savvito123's Forum Posts

  • Im not understand what you are saying..

    Please explain better..

  • Hi there,,, Is this working with

  • now i understand... You can compare if a layer is visible or not.

    If click object and layer is visible.

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  • No worries.. Happy to help..

  • Trigger once...

  • Did you add all the players in the layout?

  • You can set a variable alive=true at your player, or if you have already a health variable to your player then you have to use it to all the buttons.

    So, lets say you have a fire_button, you can add another condition if players health its equal or greaten that 1 then shoot. Do it with all the buttons.

  • Build a capx and send it.

    I dont think this is working.


    ID: 5271

    Picture of event ^

    Hope that clears it up


    Its not make sense to me..

    random works like that "random(value1,value2)"

    You just set the value1 and value2 to random.

    Construct it calculate the random number -15,15 and the 165,195 and gives you a random number between the 2 calculated numbers.

    Its the same with random(-15,195) this will give you the same result.

    with choose

    "choose(value1,value2,value3 etc)" it choose one of this values even if this values are random like


    It choose one of this 3 number , from 0 to 100 or from 150 to 250 or from 350 to 450.

  • random(random(A,A)), random(random (B,B)

    The first random picks a random set of angles.

    eg. "A,A" angle towards player 1 or "B,B" towards player 2.

    Then the second random will set the angle random between chosen numbers.

    savvito123 this will Work wont it? I tried it once before.


    Do you mean to create 2 events?

    If player 1 lose then run random(random(A,A)) and if player 2 lose then run the other BB?

    Yes it work like that.

    But personal i prefer the choose , it limit the events and also i prefer the round.random so it not give an angle of 30,789765. I avoid decimals all the way.

    The choose give you the ability to add as many numbers you want.

  • Maybe with "choose(round.random(280,80),round.random(100,260))" you dont have the best result.



  • If you have a problem with "choose(round.random(280,80),round.random(100,260))"


    "choose(round.random(280,360),round.random(0,80), round.random(100,260))"

  • Let say a ball has 360 digrees and your game its landscape.

    Then you dont want the angles of 80 to 100 for not allow the ball go down and 260 to 280.when the ball spawn set the angle "choose(round.random(280,80),round.random(100,260))"

  • Im trying the last 4 days to post data with AJAX but with no results.

    After a lot of research i figure out that drop a php file to a webhost its not correct.

    Anyone who know where can i upload a php file so i can send data using AJAX?

  • Did you try system--repeat?