Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • Commenting so I can read later...

  • Colludium - Thank you for the explanation. I will surely need to study up, but I think I follow at least a little. I may call on you later for further assist.

  • Also, what is an "arccosine". Even in my brief time in Trig/Calc in high school, I do not recall ever learning about this.

  • Colludium - Alrighty...looking over your revision, in the first Function, "speed and velocity calc", you take the square root of the the sum of the X and Y velocity values each squared.

    Why the square root? What is the meaning of the maths here? LOL

  • Colludium - Just tested your example... WHOOOOAAA!!!

    That might work!

  • sqiddster - "In terms of 'why use physics at all', it's definitely a valid question, but if you've seen how bad the car movement felt when running into anything (i.e. it would come to a dead stop when just skimming a wall), then you'd be able to see why I suggested the move to physics."

    THAT was more of my doing because, given the drift settings in the Car behavior, certain collisions resulted in odd sideways movement that ought not to have happened. It was the lesser of two programming evils. I was trying to figure out a work-around and that was what I came up with at the time. ALSO why I decided to push back the near- and on-track obstacles as we had talked about.

    Colludium - Thank you. I shall check it out.

    One of the things Daniel has been trying to help me with is to keep to the KISS principle so I can actually FINISH a game AND make it FUN. So, I've been struggling to strip back features while still maintaining a quality game at its core. I've spent the last two years slooooooooowly learning how to do that AND how to program with C2, itself. Anyway, long story short, I appreciate the feedback and the suggestions. I need it so I can try things out and figure out what works for my ultimate goals.

    spongehammer - I realized (or Daniel pointed out to me) that part of the problem was that the wheels are attached at a single joint and not being made to stay straight. They were simply reacting to the in-game physics...even if I was applying force dead-center.

  • Colludium - Dude, that was like a whole DOLLARS worth! Thank you!

    The reason for the physics at all was at the suggestion of Daniel (@sqiddster), whose judgment I trust. He's certainly a lot further along than I am and his game, "Airscape", proves to me he's got insight where I don't. And he set up a pretty solid sample car driving capx using physics. So I was just following his lead.

    In his example that he created for me, he was using for wheels rather than just applying force to the body, as you described. So I was trying to emulate his lead.

    Anyway, all that's to say that I'm still trying to figure these finer details out. LOL

    And yes, the purpose of the physics behavior was specifically so that objects - cones, tires, barrels - that are collided into react as believably as possible. But the vector manipulation does sound more adaptable and easy.

  • BUMP

  • .capx https://www.dropbox.com/s/lpnr1lvd6eerzvk/RaceTheRadar%20v%201-9.capx?dl=0

    EVENT SHEET: E Car Controls

    I'm trying to set up a simple racing game where the driving is all based on physics. (I'm getting help from sqiddster, too, but he's busy with his game Airscape, so I don't want to solely rely on him). The ultimate goal here is to allow for smooth drifting through turns that are natural and flowing. I have been trying to use the Car behavior, but I can't quite get the mechanics solid. At best it's manageable; at worst it's like the car is sliding on ice through turns.

    My initial efforts are basic; just setting up the acceleration. My issue is that no matter how even I try to apply the force, the car continues to drift laterally to the left and enters a spin (the wheels also get disjointed when colliding with the layout boundary or an invisible wall I have set...makes me very glad I'm not in the car sales business anymore).

    I have made sure the car height (with frontend initially facing right, or 0 degrees) is an odd number so that the center point where the force is applied is "dead center". But this still had the car drifting laterally. So, I applied force to both of the rear wheels to try to balance out any lateral drifting...no dice; it still starts to spin slowly.

    Now, I get the general gist of physics here...well...what I remember from 8th grade. LOL But as applied in C2, I'm having trouble understanding what C2 is "thinking" when taking what I've programmed. I'm trying to read C2's mind so I can figure out what I need to change and why it's processing something different than what I intended.

    I'd appreciate any input and suggestions to solve this matter and to understand the C2 physics engine.

    (PS - I have read the manual and the tutorial by ASHLEY.)

  • Sargas

    I've also noticed this problem even without Groups in play. Just simply EVENT LINES, period.

  • ...Also, since we are on events - why aren't there any sensible keyboard controls for these? Keyboard left and right to close and open, pg up and pg dn to jump between top level events, home to move to parent event, etc. Always scrolling through the list, even with most things neatly grouped is a bit cumbersome.

    Great idea. But further, I'd like to see a similar option to move events up or down in their hierarchy with such simple key presses.

    LEFT - move event up in the hierarchy (reduced in sub-event status or becomes a main event line).

    RIGHT - move down in the hierarchy (or becomes a sub-event to the even line of the immediate event directly above it (even if the same event line has multiple sub-events of its own).

    UP/DOWN - Move an event line up/down, trading places with the event line immediately above/below it, regardless of hierarchy.

    SHIFT+LEFT/RIGHT - open/close selected (sub)event/group.

    SHIFT+UP/DOWN - move the event up/down to the very top/bottom of the next level of hierarchy.

    ...or something to that effect.

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  • seraphin: It's right up there in my original post. You can't miss it.

  • seraphin: Sorry, but I cannot do that. There is the demo that's available to try, though.

  • Kan - *GAAAASP* Oh, but you must! It's like going home to the SNES days, only "updated"! The new dungeons in familiar locations are a welcome feature.

  • Kan - With the new Zelda U title coming out, it's MORE than appropriate.