Renfd's Forum Posts

  • Cool concept. It reminds me of Rampage 64

  • This game is wonderfull.Game mechanic is perfect.Actually,you should export this game on android.I think number of downloads might very much.

    Thanks! I have plans to export to android. I even generated an apk on with Canvas + and it ran very smooth on my android phone. The problem is that actually was banned from Google play. So i have to create a new account in a way that google cannot relate it with my old account.

    Maybe i will try to publish on Apple App Store first.

  • Little Big Runners just won the Action category on IGMC 2015!

    This is the updated version with bug fixes and performance improviments:

    This game had online leaderboards powered by, but unfortunately they closed its servers. So i had to remove online leadearboards until a find a new back-end.

  • Very nice effects! Thanks

  • Any news?

    If this has good performance on mobile i will definitely make a game with it

  • Sorry guys, I don't do demos for many reasons. In this case, well, it's a gamekit. The gameplay isn't necessarily where it shines, rather the systems behind it. I've seen bad reviews on template demos because they "weren't fun" or whatever...and that's not fair. The purpose of them isn't to be fun, it's to teach. I put together the trailer and feature lists so you have a very good idea of what this gamekit consists of. There's even a screenshot of the whole project structure in-editor.

    I'm sure there will be more reviews in the future. So far I've mostly been getting PM's and emails. So, if you're reading this, I greatly appreciate the feedback, but please leave your reviews on the scirra store instead!

    This doesn't make sense. Even without gameplay being central, someone that have interest in buying that will want to test the features in a working demo. I would never purchase a template without a chance to try a demo.

    But it is with you. You do what you want with your product. I just think you are limiting a lot the potential for this product to sell.

    Btw this looks to be a great template. Good luck with the sales.

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  • For native mobile you can use cramberry plugins that has support to some rewarded video services like chartboost, etc

  • I think there is no rewarded video service for web. Only for native. But would be great if has.

  • Very interesting. Can't wait to try it

  • Seems great. A playable demo would be good.

  • Hey rexrainbow. With the parse or firebase leaderboard plugin, is possible to make leaderboards with different time frames? Like Daily and Weekly leadearboards?

  • Very nice game! Parabéns!

  • With this plugin, is possible to make leaderboards with different time frames? Like Daily and Weekly leadearboards?

  • The price is very good in this humble bundle. The issue is the time to learn a new engine. If was about to learn a new tool, i would go for Unity.

    If your code is royally messed up and all on one sheet, there's going to be issues. Learn how to share events between layouts, etc, and you shorten the "slow down" problems.

    This doesn't have almost notting to do with performance, this is just organization.

  • Hey, nice plugin! Would be great if you add time frame options, like Daily and Weekly leaderboards.