savvito123's Forum Posts

  • Yes, I just found a documentation that says can't add to an instant Facebook leaderboard a lower value than the current players score.

  • I found the solution here ->

    And this is the capx ->

    Hello and thanks for your reply,

    This is for local storage for 1 player best scores, unfortunately is not what I'm looking for.

  • Hello,

    Trying to set a score at a leaderboard can succesfully update only if the current value is higher than the old one.

    If i try to set a score with lower value than the current value at leaderboard its fault.

    Is this the way leaderboards work?

    Also i have problem with names of the leaderboard , it show only the first name.

    I try to browser -> log as dop2000 say and the log only the first name appears as well.

  • What's stopping one player to run the game 10 times, or open it in 10 browser tabs, and collect all prizes?

    A local storage can restrict the player to run this twice.

  • If you have 3 paths and you want only one path to be correct just block the other 2 paths on a player click.

    So let's say you have 3 sprites at the end of each path. Sprite1, sprite2 sprite3 and the correct path is the sprite1.

    On click on sprite 1 - > create 2 solid blocks to block the other 2 paths, wait 0.02 and find path to object sprite1.

    Same if click the other 2.

  • If i understand you want your player to not get damaged if collide with enemies when he attack?

    You have to run to event when the enemies collide with your player and compare if player does not play attack animations.

    If you want to add a hitbox make an empty sprite and create it when the player attacks.

    So if player playing animation attack and frame is equal to "what ever" -> system create hitbox.

    Hitbox on collision with enemies -> destroy hitbox.

    Just notice if you have your player flipped or mirrored you have to specify the position of hitbox.

    And another advise , destroy your hitbox on animation attack end so your player do not carry it anymore.

  • Its a little confuse because the names are not match but, On start of layout request the txt file it has the number 10 inside.

    As you can see at the first picture $file = "your txt file name that include the number 10"

    At the 3rd picture you send the data to the php file, change the name to fit your php file.

    Sorry for the mess....

  • Hello,

    Unfortunately it will confuse you if i send you the project so,

    here is an example.

    First of all you need to create a page that accept php (000Webhost)

    You need to add a txt file at the root of your page and just write the number 10.

    Create another file and name it whatever you want xxxxx.php and insert this inside

    After that here are some events

  • Good morning,

    As i remember you need only read and post.

    Please give me some hours to get home , i remember i have a C2 project at my pc that will help you.

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  • Does this have a connection to my problem?

  • Using post php can do the job.

    I'm still wondering why you want to stop users playing your game. 🤔

  • If you upload the game to facebook, you can't use debug mode. You can use Browser Log Spritefont.Text to print the text to console log. Press F12 in browser and check, maybe this will give you the idea of what's going on

    The console only show the first name as sprite font do.

    Is this a bug?

    Because i remember before 1 month was working.

  • Try add an instance variable to your enemies.

    Player is playing attack animation, player is overlapping enemy and frame is equal to 0 subtract 1 from

    Enemy health is equal or less than 0 destroy enemy.

    It's not a bad idea to add a hit box.

  • Good morning,

    How can i run debug mode?

    I'm using this for checking instant object

  • I try it that with no luck.

    It's strange because if i ask to insert and the score and the rank and some other static strings it show all of this which mean that I have space for the surnames.