar way, the capx file is also free to use, edit and blah blah blah!QosAGbIC!RLJf0irtyBVH ... MQzvq_ld6k

    You can use any ressource as long as you credit me. Also, it would be cool if you could show me what you did using them.

    Anyway, happy game making <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • Problem Description

    Sometimes, when I rename an object, Construct frezzes then crashes.

    Attach a Capx

    No CAPX

    Description of Capx

    No CAPX

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Rename an object
    • Slight chance to crash

    Observed Result

    It seems to occur more often on a bad computer (where drivers can't support OpenGL), but still have a slight chance to occur on a better one.

    Expected Result

    To not crash and rename the object

    Affected Browsers

    Editor bug

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10 and Windows 7

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Constrcut 2 r221 64 bits

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  • Yeah, I see. Hopefully, the bug does not happen on NW.js wich is the export I target.

  • Problem Description

    I have been using Rojo's Paster to create some sort of motion blur, like the one here:

    However, recently when my player "dies", this error appears:

    Attach a Capx

    Here is the capx (add https)://!V0UFlKrC!bklFavTJjtc_upfm2tQBfIGd6Jp8gsYhrKBAffDYOkw

    Description of Capx

    The Capx is actually my current game. As I don't know what does that, I can't really reproduce the bug.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Die
    • That's all

    Observed Result

    When I hit Ok, the bug, if it occurs again, is just logged into the console, without affecting the game. However, when the bug occurs, for one or two frames, there is a graphical glitch hiding some objects, and not hiding some others.

    Expected Result

    Before the bug began to appear, it used to work quite well. Meaning my player would just die, and it would restart the game.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (NO)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)
    • Edge: (YES)
    • Opera: (NO)
    • NW.js: (NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    I am under Windows 10 Family

    Construct 2 Version ID

    I am using Construct r221 64-bits