savvito123's Forum Posts

  • An app for pc exported with wj.js.

    First step is to let user write and save a json file.(using ";" separator so i can after use tokenat)

    Second step is let user pick this file (or another one has create before)

    So , after i pick up the json file, how i can use it and set a textbox to first tokenat ?

  • Well, its not a game, its a proggrame for store product and its gone open with wj. Lets say in a layout i have 2 buttons the first button navigate to product layout and the second button navigate to the price of products layout. Its possible to open this 2 layouts same time side by side?

  • Is there any way to open a layout inf front of other layout?

  • Try to change canvas+ or choose a lower cocoon version.

  • I use

    If you have problem with black screen you can change the version and webview. I personal dont prefer canvas+.

    Also you have to add plug ins, lets say you have Ads in your app then you have to install at cocoon settings the ads plug in.

  • What is the best hosting that i can upload some php files and execute it using Ajax.

    Except 000webhost because the most hours of day is down.

  • I have an app that people can vote if they agree with some predictions i give.

    So i give 5 predictions and users can vote for each prediction if they agree with me.

    I make allready that but i need to create 5 read.php and 5 post.php to post and read their votes.

    Is there any way to make my read php like 0;0;0;0;0 and when a user vote to send his vote like POST at tokenat"2"";" ???

  • So , if you want the spaceship to go up then you have to touch at a smaller y position from your spaceship and the opposite when the spaceship go down.

    You can compare the touch position if it smaller than spaceship set animation to up etc.

  • I was have the same issue with my first app.

    Sometimes admob need some days to start showing ads.

    Be patient.

    At my next projects i design it for the first days to: if the ads are not show to reward the players anyway.

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • Try to add this plugins

  • Try pathfinding.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I read here at forums that 25% cpu is too much for mobile devices.

    Here i have 25% cpu usage but if i export it and install at my mobile device the performance hit 45% cpu but the game runs good without issues.(I use the fps, cpuutilisation, ImageMemoryUsage and the number i get for cpu is 0,45 wich i think means 45%)

    So what is count for the present ? Because i think the post i read it was maybe 2 3 years old.Is something change?

  • No, to avoid users to take control you have to set the default control to "no".

    If you have the initial state to "no" then the behavior is disable and you cant move it.

  • So , why initial state is disable?