Reflextions's Forum Posts

  • I don't have solid behavior on the tilemap. I don't want collisions on any of my tiles. The problem is tiles have collision by default and you have to disable every single one manually.

    I could just ignore it, but I frequently use collision polygons in the editor, and having tilemap collisions show up is pretty unwieldy.

  • Is there a way to disable collision for all tiles in a tilemap, or change the default collision to be off? Having to disable the collision for 500+ tiles is absolutely absurd.

  • Nice plugin, I hate doing UI and this is saving me.

    Bug report / fix for Dialog condition isOpened (always returns true.)


    > 	isOpened(){ return true; }

    Possible fix:

    > 	isOpened(){ return this.isOpen; }

    Having this issue as well. Thankfully, on opened and on closed is working so you can manually set a variable to track this.

  • When I have a major break I open an older version of my project on a new instance of Construct on a new window, works pretty well.

    You can also compare changes with git version control, tutorial here:

  • Same for me, in the process of switching over! Though I still think the vanilla UI is pretty unusable, too much white space...

  • With project folder saving official released, I'm curious how everyones save times are looking? My initial save took a few minutes, but seemed to go near instant after that.

    However, like 3 times today saving has taken multiple minutes again. Like it's re-saving every single file, including unchanged ones. It doesn't seem consistent though so I'm curious what I'm doing that make saves take a few seconds or a few minutes...

  • On the right panel, right-click on object name, then select Tools -> Project Statistics


  • In Construct 2 I was able to view my total event count. Is this possible in C3? Where?

  • Tilemaps are generally better for performance. And if you don't have any events/behaviors that require collision checks, then collision polygons don't matter.

    Thanks for the reply! I actually tested it by cloning a few hundred of both and found the tilemap to be way laggier for some reason... Is each tile is being rendered as it's own sprite?

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to make a tile-able staircase for my level designer. Wondering if I should use sprites or tilemap is appropriate for this situation. Here's an example of what I mean:

    A shows the collision polys, B shows the object polys. If the tilemap collisions are completely unused, do they use any processing power or extra memory?


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  • > Can you post the code section?

    Hey bro! Didn't need to make an spread, i just improved a bit your code and it works perfectly! Btw, thanks for it, but, you could help me in other thing?

    What's the other thing?

  • Can you post the code section?

  • What is your bullet speed?

  • > Side scrolling or top down? Either way, just add a random amount of angle to each bullet when created after you've set it's target.


    > So for example something like:


    > Bullet is created >

    > Rotate 360 degrees to mouse.x, mouse.y

    > Set angle self.angle + random(-5,5)

    Oh, i almost forgot, thanks for the code buddy! And, i have a question about your code, why is necessary the rotate 360 degrees?

    Angle of motion should work as well, does your bullet have movement? Can you post the relevant code section?

    360 is necessary for that event because the parameter is the max degrees the object can rotate toward the object in a tick. So if you do 360 it can set the angle in a single tick.

  • Side scrolling or top down? Either way, just add a random amount of angle to each bullet when created after you've set it's target.

    So for example something like:

    Bullet is created >

    Rotate 360 degrees to mouse.x, mouse.y

    Set angle self.angle + random(-5,5)