My game is broken in the file, but I have no idea what is happening.

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Source File, music and art pack for Android Negotiator
  • Hi all! I hope someone can help me since I have never encountered this before.

    I am making a recreation of Dark Deception to win a bet with a friend, to prove that it is possible.

    I was working on it today. I saved the file, then closed the pc I was working on. I have now reopened the file and something is broken.

    When I open the file, there is nothing there. If I scroll for a bit, I can see the map and edit stuff, but everything is on a weird stretched angle.

    I also can't play it because the top bar with the layout, event sheets and start page buttons where the play button is located just isn't there.

    I have restarted both Construct3 and my computer but it still doesnt work, I know it's probably my computer since it also does this with other files but I don't know how to fix this.

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