Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • CAPX: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7n0hiss2jx4sioc/XDGAniLogoV3-1.capx

    I'm 95% finished with my animated logo...

    I added a simple feature to replay the animation by pressing the R key at any time, using Reset Layout & Reset Global Variables.

    However, when I press the R key at different points in the run, I discover not everything has been reset. Some objects are clearly not where they should be.

    Would someone explain what's at the heart of Reset Layout & Reset Global Variables, please? What do and don't they do?

    I put the event line at the very bottom. Shouldn't be hard to find at all.

    Thank you so much!

  • Binkus - Sorry I couldn't be more help - I have a TON of learning to do, myself. And Arrays I'm only mildly familiar with at present. I'll have to look into that CSV to Array deal, too!

  • LittleStain & blackhornet - Thank you, both, for your feedback. I think I've got a workaround that will take a few extra events - I'll just have to "manually" reference the exact coordinates I want each instance to be at. Thanks again for trying!

  • Yeah, to my knowledge there is no such editor. You'd practically have to build your own into the event sheet (not a serious suggestion). I hope you don't have large arrays to manage! Yikes!

  • CAPX: https://www.dropbox.com/s/75kl0jf3h80sxq6/XDGAniLogoV3.capx

    In the set-up for an animated logo that will be set before the game (just like the big boys do it), I'm attempting to arrange instance of an object so that they can "distribute" themselves to their final position after being created.

    To try to give a succinct overview of what I have so far...

    1. On start of layout, establish values of object instances (see capx).

    2. GROUP: Grid Pieces: Place LogoGridPiece instances at a distance to be Lerp-ed back in to a tic-tac-toe arrangement. The center instance will Lerp its opacity to 100 at the same rate the other 8 instances are moved back into place.

    3. GROUP: Randomize Trigrid Draw pieces: The instances of the LogoTrigridPiecesDraw object are manually placed on the layout in an ordered manner (covering two layers which will come into play later on when I write in the events), they will eventually form the letters "XDG" (remove the "XDGLettersOutline" layer and you'll see what I mean). I don't want the letters to be obvious initially. So every instance of the object here is randomized - positions swapped all the way through.

    4. GROUP: Trigrid Piece Placement: And this is where things get to be problematic. I've assigned every instance of the solid black LogoTrigridPiece object a number from 0 to 5 for one of the six instances of the LogoGridColorFlash object. The PLAN is to move the instances to one of the Flash object (underneath it). Then, each instance from one of the six positions on the board will Lerp to its original spawn location (represented by the HomeX and HomeY instance variables). The problem I am having is getting the instance variables, DisplaceX and DisplaceY to be set to the X and Y values of the Flash instance objects. The Displace variables are the other end of the Lerp distance to be traveled. So what ends up happening is that ALL the LogoTrigridPieces get thrust to the far left side of the window and slowly Lerp together...like cool looking ninja stars, which are fine, but not the goal.

    No matter how I try, I cannot get it to select one instance of the LogoTrigridPieces AND the correct Flash instance to store its X and Y coordinates into the DisplaceX/Y instance variables. For each iteration of the For Each event loop, I want to advance the WhichGrid instance variable to select the correct instance of the Flash object. And THAT much works...but the X/Y values never get stored to the Displace instance variables because it won't let me ALSO pick another instance of another object at the same time during the loop. Again, I've tried several different methods.

    Thanks for your time and support!

  • MelVin - Thank you, sir! Yes, indeed, it needs a lot of work. I'll revisit this project in the future, I'm sure, but for now I am trying to finish my animated logo for my game dev group (I don't have an established company) and then back to work on my two main projects.

    I really appreciate your time to check it out. Thank you!

  • bilgekaan - LOL Well, I suppose I could have made it a little easier to understand. This is was just a practice game that I made. Future games will be much more refined. But thanks for giving it a chance!

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    tgeorgemihai - Noted. Thanks.

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    I got a call from Nintendo yesterday.

    They said they received my application for development for the eShop on the WiiU. You can imagine my JOY when I saw the 425 area code appear on my phone (I'm from Washington; I even worked at, not for, Nintendo as a beta tester for Wii Fit). Immediately, I knew they were calling about my application.

    After the phone call and getting all set up in the WiiU developers forum, I informed another friend - already a developer for WiiU via Construct 2 - and he was telling me about the less-than-optimal performance of HTML5 on the WIiU, namely due to lack of WebGL support. Despite my slowly growing knowledge and understanding of all these snazzy features and plugins and whatnot, I'm more than aware of my ignorance on these things. I have a LOT of studying to do...

    So, I guess what I'm writing here about is to ask for your input about your experiences so far. What pointers can you give about WebGL (or lack thereof) issues. Alternatives. TIps. And so on. I understand that the WiiU supports Unity-made games, too. So, it'll be time to start branching out into other game editors... (But I LOVE C2!!!)

    Anything you can offer, I'm sure, will be of valuable help. Thanks.

  • Mrsuzi - LOL Sorry for the confusion. The arrow keys are disabled. The controls to move left and right are the A and D keys.

  • fawdda - Thanks! Maybe now I can make something a little more complicated, eh? LOL

  • lennaert - LOL I'm really glad you liked that bit. Hard any of the "extra" stuff fits the game - it's more of something I kinda slapped together. About the only thing that's consistent is the blocky graphics. The falling Game Over was just me trying to add another touch of silliness.

  • - I WONDERED about the changing BG color! Now I know!

    I'll play a few rounds again and post a pic.

  • lennaert - That's very odd. I didn't turn Game Load indicator off. (Why didn't anyone tell me about POST-release bug testing? LOL)

  • lennaert - All noted. Thank you. I'll get that worked out.

    There is no real "progress" other than that speed indicator in the HUD. It shows how fast you're going. Combined with the number of coins you collect, it's just a matter of getting as high as you can in numbers.

    - NICE WORK! And no, lol, that bird doesn't give up at all. He has issues.

    Did anyone get REALLY close to the bird without hitting him?