Rilem's Forum Posts

  • Alright thanks for the update. That's great news!

  • Great work on the plugin guys! I recently got Spine and my first character worked straight out of the box. Awesome!

    I noticed I had to use a 3.8 legacy export to be compatible with this addon. However, that destroyed my bezier curve animation data (turning all keyframes into linear). It's a limitation on Spines end, and kind of a bummer.

    I was wondering if any progress has been made on porting the 4.0.x runtime to Construct 3?

  • Alright, good to know that that is the design intent. It's not how I want it to work, but I can see why it was implemented this way. Knowing this I'll be more careful when creating objects at runtime.

    I think the issue is that because at first it didn't seem like the default instance was arbitrary, I had become dependent on the idea that there was '1 true original'. I reckon this is a pitfall many users will stumble into at some point.

  • It's really confusing to know which object instance is the default used to create objects at runtime. I've had an object change it's default object instance several times in the lifetime of the project.

    In my mind it would be logical to use the first created instance in the editor as the default. But this doesn't seem to be the case.

    I'd love to know the logic behind this.

  • Be sure to update the firmware on your 8bitdo. I've had a similar problem with mine in the past. After updating the firmware, chrome was able to read all the inputs like you would expect from a normal xbox layout.

    Ah yes, that did the trick! Thanks for the fast response. :)

    Open local project folder option is now missing for me. In all releases that should support it. A chrome issue perhaps?

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    I've encountered the weirdest bug. Since r183-2 my Mighty Goose project keeps breaking. But not consistently. Bug report:

  • Hello Crafter. :)

    1. The scrollto behavior has a Shake event you can call

    2. You can achieve this coyote time you speak of by tracking the time spent in the air in an instance variable. Then you can compare that variable to a time window of your choosing. If the variable falls within the time window, you can add a vertical force equal to the objects jump strenght.

    3. You can do that with the Lens2 effect

  • Good to know! I just ran into this and I'm really glad a fix is already underway.

  • > Good luck, can't wait to see this finished.



    How'd you get the surface rotation to work here exactly?

  • Yeah I'm using the SurfaceAngle, but I'm using construct's "rotate to" function to interpolate between the angles.

  • Good luck, can't wait to see this finished.

  • Dunno if you caught this:

  • I've got my eye on this.

    Great work so far!