I'm trying to use the set color command (which I was fine with in construct 2) and it works fine for parameter 0 (red). However, when the parameter is set to 1 or 2 (theoretically green then blue) it doesn't work. I've tried multiple things to make sure I haven't just made a mistake (IE replacing the one used for the red and putting it in every tick) but to no avail. Is it treating the color as a single parameter? If so how do I target blue or green?
SteamPoweredPix Hi, I was having the same exact problem - it really seemed as though effects that require color parameters were just broken in Construct 3, but they're not! Here's how pass color values to effects now.
Instead of the C2-style "parameter 0 = red, parameter 1 = green, parameter 2 = blue", C3 color parameters are just a single value of "rgb" type. To get that you use the System expression "rgb" and pass it three numbers between 0-255 (not 0-100 like in C2).
Solid red:
Set effect "SetColor" parameter 0 to rgb(255, 0, 0)
Solid green:
Set effect "SetColor" parameter 0 to rgb(0, 255, 0)
Solid blue:
Set effect "SetColor" parameter 0 to rgb(0, 0, 255)
Solid grey:
Set effect "SetColor" parameter 0 to rgb(128, 128, 128)
And so on. Hope this helps!