RBuster's Forum Posts

  • RenatoB i also can not build admob for ios, chartboost should be ok, but in my build I only have charboost plugin, no admob, so I am not sure if your fail caused by the two plugins conflict

    I removed admob and I tried only the chartboost or revmob. Although i don't got any error message, ads are not showing.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I've tested on iPhone/iPad and no ads until now. I downloaded the plugins again to test them and maybe...

  • > : Are you using the phonegap chartboost plugin (cranberry)?


    I'm using Cordova Chartboost Plugin.. The same plugin that worked for me two months ago and showed ads. It's always when Intel updates XDK, they always screws something up. That's why I dread a new update they release.

    https://github.com/cranberrygame/cordov ... chartboost

    I'm using the same plugin. Nothing happened before built the app in CLI versions 4 and 5.

  • Awesome!! Thank you! I think that's exactly what I need to create a map editor. I'm looking for a solution that allows the player organize obstacles (sprites) over a map and save this information externally (on server) for another player get it and play. If the map is bad and receive 3 rejections, it will be deleted.

  • Hey guys

    If you intend to build using CLI 5, include this lines on top of the intelxdk.config.additions.xml

    <platform name="ios">
        <preference name="Orientation" value="landscape" />
    It works very well.
  • Hey guys

    If you intend to build using CLI 5, include this lines on top of the intelxdk.config.additions.xml

    <platform name="ios">
        <preference name="Orientation" value="landscape" />
    It works very well.
  • : Are you using the phonegap chartboost plugin (cranberry)?

  • Me too, korbaach

    Thank you for all your help.

    Is it possible to use this solution to save user information (items/sprites arrangements for example?)

  • tavi

    Very useful information. Could you tell me the procedures to generate ipa from xcode with phonegap cli? And about the performance?

    Thanks in advance.

  • LittleStain

    Did you received my PM yesterday?

  • RenatoB appodeal is working fine for me , the key is not use cranberry appodeal plugin, use the plugin from appodeal official website, but there is a problem, appodeal's ads load very slow, sometimes i need to click several times for ads to show. For chartboost, i have no problem, you can not build?

    Same here. I'll remove Appodeal. And about Revmob? Any progress? I need to try something else than Admob. In the last days, Admob interrupted my campaign for problems that don't exist. I have to filling forms and wait sometime hours or days.

    Do you consider Charboost better than Admob? And Revmob? And about you ?

    Could you explain the whole process that you did to implement charboost and rev mob?

    Thanks in advance

  • Great. No problem, I do it. I'll prepare the file and sent you the link by PM. Thanks.

  • I never used tilemap object, so I don't know how to do this kind of game with it. I intend to use tilemap objects to create the custom maps editor because it's another game option/mode and it doesn't interfere in the standard game. If have some time, could we build a custom maps editor together ? I'll create the file and we talk about it and after it was finished I commit to create a tutorial. What do you think?

  • I filled the map with squares (60 x 60) and the items are different animations of theses sprites (squares). But for the editor I intend to create draggable items.

    The process seems to be very complicated. I'll try to find theses tutorials that you mentioned.

  • The player needs to put the item over a square with sprite on there. When the player save the map, I'll need to destroy these squares that overlapping by items. In this case what's better: a tilemap-object or an array?

    If I save the custom maps using local storage, the others players cannot access these maps, right?