Scoremonger's Forum Posts

  • Look in the browser console for the error message.

    It would be something so incredibly obvious. Thank you.

    That's ctrl+shift+j in Chrome, in case anyone's wondering.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Construct fails to start when I install my addon, which probably means I forgot to cross a t somewhere, but I have no idea where. Does anyone have any tips for figuring out where an addon is failing when Construct launches?

  • I've seen similar error messages before this version of C3, then the project just won't open anymore. I even extracted my C3P to look at the folders/json and everything looked intact at a glance. I had assumed this was just me breaking something with some 3rd party plugins I'd been trying out, but I saw a couple other people in this forum report similar issues. For example, the litetween thread in the C2 section has a report from someone whose C3 project won't open now - same thing. Previously-working project failing to load with a "<whatever> is not a function" error message.

    As for this version of C3, I haven't tried Dropbox, but I've been having no luck getting OneDrive to open through the Cloud file open dialog. I get a Microsoft page saying there are problems with the service and to try back later, but I'm able to access my files just fine by browsing to them with the OneDrive web interface outside of C3. I have the previous version of C3 still installed on another machine, thankfully, and it is opening those files just fine.

    Sure would be nice if there was some easy way to roll back C3 to a previous version, but I'm not aware of any.

  • Hi, I have a situation where I'm using physics to move things around, but I'd like to be able to react to collisions before the physics system does. So for example, Ball object strikes Wall object. If Ball.Speed > 100, destroy Wall, and Ball keeps going in the same direction, otherwise let the physics do its thing.

    It seems that by the time you get the collision event from the physics system, it has also handled the collision itself and changed the velocities of the impacted objects. That makes sense, just wondering if anyone can think of a way around this. Thanks!

  • Hi, I've been successfully using a desktop link for C3 for awhile now, but recently on my laptop this just stopped working. When I double-click the link it opens Chrome, but doesn't run the C3 app. I think it's probably something specific to this computer since the link still works fine on my desktop machine, so I'm wondering if anyone else here has run into this problem and if so, did you find a solution? Thanks!

  • Congratulations on completing your game! Your core mechanic was pretty hilarious.

    I'm with you - C3 is a great product. I was a bit let down at first that there weren't more flashy features announced for C3, but after working on my game over the last few weeks I've realized that all the smaller enhancements in C3 add up to a big increase in productivity (even taking into account the time spent writing up bug reports ). I'm looking forward to C3 stabilizing enough for Scirra to push ahead with some of the bigger features, but it in the meantime it's already a fantastic tool that I am happy to pay for.

  • OK, I didn't see it in the bug database so I've written this up here: Please add any comments to the bug report if you have more information that would be useful. For example if you're having this problem with OneDrive or Dropbox it would be good to tell them about it - I've only been using Google Drive.

  • Same problem here as well. I almost always have to repeatedly click to refresh when trying to access Google Drive through C3 (no problems when doing this through Chrome or the desktop app), but today I can't get it to connect at all. I'll check to see if this has been written up yet and submit a bug report if not.

  • Couldn't you just put the UUID of the instance into an array or something and then get a handle on it that way later?

    Yes, that's true, or you can capture the UID in a local variable right after you create your object, and once you're a level higher do some action on it - I think this works whether you create by name or through the standard create object method. Not sure what I was thinking when I wrote that last night tbh - I think I'm suffering game jam delirium.

    I still wish I understood what the OP's question was though...

  • Hi cedlal, can you be more specific about what you're trying to do? I'd like to help but I'm having trouble understanding your question. I can't tell if you're trying to only create new instances or pick existing instances. In other words, are you trying to spawn things or manipulate them after they are spawned? (Or both?)

    If you're just creating new objects, you can do that easily enough either through "System:Create object" (which uses a dialog to select the object to spawn) or "System:Create object (by name)" (which you can pass a string to that's the name of your object type). However that's not the same as picking/changing individual instances after they have been spawned. I ran into that problem earlier today, and I'm not sure if there's a direct way to pick instances just created by name. I suppose you could give each object type an "Initialized" boolean and every time you spawn an instance you spawn loop through ALL instances in the game to find the one that wasn't initialized, pick it, do some operation on it, and set the boolean to "true". But that's such a hack it makes me shudder.

  • I'm trying to use the set color command (which I was fine with in construct 2) and it works fine for parameter 0 (red). However, when the parameter is set to 1 or 2 (theoretically green then blue) it doesn't work. I've tried multiple things to make sure I haven't just made a mistake (IE replacing the one used for the red and putting it in every tick) but to no avail. Is it treating the color as a single parameter? If so how do I target blue or green?

    SteamPoweredPix Hi, I was having the same exact problem - it really seemed as though effects that require color parameters were just broken in Construct 3, but they're not! Here's how pass color values to effects now.

    Instead of the C2-style "parameter 0 = red, parameter 1 = green, parameter 2 = blue", C3 color parameters are just a single value of "rgb" type. To get that you use the System expression "rgb" and pass it three numbers between 0-255 (not 0-100 like in C2).

    Solid red:
    Set effect "SetColor" parameter 0 to rgb(255, 0, 0)
    Solid green:
    Set effect "SetColor" parameter 0 to rgb(0, 255, 0)
    Solid blue:
    Set effect "SetColor" parameter 0 to rgb(0, 0, 255)
    Solid grey:
    Set effect "SetColor" parameter 0 to rgb(128, 128, 128)
    And so on. Hope this helps!
  • I like this idea of a C3/Newgrounds jam.

    The idea of the theme feels so forced. Dislike...

    But I like that the jam is longer than 48 hours. ^_^

    Hah, my feelings exactly. "Three" is the key concept, and it's very abstract. Well, very abstract in a mathematical sense. Whatever though, I'm giving it a go and enjoying C3's improvements.

  • My first impression was pretty positive - I like the overall look/feel better than C2. And I like the larger sample games that are included.

    I think I'm done playing around with the beta though. I just can't spend much time on a limited version of Construct at this point. If all the features were unlocked and I could import my C2 projects I'd be testing more aggressively, but as it stands I'll wait for the full version/game jam version.

  • Also, tunepunk added a guide to the forum to make construct 3 seem standalone, with fullscreen, no toolbars and no address bars.

    Thanks jonathanw12! Here's a direct link to the thread for anyone interested. It worked very well for me.

  • Sadly, I agree with the overall sentiment here. This isn't a complaint about the subscription model per se - it's just saying that C3's feature set isn't very exciting yet, at least for many of us. It will do all the things C2 does even better (and cross-platform, though that probably isn't useful for most current users), and that's about it.

    I'd love to know what else to look forward to. For example, are an improved debugger and better modularity/project organization features are planned at all, and when we can expect the editor SDK? The excellent idea of a Flash/Godot-style properties animator with timeline has come up - is that a pipe dream? If so, maybe that's fine, because there are enough other great things coming we won't even miss it. But right now, based on the C3 announcements I have to conclude we probably won't see major features for quite some time. I would like nothing more than to be proven wrong about this.

    In the meantime I'm looking forward to the beta tomorrow. I hope it goes well.