scidave's Forum Posts

  • I vote for monthly or every two months. Definitely allow other graphics (there are a bunch of freeware graphics available). I think every two months may be the minimum otherwise people will get burned out.

    I can't remember what happened to the last contest that was going to be hosted end of last year... it just seemed to disappear.

  • I've added another short tutorial, this one on using PyGTK to take screenshots. It is quite a bit overkill using PyGTK for this, but still a cool feature to show how easy it is to add the library support. The .cap was made in Construct .99.82.

    Screenshot generated by the tool:

    <img src="">

    Part2: Taking Screenshots with PyQT and PyGTK

  • This is a really great idea! I know it is a real pain to create particles by trial and error.

  • I think the Wait object wasn't added until .99.82. Which explains why you can't see it because it is not there!!

    If you don't want to update, one option might be to download and install the latest untable build to a separate system and then copy the Wait plugin into your construct directory.

  • Damn it looks awesome!!!

    Yeah, I second that. Definitely felt like a game I would play a lot more of.

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  • Hey Mipey you stole my idea!! just kidding.. I was thinking about making a space adventure game as well. Something like "Hard Nova" just not as complicated with options. I'm currently waiting on 1.0 to come out before I start on it.

    I'm kidding Platformer/RPG's have been done to death. :I

    I'm guessing he is joking here, because I haven't really seen many good platformer RPGs at all.

  • The latest adventure tutorial is finally out!

    In Part 5: Inventory we will walk through creating a drag-and-drop inventory system (game menu) that allows you to equip and unequip your items. I'll also show how you can display item stats, drop items from inventory, and extend the game by creating consumable items. The approach is fairly generic and it is easy to add items to the system.

    <img src="">

    Get it here (You need Construct .99.82 or later):

    If you have any questions on extending or using the inventory let me know. Enjoy!

  • Perhaps it is an issue with global variables or the lack thereof. If your game works fine in one layout but not in the other.... Without more details it is hard to say what the problem could be.

  • so why not have it automaticaly chosen for you?.

    because most folks play an RPG because they want extra control over the player. They like the option of choosing the lighter armor because maybe they can maneuver around a strong slow opponent, or selecting one form of magic over another based on the situation. By taking all of that away from them you have simplified it into more of an action game. Not that that is a bad thing, but it isn't the typical RPG.

    Do you know how to make the keys customizable by the player?.

    I believe there is a custom controls plugin that does this. Check out the plugins section or search for "custom controls"

  • Ashley is right, Construct is not really meant for something like this.

    However, I think once the fixes that R0J0hound made to Python get incorporated this would be straightforward with Construct and Python. I'll go out on a limb and say it would be easier than Delphi. However, you might hit a wall at some point where the more complex stuff would be better done in another language.

    Once the new version of Construct with the fixes comes out I'll work up a short example (time permitting .

  • You just made my week! I had pretty much given up on this so it is absolutely fantastic that you found a workaround and fixed the bugs. Awesome work!

  • Hi! Construct can write and read memory addresses of some process?

    No, the process plugin does not have support for that directly. However, you could do the back end code with Python and then use Construct GUI to select options and display results.

  • I'd like to see how you're going to create the inventory.

    Hi. Since you expressed interest I'll go ahead and put that out as the next one. I had started working on it awhile ago and got bored. It isn't very exciting and can be complicate (for example originally I was going to show a drag and drop inventory system, but it was way too complex). I believe the ideal inventory system would use Lucid's S plugin, but I decided not to go that route for now because I don't understand it well enough myself.

    I have a basic example working that I'll post that shows how to add to the inventory, equip and unequip items. It should be enough for people to extend out to meet their needs. It will probably be a couple weeks so I can find to write it up.

    p.s. Also, for those following the Python stuff I decided to move all of the main Python library tutorials to a separate thread since it is not really on topic to the adventure game.

  • This is a short tutorial series covering how to add cool features to your Construct games using Python. Specifically, by importing Python external libraries. These libraries such as Pygame, PyGTK, or PyAIML already have large amounts of code that you can import and use easily!

    I decided these really don't belong in the adventure game thread, so I'm moving them permanently here.

    The quick guide walks you through in about 5 pages how to import and use an artificial intelligence chat engine PyAIML. In doing it, you should be able to import most other libraries using the same steps. The other tutorials cover more in-depth use of the libraries and more advanced troubleshooting techniques.

    Python Library Quickguide (concise manual on using external libraries)

    Python External Libraries Part1 (more advanced troubleshooting and AI example)

    Example screenshot:

    <img src="">

    ** New ** Python Libraries Part2: Taking Screenshots with PyQT and PyGTK

    Future tutorials will cover things like joystick control, speech recognition (tbd).

  • TI-99/4A - Old Texas Instruments computer.

    <img src="">