scidave's Forum Posts

  • You can save your game as a .exe by going to the "project" tab and selecting "export to exe". You can't save in swf format.

  • Thanks for the help!

    one of the things I hope to eventually add to 's' is a debugging feature, where instead of crashing, there can be an "on error" condition, and a "geterror" expression, so you can set a textbox to the error, and see why it's happening. should make it easier to learn, and to find mistakes. that's a little further down the line though.

    This would be a HUGE help. I keep wanting to look at the S object in the debugger to see what is being populated. Any extra bit of debug info would really help in understanding S. This plugin is so incredibly powerful!

  • Wow, now that was a great game! This game was way better than the first one. You had a certain number of days which kept the action tense. The plot was much better and the missions were a great touch. I also liked the combat element and it was easier to know what was bad and what was good. I also liked the graphical view of the inventory. Day and night were nice.

    The negative was that the monsters were not that smart and I could mostly avoid them by running along the bottom of the screen. Also, most of the monsters just moved in the same pattern.

    I beat the game on Day 11.

    Nice game again.

  • Hi Lucid,

    I'm trying to work again with S on this inventory thing. Here is the general idea.

    The player has X number of equipped item slots (3 in this case) and a large area where inventory items can be kept (bag or case). When the player goes around and touched an item it is added to the case. If the player then switches to inventory mode they will see all of the items they have touched in the bag. They then have the option to equip and unequip items. When they equip an item the icon for that item displays in the equipped slot.

    Of course, this could also relate back to the player. If they have certain items equipped then they could have those actually spawned with them (like a knife vs sword) or a magic spell.

    Ok, that is the main idea. I've attached a .cap with a really rough implementation that is just really bad and doesn't work well. It crashes unless I switch to inventory mode before having the player run over the item. I completely do not understand that crash. It also doesn't work if more than one item is in the family. I thought one of your example used just the object kinda like what I am doing here (even though the family is specified). I clearly do not understand S right now.

    Also, unrelated to S do you know a way to "pick object by name". For example, if the global var # of equipped is 0 I would like the equipped0 panel to display using something like (object name = "equipped&global("equipped").

    Here is the .cap:

    Thanks for any feedback.

  • This release rocks! Especially all the Python work.

  • I'm a big sci-fi fan.

  • deadeye and Guyon. I believe it is fixed in that it works perfectly fine if you have Python installed on the machine. However, it is not fixed in that it really requires Python to be installed on the end user's system to run flawlessly. At least that is what I found.

    If you try out the hello world example I made, you will see that it runs fine on a system without Python. However, it does have an error message popup on start.

  • Are you using the audio converter in the layout? I have had strange crashing issues with the Audio Converter plugin.

  • Hey Minor... good to see a new release! I played it for about 30 min and then gave up.

    My biggest complaint is that you have no idea what level you are on or how you are progressing. It is very disorienting, which is perhaps intended.. but the problem is when you die there is an option on the main menu for "last levels" and you have no idea if you are starting from the start or it actually saved your game. The difficulty seemed allright and I believe I was around level 15 or so before I died. I was expecting the further levels to be more difficult, but it seems like it is somewhat random on how difficult the levels were. I actually kind of liked this. One level you could just take your time running around picking up gold and collecting as much fire as you pleased and the next level it is a frantic race to find your way out. That was fun. The big killer for me was a lack of indication on what progress I made and a lack of indication if the saved game feature was really working.

    Another issue is the initial loading of the game. It just sits there loading the levels with no indication on what is going on. Some people with ADD may just quit your game before they even start. I would add a progress bar when the levels are first generated.

    Also, the controls (as far as repeatedly pressing keys) felt ok this time and they do add to the frantic nature of the levels.

    Thanks for sharing!

  • > Uh, I'm probably asking a really stupid question but can't you just drop the .dll you need into the folder that your game is in and zip it up?


    > I mean, MMF games need that CNC32.DLL or whatever it's called, if you don't have MMF installed.


    Yes you can. I was going to write that you you can do this.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. Not all Python external libraries have nicely packaged Dlls that you can include with your game. They are usually distributed with the assumption that Python is installed on the system. I'm not an expert on Py2exe but it does during compile/build time is cosntruct an exe with known library dependencies. It will include any external libraries as modules in a "dist" directory or bundle straight into the executable. I have made pygame games with Py2Exe with only the executable and it had lots of other external dependencies, so it is very much in the realm of possibility. However, this really needs to be done during compile/build time and not some kind of hack where we copy over dependencies after the fact.

    I'd like to see Python working correctly though first without external libraries, like Pygame, before that support is added. I haven't been able to get even a simple Hello World example working without a hack (copying over .pyc files) and error messages. This is no slam on developers as Python would be insanely awesome with this support.

  • >

    > Pretty much what I found is that you have to install Python 2.6.4 to get external libraries to work (at least without more work). I tried copying over the python26.dll file but still got lots of errors for missing dependencies.


    does this mean it works on machines without python installed if you dont have external libraries...iwasnt sure if that worked or not...and if so, oes it still get the weird error?

    Yes, that is correct. If you don't have external libraries then it works. However, I am still getting the weird error message. I also still had to copy over a bunch of .pyc files to cover dependencies. However, I bundled all of these up so if someone wants to try what I did then it will be easier.

    Here is a Hello World example w/ the required Python26.dll and the dependencies. You can either unpack into the same directory or unpack into a C:\Python26\dict directory.

    I believe there will always be errors and issues until the support is added into Construct to have this all handled during "Build the exe time". That is when the input/export table is constructed and when links to libraries are set. It will probably always be buggy if we try to do this after the fact.

  • Congrats!!! I bet it feels great. No more late nights studying. I'm guessing you are a computer engineer?

  • This example is HOT!!!

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  • Very nice minor. It was fun... I could really see this turning into a full game. The movement was a little weird for me to. I wanted to just hold down the keys instead of tapping them to move.

    The random dungeon creation is a nice touch as well! I'll have to study that aspect more.

  • Yeah Minor, that game looks awesome. Hope to see a demo soon!