ProUI - Collection of Addons for UI

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From the Asset Store
Data+ is the best Data Management solution for Construct 3. It contains 4 Addons (Plugin & Behavior).
  • > Hi,


    > just bought UIpro for the radio button functionality. However, it seems like the comma separations to separate unchecked/checked frame-states are not working. I have followed the tutorial, everything seems to work for the unchecked frames, however, putting in frames after a comma doesn't seem to have any effect? Is this a known issue?


    Have you checked the demo project, and see how it's done there. You probably need to initialize proui.

    Let me know if you still have issues. Also make sure that the animation speed of the sprite is 0.

    Thanks, that was exactly what I was missing - the initialization:)

  • Hi, I have an issue with the plugin 1.73 (C3 version r218) Its giving a TypeError: Cannot read property 'updateLocals' of undefined error pointing at aekiro_gameobject.updateLocals(); I've sent you a message on discord but no reply.

    I have initialized proUI at the start of each event sheet but when I switch layouts (even to an empty layout) I get this error.

    Hope you can help! Thanks!!


    I actually just fixed this by removing 4 unused gameobject behaviours from objects in the main layer 0. The behaviours didn't reference anything and the objects were not children of anything..maybe that's why it crashed?? I guess it still shouldn't crash though! :)

  • Hi...

    Is there a way to set the Translation Key on runtime?

    Or to set it to a variable?

    I have objects created at runtime, but can´t find a way to set different keys for each object.


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  • Currently it's not possible to do that.

    What you can do is set the text manually in the "on created" event of the text object.

    On created ... SetText(translation.get(key)).

  • I was interested on this set of UI plugins but looking videos it uses "Game Object" that on C3 plugins appears as deprecated.

    Is needed to use your UI plugins or other similar behaviours can be used?

    Edit: And i dont know if you accept requests, but will be possible some SliderBar+TextValue in one?

  • Aekiro Are you available for hire? for some C3 plugins, UI related?

    If you have discord you can find me here to talk

  • I was interested on this set of UI plugins but looking videos it uses "Game Object" that on C3 plugins appears as deprecated.

    Is needed to use your UI plugins or other similar behaviours can be used?

    Edit: And i dont know if you accept requests, but will be possible some SliderBar+TextValue in one?


    It's the free version of gameobject that's deprecated, it's a bit different than the paid one. The paid one is still supported.

    Honestly I don't take requests at the moment.


  • Nice plugin, I hate doing UI and this is saving me.

    Bug report / fix for Dialog condition isOpened (always returns true.)


    	isOpened(){ return true; }

    Possible fix:

    	isOpened(){ return this.isOpen; }
  • First, thanks for a great product!

    I was planning to use a number of button/dialog pairs to work kind of like a tab view, with each button first closing any open dialogs and then opening its own dialog (tab). However, the non-modal dialogs block access to the buttons, thereby preventing this to work. Is this by design or is it a bug? I would have expected only modal dialogs to block everything outside the dialog.

  • First, thanks for a great product!

    I was planning to use a number of button/dialog pairs to work kind of like a tab view, with each button first closing any open dialogs and then opening its own dialog (tab). However, the non-modal dialogs block access to the buttons, thereby preventing this to work. Is this by design or is it a bug? I would have expected only modal dialogs to block everything outside the dialog.

    Sorry for the late reply.

    Yes it's by design. Buttons are disabled under an opened dialog (modal or not).

    To force enable a button that's under a dialog, just set the "ignore input" option of the button to NO.

    A modal dialog means that when it's opened no other dialog can be opened.

  • In that case I just have to enable the buttons. Thanks!

  • Nice plugin, I hate doing UI and this is saving me.

    Bug report / fix for Dialog condition isOpened (always returns true.)


    > 	isOpened(){ return true; }

    Possible fix:

    > 	isOpened(){ return this.isOpen; }

    Having this issue as well. Thankfully, on opened and on closed is working so you can manually set a variable to track this.

  • > Nice plugin, I hate doing UI and this is saving me.


    > Bug report / fix for Dialog condition isOpened (always returns true.)


    > Currently:


    > > 	isOpened(){ return true; }

    > Possible fix:


    > > 	isOpened(){ return this.isOpen; }

    Having this issue as well. Thankfully, on opened and on closed is working so you can manually set a variable to track this.

    Bug fixed. Please download the last version from itch.

  • Thank you! This looks really good, I love it

  • Hi, I just bought your addon.

    I know this might be a silly question but how do I add the proUI event to my project?

    I've installed the addons, but when I go to the events page and try to have it start on start of layout, ProUI does not show in the list. Am I doing something wrong?

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