Roccinio's Forum Posts

  • i believe the misunderstanding about morality is caused because we live in different countries and we have different cultural backgrounds,

    in some places you can treat women like dogs and it is perfectly normal and moral for it is a matter of perspective.

    i feel that i did not do something wrong by asking if he could help the community with the only good example out there , not knowing the agreement between you two and the fact that you consider "community work" as a form of an actual business transaction instead of means to motivate new users to contribute to the forums.

    please accept my apologies if i offended you in any way.

  • zatyka

    moral dilema on what? you created it didnt you?it is entirely up to you.

    and i have seen your tutorials and you ROCK!

    so i do not understand why not share knowlege and help people out as long of course they deserve it and give back to the community.

    but anyways thank you for your time and effort.

    i will try my best to figure this out

  • zatyka

    hi friend! after a lot of searching i stumbled upon your post and i would really appreciate it if you gave me guidance on how to achieve this.

    as for "payment" i am constantly trying to help the community by posting the little things i know! :p

  • just use compare x in your sprite1

    if sprite1.x <sprite2.x --------- sprite2 mirror (if his original import is facing left)

    ----------------------------- simulate sprite2 movement to right (if using platform behavior)

    dont forget to go to sprite2 settings and enable custom movement

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  • i have the same issue about touch registering either multiple times or nothing at all.

  • One good solution to your problem would be to use spriter. It uses only one time your pings, and it tweens them real time during could have literaly hundreds of animations with one set of would have to learn of course many new things on how all this works but i guess it is worth the effort in the long run.

  • the 'right' way is the one that the doc said. but if you make something very simple you could use only one sheet and one event sheet. the trick would be to use layers as levels. level 1 is layer 1,level 2 is layer 2 and so one.and you could move between them by actions., opacity, etc.

    and you should always listen to what your doctor has to say :p

  • sorry i should have been more detailed i did not notice that you are just starting out

    lets name the object 'button'

    create an instance variable for it . make a Boolean named 'touched' and set it false.

    if touching 'button' ......... set 'touched' to true

    you can set whatever you want here as well like opacity,to show that is pressed

    if inverted touching 'button' (right click to see the inverted command)

    is 'touched' ......... go to layout 'blah blah'

    trigger once while true .......... set 'touched' to false

    here you do not need the trigger once since we are using the boolean to filter out the situation but if you use an in game touch button for example for the player to swing a sword and when it is released to do something else it is needed otherwise it will check as true forever since you are not touching the button

  • just say when it is not in touch with your object but do not forget to add a trigger once while true otherwise it will trigger every tick

  • Yes because trigger once is a system condition and it does not pick instances as I learned the hard way!


    Trigger once is a system command and it doesn't pick instances

  • Thndr

    you are a life saver!

    so simple and yet I lost 2 days of my life with this.

    sometimes you overthink I guess :p

    I had tried your way before and failed but with your advice I felt confident that this is the right way to go so I experimented a little bit and here is the result for future reference for people who get stuck like me

    I owe you a beer!

  • hi lucid!

    is there a way to play scml animations for each instance without using the build in platform animation triggers?as you can read in my above post anything else than "trigger once" loops the animation to its first key frame and if i use it it only picks one instance.

    please help

  • Thndr

    hi friend!

    take a look here

    and let me know