Sergeyk's Forum Posts

  • Hi Guys,

    I use r231 and after compiling with CocoonJs cloud(webview+ mode) I have construct 2 system save/load don't work.

    It works fine if I compile with Phonegap but webview+ gives much more efficient CPU usage.

    Please advise if any ideas to save load in CocoonJS?

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  • Hi Everyone,

    Please advise if any solutions were found on this issue?

    My game really needs to use WebGL in iOS otherwise performance is unplayable.

    If you have any other solution please share the knowledge

    Thank you,


  • Hi Carlosgs!

    Have you solved that problem?

    Thank you,


  • I've got the solution based on your comment!!! Thank you very much again!

    Here is the example:

    Every 0.1 sec. - Arrow Set Angle: angle( 0 , 0 , arrow.Physics.VelocityX , arrow.Physics.VelocityY )

    Easy and cosy

  • thank you for your help Fisholith

  • HI Guys,

    I'm looking for action -- then Fire a "Arrow" with physics and a Denser Physic at the Arrow Head ---

    I need to simulate the flight of the arrow.

    When arrow's reaching max height

    1. The edge of the arrow should fall first and only after the body of the arrow.

    My arrow instead flight like peace of crap (fully solid object with center of the mass in the center). Dropping on body of the arrow first

    I have broken my head already.

    Do you have any Ideas?

  • HI Guys,

    I'm looking for action -- And then Fire a "Arrow" with physics and a Denser Physic at the Arrow Head ---

    I need to simulate the flight of the arrow.

    When arrow's reaching max height

    1. The edge of the arrow should fall first and only after the body of the arrow.

    My arrow instead flight like peace of crap (fully solid object with center of the mass in the center). Dropping on body of the arrow first

    I have broken my head already.

    Do you have any Ideas?