Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • UPDATE: April 22-23, 2015

    The last two days have been quite productive. I'm rounding out the finishing touches of the gameplay and should have a huge chunk of it finished later today/tonight.

    Completed so far:

      • Enemy behaviors in place: Drones that follow you, wall bouncers, and linear-moving drones that respond to whether the player is turning or not
      • Charge Shot weapon fully functional
      • Enemies suffer damage (up to 25% of max HP) depending on the amount of charge the Charge Shot is at when fired
      • Fully charging the Charge Shot allows it to phase through maze walls without hinderance
      • Added background paralax effects + the occasional shooting star
      • Tweaked controls to avoid keyboard "ghosting" issues
      • (If I didn't mention this in the previous update) the power-up pellets now gravitate toward the ship when within range

    Additionally, my artist, Emily, has been masterfully working on the design for the ship and it's coming out amazingly! I'm very pleased with her work. Here's a comparison of the final stages of her progress:

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  • UPDATE FOR April 21, 2015, 5:00 AM

    Several completed tasks today...

      Added several HUD features Added weapon power-up pellets (those red, blue, and green glowing dots) Set parameters for the weapons upgrades Completed upgrades of the main weapon

    Compared to the first images I shared above, what I have below is mostly just placeholders until better images are proved by Emily. Right now I'm focusing on the game features and actions.

    Ironically, the only thing I didn't get added as planned was the maze walls. That's next...but first, some sleep.

  • UPDATE April 20, 2015

    Work began promptly at 3am when the Game Jam began in my time zone (I'm not messing around! LOL).

    So far I've been able to get the preliminary controls established.

    Moving forward, stopping, rotating the ship, and firing the basic weapons. ...by that time, I was already very tired and crashed. Later (while I was still cutting some Zs), my artist, Emily Eason, began work on the 3D objects for the game. Her initial work is extremely exciting. Below is her first sample of what she sent me.

    Emily blew me away with this first sampling of her work...

    But then she sent me this and I knew things were going to look amazing!

    (As of this update, I'm still at work, so afterwards...) Next I'll be adding in the maze walls prior to Emily getting me the actual assets.

  • ryanrybot - Indeed. There's a lot of dual-mechanics and exploration to be had with the Blaster Master model. I definitely encourage you to keep on this project if you feel your heart is in it (don't wear yourself out on something you're not into, yourself). But I personally think you have a solid start (and then some) and will do amazingly awesome to include your own fresh spin on the BM model (I'm trying to coin a new phrase in gaming...pass it on LOL).

  • Inverse mode...and thus the minds will officially be yours to command. LOL

  • WOW! A very interesting concept. The dual horizons to defend is definitely a mind-bender.

  • WOW! I played through and loved it! I even found the hidden area with the extra shield. It plays very smoothly and right now my only main issue is that when the enemies are stationary, they can be hard to hit when just below the line of fire from the cannon. But still so fun.

  • I will need to come back to this soon - like when I'm off work and on my own computer.

    If I don't seem to reply in the near-future, by all means, PLEASE tag me or message me for feedback. I loved the original Blaster Master and long to play it all the way through again. So definitely "hunt me down".

  • I could only aford time to play a few rounds, but WOW!!! Very impressive. Even the title screen blew my mind! I look forward to hearing more about this number. WELL done!

  • I'm VERY impressed and in awe. I got all the way to the chest for that artifact, then got eat alive by bugs.

    You don't play very nice, mister! LOL

    This is a very solid incarnation of a 16-bit game. The animations are smooth and the character art is distinct and shows a great deal of expressions and personality. I appreciate the small gestures the characters make at key points in dialogue and interaction. Very creative.

    This is mostly likely due to C2's issues with seams between tiles, but it was very evident during movement. But, that's also forgiveable (especially since it's not fair to expect everyone's graphic cards to be running as it did on a dedicated hardware like the SNES).

    I was at work and had the sound down, so I couldn't comment on that. I suspect it's equally noteworthy, though.

    The introductions and back story feels rich. I liked the way you sought to lay a foundation for the story rather than just say, "Here, go on an adventure." You set the stage in a well-executed manner.

    I did find the controls and menu systems a bit difficult to navigate through at first...it might just be because I'm not as accustomed to keyboard controls like this. I'm usually a console man. Still, after some time, I grew better acquainted and all seemed well.

