Sami424's Forum Posts

  • How do I create API to post score data to website ? help me please !! :(

    Firebase is your best solution.

  • > There is a run in background plugin you can use.

    Can you write more details? I don't know what you're talking about.

    Dont know if it will work in ur case tho.

  • I've customized an hex-based multiple enemy move pathfinding engine and turned it to turn based. Everything is fine except enemies overlap.

    Enemies are multiple instances of a sprite. Pathfinding is not on the enemy sprite but on a independent sprite the enemy sprite is attached to.

    Obstacles for Enemy pathfinding are : Terrain (here Water hexagons) and all other Enemies' hexagons

    when every Enemy's hexagons are Solid (including current Enemy), pathfinding can not be process because current Enemy's own hex is Solid. Pathfinding stops here. So in order to have Pathfinding to work, I have to disable current Enemy hexagon but keep all the others enemies hex Solid.

    Here is how the sequence is meant to work :

    - The Enemies don't move.

    - *each hexagon where an Enemy instance stands becomes Solid, creating an obstacle map on the game board.*

    - Pathfinding for Enemy instance 1 is calculated

    - Enemy instance 1 moves

    - Enemy instance stops

    - *Hexagon where Enemy instance stops becomes Solid*. Obstacle map changes.

    - Repeat to next Enemy instance until every Enemy has moved.

    Unfortunately, I'm not good enough programming to achieve this.

    Everything is fine except I couldn't find any way to have de steps marked ** to work. Anyone has an idea ?

    Capx is here :

    Just a quick question, doing event "Is moving with path" > Set solid (enable,disbled)

  • Sami424 i do it false but still blackscreen appearing 10 sec in starting the game.....i will say what i did....i go to evet of reply button and press add action and create interstitial ad and make it false ,then i press add action again to show interstitial ad ...i do not know what is the problem.

    Could you share a .capx project file or another example so i can try if it gives me blackscreen? Or are you using my example? Also when you preview, click f12 tell me if console shows you any errors.

    I have to check if the issue is on your end, or all ends.

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  • Bump, i might go for firebase but seems like a waste when i can add wordpress + firebase and not have to code The post system

  • There is a run in background plugin you can use.

  • I am making a article app for a client, The only functions it will have is showing articles my client writes.

    Whats The best way to do this? Use my wordpress blog and iframe? Or build a custom system for this using database and what not?

  • Thank u so much for reply Sami424 i am testing on android mob....i add banner ad and make it true and ad intersitital ad and make it true also when player press reply button.....i don't ad any reward video ads.

    Try to set it to FALSE, and only SHOW the ad when you tell the event to show it, so it gets to load first.

  • thanks so much Sami424 can u help me also in this problem when i add admob ads to my game Trouble happens....when starting game,black screen appears to 10 sec between starting game and appearing game menu and make starting game is slowing.....what should i do to avoid that?

    Make sure "Create Rewarded Video" is set to "Show: False", also are you testing on IOS or Android, or preview browser?

  • Hello Sami424, I will try, anyway I will appreciate a lot if you can upload an example. Thank you so much.

    Ok i will upload example, but you have to set your own IDs to the plugin.

    So in the example, click on the "Mobile Advert" plugin in the objects list, enter your Android id OR Apple id (no need to have both when testing).

    Then check the events, an set the id of the rewarded video being created to your rewarded video id(ID of the rewarded video you created on admobs)

    Run and see if button is visible, if it is, the rewarded video loaded correctly

    Click the button, if the rewarded video test ad shows, its done, if not, then something is wrong, this always works for me.

  • Is i only me that have issues with writing big text on for example a forum topic using the Phone? If I type to much The letters clump together and its glitchy, like there is a limit on mobile for how much you can write.

  • Same here!, now google test ads doesn´t work, is set on "test mode" but nothing happens. If I try to compile my project in r268 release it works.

    Any solution? can you Sami424 share how you do it?


    First make sure you put the correct admobs app id in to the admobs plugin.

    Then do On start of Layout > Create rewarded video ad (id)

    Then do on button click > Show rewarded video ad

    On Rewarded ad finish > Create ad again so we can show it again.

    I can send an example after work :)

  • I don't find what your suggesting to make sense. Zelevation controls the ALTITUDE of an object viewed with a 3-d camera, it only controls depth if you are in 2-d. So if you are suggesting that we use a 2-d (HUD ATTACHED) bullet then it would literally move with the screen and not be inside the game world.

    The only way is to assign a Zelevation per tick based on CameraYRotation to keep it center screen, which after a few tries reveals itself as being a ratio of speed to Zelevation as a bullet fired straight up isn't going anywhere x/y wise.

    I would love to hear an improvement on my formula or a further explanation if I am misinterpreting your suggestion but it sounds like your taking a guess at it and about 15 steps behind the trial and error ladder I am on.

    I was taking a guess, since what you are trying to do is preatty advanced. But i can be wrong, might be very easy to, wait for another reply.

  • A bullet flying forward in this way wouldn't actually be in the game world so there would be no way to know when it is hitting a wall. So the calculations you would make to detect when it does hit something require you to come up with a formula that could have made the original bullet fly legitimately in the game world without faking it 2-d so none of this makes any sense.

    Your suggestion sounds like you haven't even tried the 3d camera very much otherwise your advice might contain the world ZScale in it, as somebody calculating angle would need to convert it to pixel in the first place to have a chance at all of working.

    The code I have in my example works fine just not at extreme angles the original poster here would probably be better off following the example in my question on this same subject than this advice.

    zScale scales the bullet forward/backwards.

    I have experience in this, unfortunately since construct 3 is a 2d engine from start, we dont have many options for making 3d objects move in that angle.



    When I export my project for iOS, the vibrate always has the same (very) strong (long) intensity. But the same project exported to Android works correctly (with the intensity that I wanted).

    Any suggestion regarding how to fix this? Is it a Cordova Vibrate Plugin bug?

    Maybe I should specify a different intensity for iOS, Ashley Ashley?

    I REALLY need help...

    IOS 15?