Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • I'm thinking...a MULTI-citizen Sim-City: C2 Edition. Everyone's interaction with each other builds homes, condos, jobs, etc. Even picnic tables.

  • Interesting. That makes a little more sense.

    That's a completely NEW style of gameplay I've never even remotely thought of before. Talk about an MMO of a whole new calibre.

  • Whooaaa! So...I saw a lot of people typing Democracy and Anarchy. And then the bar at the top between the two. How does that factor in?

  • I'm still learning all the finer points of Tilemap, so I'd like to understand the outcome of this, too.

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  • What the heck is going on in that video?! LOL Or...is that LIVE? Honestly, I am not following what's happening. Explain to me what's happening here?

  • I know this question has been debated for all eternity - *GRINS* - but I was curious about everyone's take on this.

    What makes a game GREAT? Graphics? Controls? Innovations? Music? Story?

    But let's change it up a little... Rather than pitting these different areas against each other, how do each of these areas compliment each other? What do we lose if we don't have one area done well? There are obviously some game genres where one area doesn't really even apply (like a story in a strictly puzzle game), but this is not the case most of the time.

    What are your thoughts?

  • Kyatric - ALSO helpful to hear from you, man. :) And shameless plugs are fully welcome. LOL

    You have a great point. Whatever basic understand I think I have, it never hurts to go back for more, or to do a review. I'll surely take you up on that.

  • valdarko - Aye. I understand that the manual is meant to be a quick-reference guide, but it assumes a lot which leaves a lot of us newbs scratching our heads and not knowing which way to turn. I have a lot of BASIC experience, so that gives me only the smallest advantage of knowing where to dig. But I'm still left clueless because if that doesn't work out, I don't know where to go or what to ask.

  • One thing that I would LOVE to see in more tutorials is "behind the scenes" of how all the events and actions work in C2.

    For instance, I originally thought that "For Each" worked on iteration every TICK. So, for a For Each (1, 10), it would take ten ticks for it to complete, one tick per iteration. I later learned this wasn't true...rather, it would simply work "instantly", often running multiple iterations in a single tick.

    Had I had that understanding sooner - LOL - I probably could have saved myself a whole lot of troubles when I was first starting out. But it's hard to ask these questions about the various events and actions because I DON'T see what's going on behind the scenes. I don't see HOW the computer/editor is thinking and how it interprets its instructions compared to my understanding. Without being able to observe the differences between interpretations - mine versus the computer - I don't know what questions to ask to gain that understanding that I would OTHERWISE obviously need.

    Does that makes sense?

    A fellow C2izen recently helped me with a post I made earlier today regarding an infinite runner I'm trying to make. My error was simple enough once he pointed out to me. But it's those other things that even the debugger doesn't list that makes it hard to know what I'm doing wrong. On one hand, the Event sheet line seems to be in place! LOL But I'm still stumped because what I want to happen isn't working, and I don't know where to look after I've tried everything that comes to mind.

    I guess what I would just love to see is an intimate breakdown of how an event or an action "thinks" when it's put into motion. What are their parameters? When do other events/actions need to be added, removed, rearranged? When do those parameters start and stop? THAT is what I'd love to learn.

  • ArcadEd - Thanks, my friend. Your imagepoint suggestion was actually something I was trying before, but had trouble implementing. I think it's because of my failure to see the fact that I was spawning new Ground instances over existing ones. I'll try that again...

  • CAPX: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6ylu4xktzxcv3qk/Infinite%20Smasher%201-0.capx

    UPDATE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/was72iffd1nslmk/Infinite%20Smasher%201-1.capx

    I've been challenged by NotionGames to make an infinite runner as I learn how to better use C2. Challenge definitely accepted! ...buy oye, am I hitting a roadblock early on.

    When you run the layout, you should see four instances of the Ground object...top and bottom (picture a corridor from the side). I have it set up so that when the instances reach a certain X-coordinate, they'll cause the GroundSpawn objects to spawn new instances of the Ground object to keep the simulation of an endless corridor going while also keeping the overhead way down. No more than 4 or 6 instance of the Ground object should be needed at any given time according to my reckoning.

    However, no matter how carefully I look, I cannot figure out why the first four instances of the Ground object - at the start of the layout - do not trigger any new instances via the GroundSpawn. Could someone point out to me the problem, please, so I can understand what I'm missing? I'll work out a solution (although I won't mind if you make a suggestion, either).


  • sqiddster - Thanks, my friend. :)

  • *bump*

  • Blacksmith - *GRINS* I'll have to ADD more!

    I do have this VERY cool - well, I surely think it's cool - idea for the home screen. It's a mild touch of Matrix-ish interaction. Think "hacking".

  • Thanks, &

    Alternatively, or a variation of the old/young Sandy... Have Sandy B be the main character, but have Sandy A be the "unlockable" character where aspects of her past can be played in-game and detail parts of her story only hinted at in the main game. Like, let's say her main story hints at why she got into the superhero business... Well, somehow you can unlock a special level that lets you play as Sandy A to explore that sub-plot, thus adding replay to the game - finding hidden stuff - which also opens up deeper content of the character. People - like me - will eat it up like Cap'n Crunch on Saturday morning while watching cartoons in my pajamas.