RstMorgz's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • In my 3D construct3 remake of Dark Deception, the player works how it normally would and doesn't go through walls. When I use the teleport powerup, suddenly it can run through walls and the movement glitches out.

    Does anyone know why this could be? The solids aren't disabled because when the player walks backwards into them, they stop by the wall. Same when I run straight into them when looking down.

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  • Hi all! I hope someone can help me since I have never encountered this before.

    I am making a recreation of Dark Deception to win a bet with a friend, to prove that it is possible.

    I was working on it today. I saved the file, then closed the pc I was working on. I have now reopened the file and something is broken.

    When I open the file, there is nothing there. If I scroll for a bit, I can see the map and edit stuff, but everything is on a weird stretched angle.

    I also can't play it because the top bar with the layout, event sheets and start page buttons where the play button is located just isn't there.

    I have restarted both Construct3 and my computer but it still doesnt work, I know it's probably my computer since it also does this with other files but I don't know how to fix this.

  • Hey guys!

    Thanks for the response, I forgot about this forum after posting and I did eventually figure it out myself.

    Turns out my dumbass accidentally dropped another player sprite into the map from the left project bar. That one was the one colliding with the fire.

    Works fine now!

  • In my game, I used the slender map template to create a survival game. It's not finished but I keep encountering the same issue.

    I have a condition that says: "(System) Repeat 250 times: (System) Create Object "Fire" in random x and y positions."

    This works but I keep taking damage in places where the fire doesn't exist / didn't spawn.

    I have no idea how to fix it. Would it be possible to fix this?


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  • 4 posts