Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • A refined question to my original post:

    Is it possible individually place a sprite according multiple image points on the same sprite? Essentially redrawing/resizing/reshaping the sprite in relation to ANOTHER sprite's image points??

    Here is an updated .capx of what I have now...


  • Phyvo - Okay, can you walk me through this? What's this telling C2 to do?

    Particularly the parts I have underlined.

    X: sprite2.imagepointX(q)-(sprite1.imagepointX(r)-sprite1.X)

    Y: sprite2.imagepointY(q)-(sprite1.imagepointY(r)-sprite1.Y)

  • justifun - I'm going over your program and it's blowing my mind. VERY awesome. Not what I have in mind, but it's still VERY awesome! I hope to have the insight to do this straight outta my head in due time.

  • For clarification, I added a link to an image that better describes what I'm after. Check my second link in the original post.

  • Phyvo - I'll give it a go. Thank you!

  • Phyvo - LOL Math, in general, I get. Math via C2 is something else at the moment. At least as far as making happen what I want to happen...

    How would I access Object 1's image point to be set to Object 2's image point?

  • I'm attempting to create a pseudo-3D box.

    • Two sprites make up the top and bottom of the box - 1 on the "Floor" layer, and 1 on the "Top" layer.
    • Pending further adjustments, the paralax for Top is 75, 75, and Floor is 100, 100.
    • All sprites have five image points - origin point is at center while the other four are set to each square's corners.
    • The Sprite BoxBottom has the Solid behavior.
    • The player-controlled sprite, Player, has the 8 Direction, Scroll To, and Bound To Layout behaviors.
    • Layout size is 500, 500 with a window size of 250, 250.
    • With the exception of TopBox sprite, all sprites are currently on the "Floor" layer.

    The viewpoint is while looking top-down (think virtually all the PokeMon games, particularly where the buildings appear 3D as the Trainer moves about town). The lowdown of my goal is to connect the two BoxSide sprites to their respective corners of the BoxTop and BoxBottom sprites. With help of the paralax feature, the BoxTop will move at a different rate than BoxBottom, and the BoxSide sprites will redraw accordingly, creating a simulated 3D effect relative the perspective of the Player sprite as it moves around.

    For instance, if Player is standing to the immediate left of the Box, you will barely be able to see the left side. But the further away Player moves to the left, the more the perspective will shift, allowing the left side of the box to be seen. Move to another position around the Box and you'll see a different side of it.

    Ultimately, what I'm striving to do is use the image points as anchors at every tick. But I'm not seeing where I can reference one image point of one sprite to that of another sprite's image point. I see the Set Position To events/actions, but not specifically for image points.

    My BIG question is if it's even possible to make an image interact between two layers at the same time?

    Here's the .capx file at present... https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D6025908_4317202_6518506

    Here is an illustration to (hopefully) make clear(er) what I'm trying to accomplish. The graphics are "pixelated" (easier for me to draw), but it's the color scheme that matters, as that's what I have set up in the .capx above.


  • wretchedshark - Hmm...that .capx might just be the ticket. Gotta find a way to work it in to what I have set up already.

  • justifun & wretchedshark - Thank you both!

    Shark: Actually, I had considered that "flying punch" for another attack option, but, either way, it is definitely a solution.

    Justifun: I thought about that, too. But my concern is that the Set Animation To action will override any other animation the same sprite is currently playing, regardless where I have it pinned/attached. But that solution did come to mind. I think I'll have to create separate sprite as you suggested.

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  • I have a character sprite with multiple animation sets. Particularly one for running and one for punching. So that it does not look like my character is sliding across the floor while punching, I created multiple sets of animations - one of the top and one of the bottom halves of the run and punch animations. Four sets total, not including the full versions of both.

