Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • Wrangler - I actually attended that school online years ago. I even still have one of the books.

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  • Mancini - I actually use the same method for naming similar objects... the objects associated with each other "Enemy[this]" and "Enemy[that]"... Keeps them all together in my object bar.

    BluePhaze - I really like the idea of using variables as their own events checkers. I assume you find that expands on what C2 can do as far as available pre-made events/actions?

  • BluePhaze - I'm trying to become more adept at using Families. Just when I think I've got them "fully" understood, I find a bug related to them. LOL But yeah, I definitely need to use the more often. Families and Functions.......I "hate" Functions right now.

    Mancini & BluePhaze - I do use instance variables for things like that. But perhaps not enough.

    Do you guys think a variable name can be TOO long? I mean, if it helps describe the variable at a glance... How do you go about naming your variables?

  • Mancini - Great points.

    I actually started using Comment lines to group my events, too. Now I'm starting to use Groups more often with comments for more intimate detail. But using Comments surely does work.

    When you're using local variables for specific objects, why not use instance variables, instead? Can you explain on that further?aaa

  • Any programmer knows that you can accomplish the EXACT SAME result using virtually any variation of commands. Some will use the smallest number of commands, others will use more. Some will rely on variables, others will refer directly to properties of a given object. Nuances aside, of course...

    The more I learn about programming - and especially while learning to use C2 - I'm discovering new (and often better) ways to accomplish the ends I have in mind. As you have learned your craft/hobby in programming (again, particularly with using C2), what have you found to be most helpful? If you could pass on a helpful hint, behind-the-scenes information on how C2 works, a QUICK tutorial...you name it...what would it be?

    Be as precise and descriptive as you can be. Short of being too wordy (that's a fault of mine) how would you describe your ways of programming? Name an instance where you helped a newer C2izen (C2 + citizen) learn how to use C2 effectively. What works best for you in organizing your events? Such as organizing variables, groups, and so on. Do you find the Comment line helpful?

    Go to town, people!

  • Ribis - That's a feature I haven't explored using yet. Still much to learn...but that's definitely something I should explore as it'll probably come in handy for the bigger project I'm working on.

  • This isn't really a bug (I think) nor is it something I need help on (now that I know how this event works)...so this seems like a fitting sections for this post...

    I'm simply wondering if Restart Layout is supposed to destroy all objects. This caused me some unexpected "bugs" in my capx until I realized what was going on when I ran that action. On one hand, it does make sense. If not destroyed, then the objects remain and it's hard to reset the layout from the beginning with the prior objects still there. However, as I said, this resulted in some unexpected consequences, namely because I have other events that check for when certain objects are destroyed while the game is running. That resulted in some variables having incorrect starting values when the layout restarted.

    It would seem to me that Restart Layout shouldn't give On Destroyed any "heads up" while resetting everything.

  • Loving the input! I think this is where we can all help each other understand the different philosophies that go into game-making.

  • No worries, Tom! The overhaul looks great! A few bugs is almost to be expected. Especially when it's just one man, right?

    *grins* The ONLY thing I'm still waiting on is my one lightning download badge that was dished out as a quick draw. Seriously, I KNOW you have A LOT to do. All is well.

  • Good points! I'm hoping my iteration of an "infinite..." game proves at least worth a nod. I'm certainly mixing a few things up.

  • Thanks, Arima!

  • With the release of the new Forums and the fresh new arrangement of the Profile pages, I noticed that we can't catch a glance at the Rep rankings anymore. I was having some private fun as I worked my way up (last I checked I was at 119 or so). Just a fun source of pride.

    Anyone know what happened to the rankings?

  • Infinite Runners seem to be making a larger splash in the game market, I've noticed. I don't know quite when they started, but they seem to have had their debut on the mobile platform. And with some creativity, anyone can make one now.

    I'm never one to do anything "simple"...this is either a blessing or a curse. LOL I'm not sure which. But I'm working on my own variation of the infinite runner genre and hoping to release it as my first game on mobile and my first game, period.

    This got me to thinking... If you were to make (or are making now) an infinite runner, how would you change it up so it's not just another IR game with different themes/graphics/music? How would you "reinvent the wheel" that keeps on spinning...and spinning...and spinning...and spinning...?

  • Indeed, pixel perfick... It's one thing if you, speaking generally of the indie developer, are still learning and can only make a "so-so" game. But even the big names in the industry are becoming masters of shine but have virtually no polish. Not ALL big names, but many. Reinventing the wheel might be the most novel concept yet. And it's rarely even tried.

  • AWESOME input, guys! It's late, but I want to come back and comment more specifically to both of you. But you gave me some things to think about for my own works. Thanks!