Intel XDK screen orientation!!!! help!!!!

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  • hello,

    Iw been poking arround this for days...

    I had it working some time ago but now it just dont work anymore... (recently updated XDK to latest version and also iOS to latest) i dont know whats the problem!?

    Iw installed cordova-plugin-screen-orientation, set portrait in project setings in C2 and in XDK i even set browser object orientation lock as first event (that worked before) and nothing... screen still rotates!

    Does anyone know how to sucessfilly lock to portrait?

  • Hello irinia, for your problem so :

    • in c2 put orientation : "any" in project properties.

    after in xdk :

    • import your html5 page
    • click project (right top btn)

    -in cordava hybrid mobile app settings you are 4 btn in blue color, choose what type of build do you want (clic case what you don't want)

    • build setting after and + btn, choose orientation portrait (look the window name just bottom build setting is type of build do you want)
    • build and ok

    I hope is clear, sorry for my bad english.

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  • fred37000


    I am still in test phase so i am previewing in intel xdk app on ios but as soon as im ready for build ill try your solution.

    Meanwhile i am still looking for a way to lock screen on test app.

  • fred37000


    I am still in test phase so i am previewing in intel xdk app on ios but as soon as im ready for build ill try your solution.

    Meanwhile i am still looking for a way to lock screen on test app.

    If you are testing in Intel App Preview on iOS, orientation lock doesn't work. It doesn't work for me there, either. But when published, it works for me.

  • grigrizljac

    Oh, thank you for this information!!!!!

    Very, very helpfull... i may resume my work after days of headache and torture...

  • ok sorry, it's work for me for android, this help me for ios version. Thanks

  • no one help me here but just follow fred37000 instruction. As grigrizljac state i wont lock during simulation in intel XDK but after publish to you phone it lock.

  • So. I used that plugin for the previous version of my app but now it stopped working.

    I want my app to work in landscape only. Android worked fine, but ios did not.

    After hours of tinkering with XDK and plugins (and C2's lock orientation action) the best I managed was that the app started in portrait and then after I changed to landscape, it locked correctly. It was clearly unacceptable though.

    So, I just abandonded XDK and did ios version through phonegap cli + xcode (also installed admob as a plugin). It worked fine and locked correctly.

    I just can't recommend XDK for ios builds.

  • tavi

    Very useful information. Could you tell me the procedures to generate ipa from xcode with phonegap cli? And about the performance?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hey guys

    If you intend to build using CLI 5, include this lines on top of the intelxdk.config.additions.xml

    <platform name="ios">
        <preference name="Orientation" value="landscape" />
    It works very well.
  • RenatoB

    Performance when built with cli+xcode is better than that of XDK for ios.

    1. You create phonegap project (google for exact command)

    2. Put your app into www folder

    3. "phonegap run ios"

    4. Go to platforms/ios, you see an xcode project there.

    5. Publish with xcode.

  • Thanks tavi

    Can I make changes in Xcode (icons/splash screen/orientations/etc)? Important: Can I include ads and other cordova plugins directly in Xcode?

    Edited: I don't know how to run iOS in phone gap (3. "phonegap run iOS"). I found an app, but only to preview it. Any clue?

  • RenatoB

    Yes. You can edit some properties of the Xcode project - like screen orientation, splash screens, icons, localisations, etc.

    You can add cordova plugins in cordova, before you make a project for xcode.

    "phonegap run iOS" is a command-line command that will build the xcode project out of your html (generated by Construct2).

    You can read about the phonegap commands on the phonegap site.

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