    The only other minor complain I have is that the ally seemed to rush up to attack before I ever got a chance to line up my shot. And I wasn't sure if I had to be "within range" or line up the attack with the bugs more precisely. I couldn't tell what the hit detection was like.

    All in all, though, this is a SOLID start and I'm impressed. I even loved the puzzle element of following the directions. I would have liked if the clue wasn't so quickly given by the character's dialogue and allowed the player to decipher it (I'm a major fan of the Professor Layton series on the Nintendo (3)DS and can't resist a good puzzle). So I'd like to recommend changing the dialogue there to allow the player to work out the path through the maze of tunnels.

    AMAZING game! Please keep up updated!

  • Already looks to be an epic and beautiful story and sidescroller!

    And I REALLY enjoy a good story!


    GENRE: Shoot-'em-up

    PLAYERS: 1

    PLATFORM: PC, web

    TAG LINE: #GotQuarter

    RELEASE DATE: April 26, 2015 (phase 1), July 31, 2015 (phase 2)

    What if you had to fend off aliens in Pacman's maze while dodging asteroids? The real question is: Got Quarter?

    I'm bringing 6 coin-op games from the Golden Age of arcades (plus one modern console as inspiration) to C2 and a PC near you.

    SUMMARY: Blast through a series of battlefield mazes as an endless gamut of enemies rush at you. Dodge (or destroy) giant asteroids careening all over the maze to slam into you. Your mission is to destroy each enemy base before waves of alien forces overtake you for good. Decimate the opposition - even capture them to use as friendly-fire - with upgradeable weapons! With an original, dynamic soundtrack and 3D-stylized graphics, Gradient Run will be a game you won't want to step away from.


      • Old school Golden Age coin-op gaming meets new-school mash-up frantic action
      • Battle it out against waves of alien forces in Pacman-inspired mazes
      • Upgrade your weapons in three categories: rapid fire, burst, and directional shots
      • Asteroids
      • Capture enemy units and use them against each other as your own wingmen
      • Charge up your shots and destroy large groups of invaders
      • Lots of asteroids
      • Dynamic soundtrack that's never quite the same each time you play
      • Game conditions affect the music
      • 3D pre-rendered graphics
      • HUGE asteroids!

    View full image

    Version 3 of the player's ship

    Gradient Run is as an ambitious entry to the Construct 2 Coin-Op Game Jam (#construct2coinop). Drawing inspiration from seven games (yes, seven...first it was three...then five...now seven). The goal is to survive escalating waves of various 3D pre-rendered (think: Donkey Kong Country Trilogy) enemies in maze-like environments and destroy four crystals in each round. And in each round, the enemies become more numerous, faster, and generally more gregarious (translation: annoying) than before.

    Like any good shoot-'em-up, you'll only start with your little pea-shooter of a weapon and have a few options to upgrade. These include rapid-fire, charge shot, and even some wingmen, and a couple others. Oh, and the asteroids come out to play, too. Yeah, I'm tossing that in there, as well.

    Quicklist of features and the games I'm adapting each one from...

      • ASTEROIDS - Controls and the asteroids floating across the maze.
      • GALAGA - Capture enemy units to use a forced wingmen against the opposition.
      • PACMAN - Level design.
      • XEVIOUS - Borrowing the air-to-surface attack and adapting as a surface-to-air attack against the asteroids beyond the maze walls.
      • R-TYPE - Charged shots to blast away large groups of enemies
      • GRADIUS - Similar to the delayed power-up system of Gradius, players will collect pellets dropped by enemies to build up to the next level of weaponry depending on the colored pellet collected.
      • GEOMETRY WARS - All the fast-paced hyperventilating action!

    The game will feature original music by my talented brother, Ryan Miller, and original 3D art by Emily Eason (herself very talented while also being very new to the world of 3D modeling and, even more so, video game art).

    BELOW in the comments are further updates.

    Welcome to my world, friends. Welcome!

  • - Uh...thanks.

    They aren't mine. I downloaded them from an art asset store. They fit best for what I had in mind.

  • Aphrodite - OH! Thanks!

  • Off the top of my head...

    1. Particles: the ability to set the facing angle (not the angle of motion) of each particle.

    2. Particles: collision detection of each particle (understood that this may prove to be problematic on the overhead...so this is just a fun idea).

    3. Conditional events that check for on refocus and on unfocus. There is already a Pause on unfocus, so already there is a system check for it.