RBuster's Forum Posts

  • The total of the values ??corresponding of the remaining objects.

  • mindfaQ: Sorry for my mistake. With regards to the game, the code typically randomly chooses an amount of objects (1 to 5), sum the corresponding values ??and then displays the result in the panel. The player can choose these same objects or others with different values ??but the sum result must have the same that appears in the panel. When the sum is OK, clicked the objects are destroyed. The problem happens in the end to catch the value of the remaining objects (03 or less) and show this value in panel for the player click in these objects for to go to the next level.

    Wastrel: Unfortunately I can't provide the file because it is already the final project with images and sound files. Sorry for that.

  • No one to help?

  • I created a game of addition. The user has to add multiple objects with numbers to make the result equal to that shown in a panel. Each time the sum beats, objects are destroyed on the screen. Everything is OK until reach the last 3 objects on the screen, when the result must be the sum of the remaining objects.

    I used the code bellow (but not worked):

    System> objects <or = 3

    �������� Pick all objects

    �������� is on-screen objects

    ��������������� System> For each object: System> add to objetos.AnimationFrame to numPanel

    How can I fix it? Thanks.

  • UP

  • I have a question about the distribution system created by Currently the created sprites stay all close together. How can I do to set the distance between them. Thank you.

  • Hi TELLES0808

    Could you reupload the capx file, please? Thanks.

  • Very nice, Thank you.

  • Thanks, I really liked this solution.

  • Ok. Let's go:

    Pick ship_1_mid instance ship_1_mid.UID

         ship_1_mid is overlapping family1: ship_1_mid destroy


              ship_2_front shipID = family1.UID: ship_1_mid destroy

              ship_2_front is overlapping family1

              family1 shipID # family.UID


                   ship_3_end = shipID = family1.UID: ship_1_mid destroy

                   ship_3_end is overlapping family1

                   family1 shipID # family.UID

                   Else: Add 1 to ship_placed

    family1 on destroyed

         System Pick family1 where family1.ShipID = family1.UID: family1 destroy


    I know something is wrong, because overlapping occurred.

    That's great that you are interested in the proposal. I'll be waiting a PM.

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  • Thanks for all the tips,

    I also have knowledge in computer graphics programs, such as max, cinema 4d, after effects, premiere pro, sony vegas pro, and other programs of its kind. But my intention was always to work with games.

    I've done several games using the tutorials and I created 06 games based on what I saw . This problem always occurs when I try to do something different than I have done . I can understand something, but some procedures are more difficult . This is the case of the "array " . Until today I do not quite understand how to use it .

    I'll create a portal of educational games for free access and I intend to create 15 games per month. This naval battle game, for example, when finalized, will be used to train multiplication tables, like a said before. I need a guy like you to help me. Do you have interest in give some advice on games that I have difficulty to build? I would like to pay you for it. If yes , how much you'll charge ?

    Regarding the script about the battleship , I did the following :

    Family1 shipID = ship_1_mid.UID

    for each Family1

    ????ship_1_mid is overlapping Family1 : Destroy ship_1_mid

    ????????????????????????????????????????System Subtract 1 from Nr_of_placed_ship

    ??????????????????ship_2_front shipID = ship_1_mid.UID : Destroy

    ??????????????????ship_3_end shipID = ship_1_mid.UID : Destroy

    ????ship_2_front is overlapping Family1 : Destroy ship_2_front

    ??????????????????????????????????????????System Subtract 1 from Nr_of_placed_ship

    ??????????????????ship_1_mid shipID = ship_2_front.UID : Destroy

    ??????????????????ship_3_end shipID = ship_2_front.UID : Destroy

    ????ship_3_end is overlapping Family1 : Destroy ship_2_front

    ??????????????????????????????????????????System Subtract 1 from Nr_of_placed_ship

    ??????????????????ship_1_mid shipID = ship_3_end.UID : Destroy

    ??????????????????ship_2_front shipID = ship_3_end.UID : Destroy

    No ships appears in the screen

  • I use this:

    family1 shipID = ship_1_mid.UID

    for each family1

        family1 is overlapping family1: family Destroy

                                        System Subtract 1 from Nr_of_placed

    but not work. Maybe the problem is the subevent that verify if overlap happens?

  • Before all, thanks for the tips and come here on Sunday to help.

    I've noticed that the logical issues are very easy for you. For me, programming, even with so many facilitators as they have in Construct2, is more difficult. I know it's a matter of logic and commands are details. I think that I should invest in logic. Would you recommend something for this (book / website / etc). It has to be for beginners.

    I think (just think) that I understood your explanations and I'll try to implement them. I hope that I can still consult you.

    Thanks again.

  • Avoid overlapping of ships with the border sprites is simple. However, to avoid overlap of ships of other ships, divided into several parts is very complicated, mainly because I will have to create 05 different types of ships. Perhaps the hardest part of the game.

    I'll check the overlapping in "Ship_1_mid on created" event and destroy that part if overlapping is confirmed. If not, I'll create the other parts (end/front) after the "else" event.

    Sometimes 03 ships appears, but after several refreshs, one or more ships disappear sometimes.

  • Nice solution, nimos100

    I found very difficult to use "while". I only had used REPEAT and FOR before.

    As you said, the ships are still overlapping others ships. I thought to include the condition "Ship_1_mid is overlapping family" in the group "Ship overlapping checker"? Anyway to use "or" and "and" together in the same conditions block?

    I had not commented, but I keep using the grid instead of creating ships in coordinates. I want that ships are included in the columns and rows. To create different angles, I'm using CHOOSE pointing angles 0/90/-90/180