RBuster's Forum Posts

  • Thanks LittleStain

    I really need to understand the whole process. If it's not too much trouble, could you give me more details?

    The user accesses the map editor that contains draggable objects (items) and before positioning the items over the the map he needs to save it, right? How could the program save this informations? (each time that user drop an item I have to save this location on the local storage? and after that the program will save local storage informations in Json file? How (procedures, format, etc)? I'll need to use Ajax for save Json, right? I'll need to store each map in a different json file?)

    Thanks in advance

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  • Some help?

  • Thanks

    I think that I need to use web storage and Json. I've some doubts about Json: can C2 write son files? If not, how can I do this?

    I'll wait some suggestions or maybe simple examples of how to do this.

  • Hi guys

    I've a map that I use as background. The map is all divided into squares and I put items over the squares, like fuel, money, health, life, etc. for the player collect them. Just it.

    I intend to create a map editor and I don't know how to do to save the custom map created by user and how to provide it to another players. Maybe I'll need to use a text file with the variables values for each item to store its position and a boolean to check if the player put the item or not and load this information from internet? I really don't know how to proceed.

    I want to include an option to the player choose after finish the game if the custom map created by another user is okay or not. If the map receive 3 rejections, it is eliminated from the repository.

    Thanks in advance for any help

  • Thanks LittleStain

    I've tried "for each amount". But I wonder why this problem didn't happens in the other sprite/amount objects if it's the same logic?

  • LittleStain

    I got a new error that I'm not understanding what's going on. This time, the amounts aren't updated on start of layout. I combined the both situations in an unique project. Although I've estipulated different amounts to the variable, only two sprites show it (sprites on the top > frames 1 and 5). Whether It's a weird behaviour or I'm totally blind and not found the error. Please, give a look.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/jy6a8x18u60t6 ... .capx?dl=0

  • Sometimes I can't see the obvious. Thank you LittleStain

  • I'm having problems to define different amounts. Some help?

    Thanks in advance.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/m9po5r07n529q ... .capx?dl=0

  • Thank you korbaach

    I didn't remember how it was. I had changed drag'ndrop event for on touched. Now I'll need to remember what I did. But sorry again and thanks anyway for you time.

  • I''l really appreciate that. No problem if it's not the same. I need that kind of solution to redo my project.

  • Hi korbaach

    Sorry, but do you still have this file? I lost my files and I need to check this script again.

  • Could you tell me what you did? Intel XDK does not accept to use these plugins together because both have included the game service feature.

  • matrixreal

    Did you included both plugins in intel xdk (admob and appodeal)? I'm not getting. I can include one or other to build my app.

  • I'll try to use chartboost again. I can't use Appodeal and Admob together. Did you test it?

  • Hey guys

    I'm trying to use these plugins with Intel XDK and I'm not getting. I tried with both CLIs (5.1/4.2). Please, if you used one of this plugins, tell me what the CLI you used and if you had to do something different to got it.

    Thanks in advance