    In effect, what I hope to do is, while my character is running (bottom half of the run set), somehow "pin" (perhaps using the Pin behavior, perhaps not) the top half of the punch set to the bottom run set. Thus, I'd create the illusion of one animation set - punching while running. While I could just copy-n-paste both halves into a single set, this would create the problem the legs looking like they were reset mid-stride.

    I have an invisible platform object that the animations are set to that actually does the movements - that's not an issue. Individually, the animations are set to this platform object's origin point.

    What I'm wanting to do is see if it's possible to have two different animation sets active on the same platform object, but assigned to different image points, and will not conflict with one another.

    In summary...what I'm looking for is:

    The character is running (one set), then the punch button is pressed.

    The bottom half of the run set starts playing while the top half of the punch set plays through its sequence until it finishes.

    Once the punch set is done, the full run set resumes as normal.

    BUT, is it even possible to play two sets of the same sprite object simultaneously? OR, do I need to create a separate copy of the same sprite with the appropriate animations to be played at key times?

    Does that make sense? THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! <img src="smileys/smiley42.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • My dream game would place the player as an unassuming average individual who finds him/herself as one of the "random" people who stumbled into the world of CS Lewis' Narnia. No one every finds themselves in Narnia the same way, so it would be in the game.

    Much of Narnia's history is unknown and spans thousands of years between books. It would be unique (as best as a game can employ) for each player - no one would play the same story, although they may participate in related events.

    Each player would have to put aside their own ideas of how to solve problems and trust and obey the instructions of Alsan - even when the events in the game would suggest following those instructions would lead to the end of the game.

    Of course, there would be epic battles; a vast array of weapons and items to collect and make; and opportunities to explore the vast regions of the larger Narnia (Archenland, the Lone Isles, etc) by foot, horse (remember Bree?), and maybe even a boat as fair as the Dawn Treader.

  • wretchedshark - SIR! I think the missing piece is definitely the On any animation finished. Thank you, once again! :D

    On line 4, I disabled both of the Keyboard S/D is NOT down Events and that didn't seem to have any effect on the outcome of the animations. If I think on it long enough, it'll probably dawn on me - hopefully - but what precisely are those two conditions for in light of the whole project?

  • vee41 - *sarcastically to myself* Now why didn't I think of that? *facepalm*

    ramones - Just before I checked the replies here, I was talking it over with my development partner, and that very fact dawned on me. Lo-and-behold, I had another event telling the running animation to reset to an idle pose after the release of - get this - ANY key. *MORE facepalm*

    Thank you BOTH for your prompt replies and willingness to help.

  • There are some similar forum posts out there that have somewhat clarified part of my issue here - I now understand the difference between On Key Down and On Key Pressed. The latter waits for the release of the key.

    MY present issue is that I simply want to have an Action take place when the Event tests that a key has been pressed at all, regardless if the key is held down or released...or not. Just, was it pressed.

    My scenario is that I have a character who will throw a punch upon the K key being pressed. The Action that ought to follow is that the Punch animation will play...from start to finish, all six frames. However, whether I use either On Key Down or On Key Pressed, the animation is immediately interrupted when I let go of the key.

    (I've tried setting up a work-around - and almost got it "perfected" - but it's too lengthy to try to explain.)

    So, ultimately, what I want to happen is this...

    1) I tap the K key and quickly release...

    (SIDE NOTE: Presently, pending a solution, I can hold it down, whether by O.K. Down or O.K. Pressed, and the animation repeats until I release the key.)

    2) ...The punch then plays through a full sequence once regardless of the current true/false of the K key press in subsequent frames.

    I've made sure the Loop is set to No on the animation sequence. I've also tested On Key Released. None of them work for my desired result.

    Thank you for your help!

  • - I have one IN MIND...I just haven't implemented it at this very moment. But yeah, I know I'll need one. My first concern is simply getting it to respond and follow through with the whole animation with a mere key PRESS, with or without being held down or button released. If I can get that set up, doing any reset to the animation (such as an interruption from an enemy from behind) will come next.