RBuster's Forum Posts

  • Nice. You could create a IOS application for test because is not necessary a account.

    I already configured the system and installed the devkit. I'll get to test some applications tomorrow. Let me know if I can help you with something. Do you used the solution suggested for them (6 steps - (http://www.gameclosure.com/blog/2013/03/space-blaster-meets-mobile)?

  • Thanks szymek Colludium spy84 Be aware about the tutorial not easy as you think, it does contain a lot of steps.


    Just one question: When you say that the tutorial will contain many steps, it is because you will show how to install the Game Closure's DevKit and how to use it? Because I understand that they are only 06 steps to adapt the game for mobiles. So you intend to explain all the process to create apps for android and Iphone?

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  • I'll try to decipher it tomorrow. Anyway, Joannesalfa has already deployed game closure in several games and intends to create a tutorial soon (http://www.scirra.com/forum/ive-seen-the-comments-about-c2-and-cocoonjs_topic76530_page8.html).

  • I've got working C2 games with Game Closure, I will make tutorials soon.

    Great news and great expectations. I'm in line. :)

  • marcel1980

    Did you used the GC in a game produced in Construct 2? If yes, has experienced an improvement in performance?

  • Hi marcel1980

    It seems to be very interesting. I'll read more carefully and see it's possible for me to use this solution. Thank you.

  • Colludium: Thanks for the info. I'll check it.

  • Ashley

    Coincidentally we thought the same thing. I just read your message now. I have sent 03 emails to Ludei since yesterday, and I got no response so far. Besides the problem with the physics behavior (http://www.scirra.com/forum/low-fps-in-cocoon-launcher_topic78756.html?KW =) and the issue of having to turn off the WebGL, which I believe to be essential, I also questioned the reason for the application to be three times larger than the original. Do you know why?

  • Well, after reading several threads and make many tests, I decided to disable WebGL and finally could see my game on mobile. I found this very strange and I wonder if anyone has any plausible explanation. I noticed glitches in the background music. I decided to check the console and found only a warning: Not found getElementById: c2canvasdiv.

    Note: I said I had not used behaviors, but actually I used a: LiteTween. I would remove it when I had the idea to turn off WebGL.

  • Hello jayderyu

    As I said before, I used just a cube with 9 frames and the physics behavior, that is replicated in 32 instances. Besides the cube, some sprites transparent at the edges of the screen and a background image.

    It is strange that only 32 objects cause much delays. I took a look at a demo in CocoonJS launcher (Box2D) and the situation is similar, but on a much larger amount in the case of the demonstration.

  • Hi ASHLEY.

    No errors and no messages. The game is still running. I know this because besides listen to the soundtrack, I also hear the sound effect when you touch the screen and interact with the cards.

  • I created a simple game of logical sequence (no behaviors) and performed all the procedures to create applications for Android and IPhone through CocoonJS. Then I installed the file in Samsung with Android 2.3 and when I went to play, only able to hear the background music. The screen is dark. I had tested before through the launcher, and it happened the same things but the game screen appeared a few times. In this case, when the level changed, the background music is that disappeared, leaving only the sound effects. I'm trying to get support with Ludei, including to another problem I'm also having with another application, but I have urgency to fix this because it is a demonstration for a company. Thank you.

  • Thanks AnD4D, but not improved. I changed the option for Standard web-based game and became much worse, ranging between 1 and 4 FPS. Any other idea?

  • AnD4D

    Thanks for the reply. Cocoon plugin is the same of Cocoon object? How can I change de physics from accelerated to web?

  • I exported my game for Cocoon and I used the launcher after to test it and the FPS has not reached more than 8. Extremely slowly. The game generates 32 instances of a cube with randomly selected frames, falling from the top of the window. The cube is using Physics behavior with the default settings. The screen is 720 x 480 px. The game is running normally in the browser. Is possible to run a game with these features in a mobile? When I build the application, the game will be faster? I really need some help to solve this problem, because I intend to use "physics" in all my games. Thanks.