Sami424's Forum Posts

  • Tilemaps will give you times more performance in your case. Optimzinig the rendering of repeated patterns is their exact purpose

    Thank you ! I decided to use tilemaps.

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  • Use tiles if:

    Your maps have a lot of repeating patterns.

    Don't use them if:

    Your maps consist of large unique images.

    Mostly the same patterns, a few objects here and there like "houses", its a top down shooter game, so the floor tiles are exactly the same only different shapes.

    but this game is built for MOBILE, so that's why I am curious on performance with tilemaps.

  • O i got a full tileset i want to use, aswell as seperate pngs.

    Its not pixel game, now for my level making, should i use Sprite, tilemap or? Tips? All The graphics are ready its just im getting issues finding The correct sizes to use to be able to paint tiles properly using tilemap.

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  • This won't work when daylight saving timezone changes - in that case adding 24hrs can either stay on the same day, or be two days ahead.

    Date calculations are much more complicated than they first seem.

    Hmm, if I have a variable for each date type, such as DAY,MONTH,YEAR etc.

    And I use "Date.Get(year,month,day,hour,minutes,seconds,milliseconds)", then I would get the current date in milliseconds. So if i use this date that i got in MS, can i then check if for example a day has passed, using milliseconds?

  • oh thanks

    Did it work? I always thought we had to convert the date to mseconds first using variables.

  • Thanks for your response, but no I did that. I also tried going to each frame individually and positioning the image point.

    Your image point on the SPAWNED sprite defines where its spawned on that imagepoint thats creating that sprite.

    So check if the object you are SPAWNING the sprite, has an image point(0) in a bad placement, usually its center by default.

  • I'm trying to make a text box but I don't know how to pin it to the bottom of the viewport.

    Why do you want to pin to bottom of viewport?

    Anyways, this can be done by creating a new layer called "txt"(for example), set the "txt" layer parallax property to 0,0(default is 100,100).

    Setting parallax to 0,0 means this layer does not move away from the viewport, so anything that is on the bottom of viewport ON that layer, will not move away. This is so we can create for example "HUD" for our games.

    If you CREATE viewport on that layer using event sheet, and place it on bottom of the viewport then it will be like its pinned anyways, so you dont need PIN, just set layer parallax to 0,0

  • > > > There is a run in background plugin you can use.

    > >

    > >

    > > Can you write more details? I don't know what you're talking about.






    > Dont know if it will work in ur case tho.

    The server returned an HTTP 404 error. That requested URL could not be found.

    C3 Website is weird today or its my work net, im sorry link is

  • You can either use Facebooks Api and features to create a highscores on fb, if you want to post score to their Facebook feed use the native Facebook plugin and do "post to Wall", both require you to create a app id on Facebooks dev console, from there its Easy.

  • How do I create API to post score data to website ? help me please !! :(

    Firebase is your best solution.

  • > There is a run in background plugin you can use.

    Can you write more details? I don't know what you're talking about.

    Dont know if it will work in ur case tho.

  • I've customized an hex-based multiple enemy move pathfinding engine and turned it to turn based. Everything is fine except enemies overlap.

    Enemies are multiple instances of a sprite. Pathfinding is not on the enemy sprite but on a independent sprite the enemy sprite is attached to.

    Obstacles for Enemy pathfinding are : Terrain (here Water hexagons) and all other Enemies' hexagons

    when every Enemy's hexagons are Solid (including current Enemy), pathfinding can not be process because current Enemy's own hex is Solid. Pathfinding stops here. So in order to have Pathfinding to work, I have to disable current Enemy hexagon but keep all the others enemies hex Solid.

    Here is how the sequence is meant to work :

    - The Enemies don't move.

    - *each hexagon where an Enemy instance stands becomes Solid, creating an obstacle map on the game board.*

    - Pathfinding for Enemy instance 1 is calculated

    - Enemy instance 1 moves

    - Enemy instance stops

    - *Hexagon where Enemy instance stops becomes Solid*. Obstacle map changes.

    - Repeat to next Enemy instance until every Enemy has moved.

    Unfortunately, I'm not good enough programming to achieve this.

    Everything is fine except I couldn't find any way to have de steps marked ** to work. Anyone has an idea ?

    Capx is here :

    Just a quick question, doing event "Is moving with path" > Set solid (enable,disbled)

  • Sami424 i do it false but still blackscreen appearing 10 sec in starting the game.....i will say what i did....i go to evet of reply button and press add action and create interstitial ad and make it false ,then i press add action again to show interstitial ad ...i do not know what is the problem.

    Could you share a .capx project file or another example so i can try if it gives me blackscreen? Or are you using my example? Also when you preview, click f12 tell me if console shows you any errors.

    I have to check if the issue is on your end, or all ends.

  • Bump, i might go for firebase but seems like a waste when i can add wordpress + firebase and not have to code The post system