shinkan's Forum Posts

  • yes thats true, but isn't random act like that? you can have 1 everytime, or never. You never know, thats pure luck ;P

  • How weapon shoot is usually defined by variables.

    +If var "weapon" = 1

    • set animation to "weapon1"
    • set "fire_speed" = 5


    and for switching   

    If animation "put away" finished -> set animation to "weapon2"

    just an example :)

  • or round(random(X)) ;)

  • You could also do all weapons as a animations in one sprite. Then instead of deleting instances and creating new ones you can just switch animations :)

  • Don't work for me either. It just says Emberwind is loading... but nothings seems to happening. IE9

  • Here is a CC cap:

    Ahh, Thanks tulamind, i can see where i made a mistake now.

  • Hey Ashley, i didn't get that error again, so it's probably fixed now.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Here is another one:

    Automatically loop-count x from 1 to n repeatedly

    x = (x % n) + 1

    could you show me an example of that? can't get it to work :/

  • In C2 it says

     Type mismatch
    = does not work with 'integer' and 'string' (use & to build strings)
  • Could someone please post an tutorial how to set this up step by step?

  • Shame it doesn't work with text variables :)

  • Just did! and it's awesome :D

  • Is that feature implemented in C2?

  • Create few layers, select one and in properties window change the name of that layer. Before you press Enter to confirm new name click on the other layer in Layers panel.

    Construct 2 Check failure
    Check failure!  This is probably a bug:
    No property changed handler available when editing property
    Condition: false
    File: Bars\PropertiesBar.cpp
    Line: 693
    Function: void __cdecl CPropertiesBar::OnItemEdited(class CMFCPropertyGridProperty *,bool)
    Build: release 54 (64-bit) checked
    Component: Construct 2 IDE
    (Last Win32 error: 0)
    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way.  Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports!  Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.
  • 5. Last sub-events on the list can't be turned to a regular event.

    If you got a bunch of events and the last one of them contains a sub-event, then that sub-event can't be turned/dragged into a normal event. You can easly dragg sub-events from the middle of the list but if it's the last position on the list you can only copy and paste it to transform from sub-event to event.

    I'm sorry for useing too many "event" word ;)